Six Flags Marine World (June 8th, 2002)

Associated parks:

This was my seventh trip to the park, but my first trip this season. I was very excited because I am a pretty big fan of Marine World.It only takes 45 minutes to get there from my house, so I often go. We got there around 10:00, and walked right in(season pass). Crowds were VERY light and we(my friends and I) got two rides on Medusa in 10 minutes.


For some reason, Medusa seemed to be running a bit slower than in past years. It is of course as smooth as glass though, and has a great variety of inversions and elements. I just love the trains and how close your feet can come to the track during certain parts in the ride. There is some amazing airtime in the back seat on the first drop and I was screaming the whole way down! My favorite part has to be the Zero-G roll, just because the sensation is so crazy and out-of-control. Expectations were met!

After Medusa, we walked up the hill and entered into Kong's que line. There was a very short wait(10 minutes)and so we had no reason not to ride.


I honestly think Kong is one the best maintained coasters at Marine World. The paint job is striking and colorful, and is perfectly intact in most spots. The trains seemed to have new padding added to them, which was nice :-D. There has been new red gravel added under the coaster, and that just makes it all the better of a ride. The ride itself is just OK. It seems very slow when you watch it, but when your actually on it, it hauls butt. It's pretty intense, and only features some bumpy spots. I hear a lot of noise about SLC's, but Kong is actually decent in most ways. The barrel roll element is really intense and is probably the best part of the ride. Your feet come really close to the supports and add's to the ride experience. The park also added a very well themed on-ride photo to it. Much improved coaster!

After our pleasent experience on Kong, we headed over to Roar!. We saw a lot of the "new" V2(located right next to Roar!) and it looks pretty nice. I think it will be a great ride once it opens. It might look a little awkward right now, but just give it time. There was NO ONE in Roar!'s line, and so we got three rides in 10 minutes.


I am in love with this spectacular. I rode once in the front and in then in the back, and I was AMAZED how much better the back is. You get *thrown* over that first drop, and it is a wonderful sensation. The shed, bunny hops, and turnarounds are all amazing and I loved every second of it. There is non-stop speed as welI, it never let's up. I am so happy that Marine World has this little gem, because it is one great ride. The trains are also wonderful! Very comfortable and smooth. Roar! is such a photogenic coaster, I just couldn't resist snapping a few pictures of it.

After three great rides on Roar!, we ate some subway(damn good) and headed over to the other side of the park to check out Boomerang and the Skycoaster. Boomerang had a 2 minute wait, and by this time all the other rides were filling up, so we had to ride it.


I never understood all the hate towards Boomerang's, but now I do. They hurt...badly. We climbed backwards up the lift hill, and enjoyed the view. A few seconds later, we were realeased and on we went. The Cobra roll was OK, but the loop HURT. I heard a few people say "oh my god, that hurt so bad." right after it. We were then brought up the second hill, and quickly released. I didn't know this was possible, but it hurt even more backwards. When the ride came to a stop, and the restraints were released, I pretty much ran off of this thing. I don't know if all Boomerang's are like this...but wow...that was horrible.

After limping off of that thing, we walked to the Skycoaster. It's like 50 feet smaller than PGA's and five dollars more! What a deal! This thing is small...really small. It almost looks cute in a way. It was of course fun, but nothing too intense or horrifying. The intial fall is exciting, but it gets dull kind of quick. Anyways, after that, we walked over to Medusa, but the whole que was full (2 hour wait), and so we skipped it. Hammerhead, VooDoo, Jambo, Starfish(we all know why), and Thrilla Gorrilla were all closed. Yes, those are just flat rides, but it was still sad to see them all not operating. We got something to drink, and then left. Overall, I had a great time, and Marine World has to be one of the most beautiful Six Flags parks anywhere. If they got a Junior Hyper(150 foot height limit) it might make the park perfect.
"There's no such thing as a mistake. There's what you do, and what you don't do."

*** This post was edited by Cali-Coaster-Fan on 6/11/2002. ***

Yeah, I wish they could, but that would mean it would go up front and I don't think we can fit another massive parking lot coaster. I totally agree with you on Kong. It has been well taken care of, from landscape, theme, track, and station(they actually are doing better than when Marine World ran it alone.)

Question, though I will always love Roar WEST as the best wooden twister, do you feel that is getting a little rough? It's seem like the ride has gotten a little bumpier over the last few seasons.

