Six Flags NE today

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It was a grey misty day and the park was empty i got there around 12:10pm and every ride was a walk on. I rode SROS 5 times in row. Then i rode scream 3times in a row. Most of the rides they just let you stay on. It rained hard for an hour so we just stayed on the bumpping cars until it stopped. I was supprised all the rides were running today except tommahawk. They are waiting for the new motor from Huss to arrive, they said it should be running by the end of May. I rode everything in the park i wanted, as many times i wanted. I wish it was always that empty.I left at 5pm. I only live 20mins from there so i go alot.
ApolloAndy's avatar
How many trains on S:RoS?

Be polite and ignore the idiots. - rollergator
"It's not a Toomer" - Arnold Schwartzenkoph

When I went on Saturday and on Monday the park was only running the blue train.
They only had the blue train running yesterday, and I asked when the red one was going to be running and I was told it would be up for Memorial day weekend.
If everything was running on such a slow day perhaps that is a sign of a good season ahead. My biggest complaint about SFNE is that so many rides are usually closed even on busy days. It's good to hear they are getting their act together.

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