Six Flags NE Cyclone

My first post here, so sorry if this has been covered (did a search and found nothing). What's up with the Cyclone at Six Flags New England? Is it open? I was there at the beginning of August (my first trip to SFNE) and Cyclone did not seem to be operating. By the looks of the track it looked as though it hadn't been operating in a while. Going back next week and I'm looking forward to riding the thing. Seems to have a violent reputation. Should I be prepared to be dissappionted because it's not open?

On the other hand, loved Superman (even though the ride attendants squashed us in with the restraint.)

I was at SFNE back in the begining of July and the Cyclone was up and running. It is a rough ride, but still pretty good.
SFNE is my home park and I'm there twice a week and Cyclone has been open everytime i'm there. I only rode it maybe 6 times this season because the ride is ruined from all the modifications over the years. I remember when it first opened it was a kick*ss ride.
When I visited in july, I waited for Mr. six for about an hour and saw hardly any action on the cyclone, but we walked to the station anyway and found a one train op walkon. The train only went around the track about once every four minutes. Perhaps you just weren't looking when the train went by and assumed it wasn't running. (as I almost did)
Ajrides agreed this is one of the most neutered coasters ever. I remember riding this it's opening season when I was 8. At 8 I loved coasters but was genuinely terrified to ride this. Waiting in the line, which is now the exit line, waiting 2 hours and having the coaster roar over my head. Also remember the trains had really crazy restraints with an over the shoulder car-like seat belt, a lap belt that went across both riders, and also remember the buzzing lap bar also had some sort of belt to hold it down. Starting with that first drop the entire ride was absolutely horrifying and I didn't ride it again for a few years.

Probably why it looks like it's not open is their crappy one train operations. A train on the course ever six minutes is easy to miss.

The hour long line, Isn't.

Chuck, who loves Cyclone! even in its butchered state. Backseat baby, Gotta love it!

The backseat is a total ballbusting backbreaker, the second hill will surely make you grab for the lapbar. For those who rode it back in '83, as has been mentioned, you waited in line in what now is the exit line, and you could see and hear the fear of the riders. A 19 year old kid was even ejected that first year and he survived with relatively minor injuries, which was pretty miraculous.
I rode it for the first time in July, and I could have sworn I was on a mechanical bull. The train spent almost as much time going up and down as it did going forward. It felt like the train was using square wheels.

It looks like a interesting layout, but I was too busy thinking about the damage my kidneys were taking to evaluate the ride...or have fun on it. And I was near the front - I can't even imagine how the back must feel.

I like woodies that shake you around a little (e.g. I thought Lake Compounce's Wildcat was a lot of fun), but the Cyclone was unreal and it's hard for me to imagine anyone having fun on it. It needs a LOT of TLC.

I am so not competitive. In fact, I am the least non-competitive. So I win. - Peter Griffin
We were just there last Wednesday and they were having massive troubles running two trains on cyclone. For some reason, every 3-4 cycles the ride would break down and they would have to reset everything and cycle a few empty trains. As far as I know, it was running fine earlier that day before they added the second train.

It was a way better ride than I remembered it, definitely sit in the backseat :).

rollergator's avatar
I was there in early August too, and there were NO trains on the course, all day... :(

The back seat on that thing is just...*massive*. I really wanted another lap (woulda been my second overall) to confirm my original opinion. One ride on ANY woodie isn't enough, one ride on a GOOD woodie, that's just unfair!

I was at SFNE in mid-August and Cyclone was running two trains while Superman was only running one. I never understood that, but Cyclone has to be one of he scariest things I've ever been on. On the second drop it felt like there were several large boulders on the track. I never knew a train could bounce so much in my life. Although it's one of the roughest rides, it's still pretty fun to ride just to say you actually survived. If you do ride just make sure to tighten your seatbelt as much as possible and pull the lapbar all the way down.

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