Six Flags over Georgia, April 12 and 13

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I'm going to post a brief report, highlighting the best parts of my two day trip.

On Saturday, We arrived early, about 9:15 to get our season passes processed, which I am glad to say only took about 7 minutes!

As far as Saturdays go at SFoG, lines were as expected: very long. The weather was hot, so my friend and I decided to get a Lo-Q after a while. I can honestly say that the Lo-Q system is one of the biggest lifesavers at a park. It made the day so much easier, and allowed for a couple of re-rides on our favorites.

Sunday was even better. We arrived around 9:45, went in, got our Lo-Q. We headed back to Superman (everyone else went to Gotham City). We were able to get a ride in before a huge crowd came. I am disappointed that there was only 1 train operation, especially on a day where there was a substantial line. After the ride, we went to reserve another ride. Oddly enough, it gave us 7 minutes until our ride time! So quickly, we rode Ninja and head back to Superman. The day went on with minimal Lo-Q lines, the longest wait being 45 minutes.

As far as rides go, everything was running very nicely. Ninja, for the headbanging it has, was not very rough. GASM was another that was surprisingly smooth. Of course, Superman performed flawlessly, with the exception of the 1 train operation. Mindbender was great, as was Batman. Acrophobia was one of the faves...the ride is so awesome. Favorite coaster was probably Scorcher. This is the one true perfect B&M Stand-up, if I may add my opinion. As far as the bad goes, FreeFall is in desperate need of help. The ride stops very abruptly at the end, causing taller guests like myself to get large bruises from the horsecollars. Deja Vu was closed both days, with no train on track...just sitting there idle.

I must add this observation. For those who went to SFoG in the days of yore with Viper will recall that Superman merchandise began to appear before Viper was removed, and time passed, boom, we have Superman. I notived a considerable amount of V2 Vertical Velocity merchandise in one of SFoGs shops....I'm wondering if a Impulse could be on slate for 2004.

Overall, the experience was a very positive one. A majority of the staff was very courteous and helpful. The season pass purchase was a intelligent purchase, and I look forward to using it frequently. My trip rating: 4 stars out of 5.

"Enjoy your record-breaking ride on Millennium Force"

I doubt the merch has anything to do with what we'll get next year (this time). You have to remember, they sold SF Astroworld keychains at one point last season.

Is that a Q-bot in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

I also saw Six Flags Over Texas wallets last year. OMG!!! We are getting a Titan clone !!!

Anyways, an impulse would be a nice addition, and I wouldn't count it out yet. Did you spot any flag markings (like the ones around Viper in 2001)?

Sean Paul
CP 'Screw Crew 2003

Which shop did you see that merch. in (V2 merch)? I haven't seen any yet...

"Press down, pull up, and enjoy the rest of your day here at Six Flags over Georgia as we celebrate 30 years of operation at the Great American Scream Machine."

rollergator's avatar
I got my SFAW hat (closing day last year) in the main gift shop out front...on the right as you enter the park, heck if I can remember the name...;)

Who knows, maybe I'll change things up and wear it if/when I ever get to SFAW....after all, they were nice enough to give me Cheetah! ;)
Guaranteed humorous or your money back...
CB slacker (n): someone posting a topic already covered because they're WORKING...;)

Crap...I think you are right. I suppose the Viper merchandise was a dead giveaway that sometimes there are mixups and clearances. Oh well. :)

"Enjoy your record-breaking ride on Millennium Force"

NOTE: The "flags" around Viper were underground utility markings. They had been there for years. They can, but don't absoultely, signal a ride's arrival.

Is that a Q-bot in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

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