Six Flags paid CEO Mark Shapiro, 37, $1.1 million in salary and was awarded 250,000 shares of restricted stock valued at $618,000 and 950,000 stock options valued at $2.3 million, according to an SEC filing. Half his stock options vest in phases over the next four years and half only if stock in Six Flags hits preset price targets. Shapiro's restricted stock vests in 2009 and 2010. He was not paid a bonus because the company did not meet its earnings target.
Read more from The Washington Post.
I'm also wondering about the stock prices mentioned in the article. They're saying 250,000 shares is worth only $618,000? That's less than $2.50 a share. Is that what it's going for now? Or are they just low-balling it to make his income seem lower than it really is?
(if I understand things correctly)
It’s not a job that any “jack” can handle and therefore it deserves to be properly compensated.
So this is why firefighters and paramedics are only paid about $35,000 a year? Give me a break and call it what it is, a silver spoon job.
Shipiro has a silver spoon job. He knows it, you know it, I know it, and everybody else knows it. Sure he takes the fall if the company does not do well, just as he takes the glory if they do. But he has his flunkies that make the day to day operation work. He's just the guy sitting on the throne.
Being the CEO of a public company doesn't work that way. I can't train for it. I can work in business and over time acquire expertise in corporate finance, tax law, HR, IT, supply chain, marketing, etc., but that's not someone can do right out of high school.
Executives are rarely saving lives or curing cancer, but most of them do earn what they make, and there are few people qualified to run a company that large. Getting into a moral debate about what public safety workers, teachers or whatever are paid in comparison does not serve to trivialize their skill set any more than it does to trivialize your job.
And there are some who would say Shapiro isn't one of them.
RGB, Just stirrin' the pot.
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