Lake Compounce-So Fresh and So Clean Clean

Vertigo, can I ask what you mean by Kong looking better than when Marine World ran it alone? Kong, along with every other ride and coaster there, was put in by Six Flags when they took over manangement of the park from the city. So if you're meaning before Six Flags took it over, well it wasn't there before Six Flags came in.

Seems to be some confusion on that.

BTW, great trip report. I have to agree that Roar is one gem of a coaster. Hoping to get back up and get in a couple of rides on it again later this year.

Sometimes it's up. Sometimes it's down.
But with God, life is one thrill ride that you'll never regret being on.

I'm actually delighted by Roar's new roughness. To me the coaster was a bit too smooth, now it feels like a REAL wooden coaster. They're suppose to be bumpy and out of control.

Don't be so sure that SFMW can't fit in a junior hyper, because I hear it may be happening. You know how you drive "under" Ghostrider at Knott's to get to the parking lot? Just a hint. ;)

"Escuse me, can you tell me where the heck the Mystery Lodge is"?

Great TR! It is too bad about the great flats being down, it souldn't be happening this time of year and it usually doesn't. Hammerhead seems down a lot. Boomerang is for some reason a big time favorite of mine, it is so crazy we all love the first lift and drop, and going through the cobra roll backwards on a rough ride was nuts!

X-Flight World's Only flying coaster!
Batwing World's only flying coaster!
S:UF World's only flying coaster! Don't you love SF ?

Sir Willow said:
Vertigo, can I ask what you mean by Kong looking better than when Marine World ran it alone? Kong, along with every other ride and coaster there, was put in by Six Flags when they took over manangement of the park from the city. So if you're meaning before Six Flags took it over, well it wasn't there before Six Flags came in.

Seems to be some confusion on that.

BTW, great trip report. I have to agree that Roar is one gem of a coaster. Hoping to get back up and get in a couple of rides on it again later this year.

Sometimes it's up. Sometimes it's down.
But with God, life is one thrill ride that you'll never regret being on.

Boomerang was put in by Marine World themselves after moving from Foster City(they put in Scout About, Boomerang, and White Water Safari themselves) and Kong was purchased by the city, not Six Flags. Marine World did actually start adding rides before Six Flags came in. The entire Popie's Seaport was there when they were Marine World Africa USA as well along with the Bobby's World junk.

OutKast said: Don't be so sure that SFMW can't fit in a junior hyper, because I hear it may be happening. You know how you drive "under" Ghostrider at Knott's to get to the parking lot? Just a hint. ----------------- "Escuse me, can you tell me where the heck the Mystery Lodge is"?

Hello, do you know how many coasters are up front all ready? Where up there would you put it? It can only be in the very front and they can't take out in more parking lot. Unelss it goes over the entrance and Medusa midway then you're out of luck. Remember, only the very front of the park has the 150 foot ceiling, it gets shorter and shorter as you go further back.

Lake Compounce-So Fresh and So Clean Clean

*** This post was edited by Vertigo on 6/12/2002. ***

*** This post was edited by Vertigo on 6/12/2002. ***

There is one coaster up front, Medusa. The rest is converted parking lot which is now within the boarders of the park.

The new ride would NOT go up front first of all, only a portion of it. As I said, think Ghostrider.....or even better, Goliath.

"Escuse me, can you tell me where the heck the Mystery Lodge is"?

*** This post was edited by OutKast on 6/12/2002. ***

OutKast said:

There is one coaster up front, Medusa. The rest is converted parking lot which is now within the boarders of the park.

The new ride would NOT go up front first of all, only a portion of it. As I said, think Ghostrider.....or even better, Goliath.

"Escuse me, can you tell me where the heck the Mystery Lodge is"?

*** This post was edited by OutKast on 6/12/2002. ***

V2, Kong, Cobra, Medusa, and Roar are all in the front 150 height zone, if it went in the very back it would be under 50 feet tall. Knott's and SFMM don't have the same zoning as Marine World. Only the very front of Marine World may have ride up to 150 feet tall. Now, tell what you were saying about a junior hyper not going up front.

Medusa and Roar are also both on parking lot land, which is why parking is such a problem at Marine World. The reason why is that they don't have much room to expand in the front of the park, the go karts, Medua, and Roar had to go on parking lot, and the enterance has V2 and Cobra on it.

