Six Flags New Orleans - Opening Weekend

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Sfno Trip Report
I got a chance to go to SFNO this weekend. I had some VIP tickets to the grand opening and had such a great time that I went back on Sunday. Here's the rundown.

Main Street

They have added tons of trees to the front of the park. There are several gardens blocked off with red brick, and trees now line the pathway over to the Mardi Gras and Looney Tunes Sections. There is a new fountain in Main Street Square that looks fantastic. At the end of main street there is also a new structure built with an American Flag.

DC Comics Area

I was very impressed with the theming in this section. The front plaza to the section has a Justice League statue surrounded by an interactive fountain the kids can run through. And around the circle are the many DC comics superheroes. The Joker's Jinx (looks almost like a glorified scrambler), Catwoman's Whip (shake ride), and Lex luthor's Invertitron (intimidating looking) all looked great. Batman was amazing. The first drop goes out over Jazz Lake. The ride was very intense and smooth in the front seat. I enjoyed this one better than the one I had ridden in Georgia. The trees and landscaping in this area were quite nice. They even built a hill that had a large Magnolia underneath the Zydeco Scream (which is also more impressive looking now that you can walk around it. There is still some work to do on the Batman theater as well as the BTR ride queue, but that should be taken care of in the next couple of weeks.

Looney Tunes Area

This section was very well themed. This is what will really bring in the crowds. Made me want to be a kid again. The theming on the now Road Runner Express was quite good with a background of Canyon Walls and a 3d Cliff with Wile Coyote atop. The kids all looked to be having a great time. There's a new What's Up Rock show and theater as well as a large canopy atop the kids play area themed to Marvin the Martian.

Jester Roller Coaster

After all the bad pub I've heard about this ride, I was surprised at how much fun it was. I figured since I was riding in the back (front of the train) I would get whipped around pretty good. I thought it was pretty smooth and quite an experience going backwards. I'll definitely ride it again.

The rest

Megazeph was great as usual and we had a great meal at the Magnolia Street Cafe (I think that it was it was called). Better meal than any other I had in the Jazzland days. There are other theming enhancements throughout the park that were quite nice. The new Ozarka Splash has some nice swamp theming and the covered walkways around the park provide some wonderful shade. There are also paddleboats in the middle basin.

All in all, it was a great couple of days. The park was full of people and the weather was wonderful and the lines were still not that bad. Even though the park is not that large, it has a large collection of flat rides that seem to accomodate the crowds. I look forward to visiting the park in the next few weeks as they finish up with the remaining landscaping. It is great that we now have a real theme park to play in!

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