Six Flags St.Louis - 4/2

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Well, all that I have to say after leaving the park is... WOW! Let me tell everyone about my GREAT day!

Got to Six Flags St.Louis with my friend at about 10:15, it was sunny (no clouds) and fairly cool outside. I noticed that the construction on Tornado is almost done, all that they need to add is the slide from the entrence to the funnel. I also noticed that every single metal detector was working and there was no line at all. When we got to the turnstiles, employes were everywhere with cameras and me and my friend got 3 different pictures taken of us. (even when we said that we already got one) The park looked good as new and very clean. (as usual) Then I got my season pass I.D. Only waited about 10 minutes at the most.

First up was Xcalibur, because my friend has never been on it yet. There was no one in line so we just got on right away. The ride was fun as usual, but my friend got sick and he had to sit down.

Next up was Mr.Freeze. THERE WAS NO LINE! We got up front and we had a blast. I LOVE THIS COASTER! I left my hands up in the air going backwards up the top hat and I felt like I was going to just slide out of my restraint, it scared me but it was fun to be lifted out of my seat upside down. (usually there are forces pushing you down) When I was on the exit path on the bridge going across Thunder River, there were 2 guys taking pictures of Thunder River being filled up with the water. I noticed that they had these other roller coaster shirts and possibly a Coaster Enthusiast vest (?) Anyone know who they were? (Mr.Freeze was running only 1 train)

Since Scooby-Doo was across from Mr.Freeze, we decided to ride it because there was again NO LINE! It was fun and I got around 800,000 ( I think) LoL! And I was surprised for the ride-ops to ask me if I had a fun ride. I said that I had a blast, which I did. We ended up going on Scooby-Doo 3 times. The 2nd time, my friend left his *Twist it* bottle in the boat and when we came back for our 3rd ride, the ride-ops found it and kept it by the controlls and my friend got it back! = D

Fun day so far...but it got even better!!! 100 x better!

We then decided to go ride Batman:The Ride. I was surprised to see the gum splattered wall covered up by the entrence of the Gotham City Sewer Pipes. There was about an 8 minute wait to get on since it was the 2 ride offer at the park today. There were as usual 2 trains running. Same ride...same fun! The ride-ops actually were raising their thumbs for departure and they had all their attention on the guests. I rode 3 rides on Batman all day. All 3 great!

Next, we headed on River King Mine Train. No wait! Got on, a bit jerky but VERY fun! They didn't have the flashing lights on at the beginning of the tunnel but at least the tunnel was almost pitch-black. 2 trains were running all day. We got on about 3 times. Ride-ops were great, there were only 2 in the station but they were faster than ever. There was even a worker at the exit saying "Have a great day!" One thing I didn't find fun was that in the tunnel at the end when we were going down I felt water splatter my face and then I found out that someone in the front spit and it flew back onto everyone's faces! =(

The only ride that was down all day was Rush Street Flyer and I noticed that it got new paint on the sign in the front by the railroad station.

We headed up to Screamin' Eagle, the first thing that I noticed was that they retracked the entire finale of the ride (brown wood instead of white). There were as usual 2 trains running, no surprise. We went to the very back and there was really no wait towards the back. It was so funny when these girls in the train before us were rapping out songs and they were like "This ride is bumpy!" then the coaster started to leave the station (2 ride special) and they started to scream and yell "We ain't wanna ride again!" over and over. Then the ride-ops stopped the coaster but the girls were all "we were just kidding." It was a good laugh or two there. Then we got in the blue train in the very back. At the top of the lift, we got stuck for about 2 minutes. With the retracking at the end, it made the ride smoother which was awesome. I got so much airtime this year, I think this was the 1st time I got airtime on The Screamin' Eagle. The sudden stop is a bit too soon but was unexpected. When we got off we found out that a woman threw up in the front somewhere and they had to close down the coaster. They cleaned up pretty fast because it was only down for like 10 minutes. We rode 2 more times which were great!

Next up was The Boss. There was actually a line and we waited for about 30 minutes since everyone was getting 2 rides. Somehow I got into a conversation about the Boss with someone I have never met before. I love the boss to death, and still today it hasn't let me down for an extreme ride. Today it seemed to go even faster but I don't know. We rode it 3 times. All extreme! There was as usual 2 trains running.

I noticed that there were all new lamps everywhere around the Britannia section of the park.

I have no clue what was going on in the Thunder River station but I think that a whole bunch of ride-ops/employees were practicing for drills in case of a boat capsizing because they were all holding orange life jackets. What was weird was that they filled up Thunder River with water then they tested it for awhile then they drained it. I was hoping for them to open it.

We also went on the ferris wheel which I havn't been on since 5 years ago.

We also went on The Ice Mountain Splash like 5 times because they let us stay on and I got a "watch out for your head!" from a ride-op. There was this nice ride-op that was telling us when we got in the log to not go fishing or swimming and I laughed. Both sides were running until like 5:00 where one side closed down. ***I noticed that they installed water cannons on the right flume at the beginning. They weren't on yet, but keep an eye out for when you might decide to ride Ice Mountain Splash. There were about 10 of them, so I have a feeling that you might just get soaked***

After that we rode the Moon Cars which were relaxing and enjoyable to ride. The ride-op who drives the cars in the station was telling us not to pick up any hitchhikers. Again the ride-op gained a laugh from me.

For lunch we ate at Screen Stars Diner, we walked in and I ordered the Awards Meal (#4) then the girl was jumping around asking me if I would like to "TWIST IT UP" and had no idea what she meant so I said sure. And she yelled "TWIST IT UP" then she rang a bell. I was kind of freaked out because I had no clue what was going on. But what it was...was those orange/green (you choose) plastic bottles that you can get $1 refills with. Great idea that twists around the *NEW* attraction in Hurricane Harbor which is obviously Tornado. The food was expensive but actually very good. I ate it all up. = P (I was hungry!)

We sat around then we went on The Ninja about 3 times in a row. This was the smoothest that I've felt on The Ninja ever even though it's never rough on me. That chain lift return gets me EVERY freaking time. I actaully ducked in my seat. Beware of that bad-a$$ headchopper effect. (also on Boss alot with wood) 2 trains were running on the Ninja. Again the ride-ops were asking me if I had a good ride and if I was enjoying my day. As I said "Couldn't get any better!"

All in all, there were employees everywhere you looked walking around greeting you and asking if you're having fun and the rides were run better than ever. The food was great. Great weather, got pretty warm too. No trash anywhere except in the trash cans that were on every pathway. Surprisingly every food cart was open too and so was every game and restaurant. Six Flags has really inproved this season.

2005 season we got Tornado and better and happier employees/ride-ops!

2006 we get a NEW coaster. (hopefully) Maybe even a new themed section in the park with a drop tower!

Oh yeah, I looked into the graveyards today too and they were pretty much empty and there were trucks and cars all in there with different people standing around. No clue what was going on! *hint*hint*

I was very pleased with my visit and I hope I enjoy every other one this season. Thank you for your time! Hope you enjoyed it! = D

*** Edited 4/3/2005 3:38:45 AM UTC by SFSTLsteven***

"Member of -- First Six Flags St. Louis Fansite"
Well, it sounds like SF is really trying to live up to the commercial with much improved customer satisfaction. I've heard positive reviews from pretty much every SF park that has opened in that regard. Hopefully, they will continue this better service throughout the year and not just have it fade away as the highschoolers start coming in over the summer for a summer job.

If you can't stand the heights, get out of the line.

Actually, most of the ride-ops looked young. And alot of people from my school already work there. There were plenty of them helping the guests. As you can tell, I was very pleased!

"Member of -- First Six Flags St. Louis Fansite"
Nice TR. BTW, for anyone who has ridden Tornado or anything like it, how do you know when the funnel starts. I mean, how do you know you're actually in the funnel. Is there a drop? I plan to ride the one at SFHH Arlington this year.

John Moore

It's so refreshing to read good TR's from SF parks. I really hope this is the year SFI turns it all around for the better. So far, from other SF trip reports I've read, it sounds like they are doing it. Glad to hear you had a great time!

I survived a Japanese typhoon and the Togo flat ride of death!!!!!!
This sounds like how SFA opened last season, I'll reserve judgement until Labor Day weekend.

A day at the park is what you make it!

You mentioned the coaster enthusiasts taking pictures, and yes there were a few ACErs on hand. Saturday was a really nice day to be at the park. Everything was looking really nice, and 100.3 The Beat was outside Mr. Freeze dropping it like its hot, or something like that. In response to your query about Thunder River, they were just giving employees general training since the ride will be opening sometime in the near future. Some of the nice touches that I noticed were ride spiel speakers functioning on Mr. Freeze and the sidewalk chalk artist in the Toons section of the park. Both little touches, but nice. Speaking of Eagle, wouldn't it be nice if those brakes at the end were replaced with magnetic brakes. I think that ride would be perfect then, at least in my mind. As for the paint on Rush Street, I am not positive, but I thought that they did that last season. I may be wrong. It is nice to see someone else who enjoys Ninja. I don't know why I like it, but there is just something about that ride. *** Edited 4/3/2005 6:07:48 PM UTC by CoasterMatt***

River King Mine Train Op 2004
Mr. Freeze Op 2005

Yeah, when I exited Mr.Freeze I saw 100.3 outside with that van. I didn't stop to see what was going on though. You were there yesterday too? I could have saw you, but I don't know.

"Member of -- First Six Flags St. Louis Fansite"
If you rode Mr. Freeze, I am sure that you did.

River King Mine Train Op 2004
Mr. Freeze Op 2005

Oh, I could never pass up Mr.Freeze!

"Member of -- First Six Flags St. Louis Fansite"

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