Lake Compounce-So Fresh and So Clean Clean

Great TR! Sounds like you had an amzing time and I hope I can make a trip out there this next coming weekend since I'm only about an hour and 15 min drive away. :) I also agree with Kong being very well maintnenced and all, but I still think it is very rough and actually quite boring. I never ride Kong anymore unless the wait is less than 30min. I definitley think Kong is wwwaayyyy rougher than Boomerang and at least on Boomerang, you can *feel* the drops, unlike Kong. It sucks that every time someone seems to visit SFMW, all the major flats are closed!!! What is up with that!!! Every single flat was closed except Taz when I visited the park back in April and you'd think the park would have enough sense to get all of them up and running in time for the summer season! This is actually just one of the irritating and annoying things that Marine World does IMO! Well glad you had a gret time and I can't wait to get another great ride on Medusa!

Six Flags Marine World..... Wild Life AND Wild Rides!

SFMW's "space/height problem" could easily be solved.

Perhaps they should take a look at a park called Alton Towers in England...

*** This post was edited by Valpengeist on 6/15/2002. ***

Nice TR. It is a unfortunate situation with V2 but at least they didn't compeltely remove it.

Valpengeist said:

SFMW's "space/height problem" could easily be solved.

Perhaps they should take a look at a park called Alton Towers in England...

*** This post was edited by Valpengeist on 6/15/2002. ***

Kind of hard when (1)Marine World is half concrete and half hills. (2)Six Flags isn't going to invest all that money in digging, (3)and there aree still other issues with the city and space.

Lake Compounce-So Fresh and So Clean Clean

Vertigo Unfortunately you can't seem to get a picture in your head of what I'm talking about. Why do you keep talking about the back of the park? I'm well versed on the limits within the park as I used to be a card carrying member of the Vallejo media.

Once again, the highest point of the lift would head towards the front of the park. Now think about how low to the ground most Intamin hypers remain after the first drop. Also think about how Goliath is built. And who said anything about it being higher than 150ft?

*** This post was edited by OutKast on 6/16/2002. ***

Dude, I'm sorry. SFMW isn't getting a hyper or anything of the sort. SF doesn't care that much about the park and all it seems to get are clones (except for Medusa). Let me say it here, PGA is the better park that will get the better rides. Sorry for spoiling the party!

~Santa Cruz Trip Report just added with lots of pix!

Yes PGA is better, but SF seems to care A LOT about SFMW! They don't even own it and have given the park a major attraction(s) every year! This is the first year they have not but were getting a brand new V2! Plus the new animals exhibit's and go karts.

X-Flight World's Only flying coaster!
Batwing World's only flying coaster!
S:UF World's only flying coaster! Don't you love SF ?

PGA is a better park, but come on, we all know that the bettter rides go to SFMW.

Lake Compounce-So Fresh and So Clean Clean

What better rides? RETARD. PGA has SFMW beat in rides... BEAT WITH A LARGE, HARD STICK. Ha, better rides...

~Santa Cruz Trip Report just added with lots of pix!

CoasterCrazyOne said:
What better rides? RETARD. PGA has SFMW beat in rides... BEAT WITH A LARGE, HARD STICK. Ha, better rides...

~Santa Cruz Trip Report just added with lots of pix!

Here's a review I've saved for years that my friend Eric made that I think explains it all:

Marine World and Great America

Thrillseekers in the Bay have been waiting a long time for an amusement park to suit their needs. We are a funloving group of people, and we deserve more than just one park to quench our insatiable thirst for adventure. Paramount's Great America, the longtime mainstay of the Northern California amusement scene, just didn't provide enough excitement for everybody. In order to experience the good stuff, we had to trek down four hours (if you drive like me) south to Six Flags Magic Mountain, one of the premiere theme parks in the nation, offering some of the largest and fastest rides on earth.

However, about four years ago, everything changed. Marine World Africa USA, once the butt of all jokes, was purchased by Premier Parks, and the unthinkable happened. Rides were installed! This was something nobody ever imagined. The bland and boring Paramount's Great America was now in for some serious competition. Just about a year later, an even greater milestone occurred. Premier was purchased by Six Flags, and our greatest fantasy came true. The Bay now had a Six Flags! To kick off this momentous occasion, Marine World brought in Roar, one of the finest wooden coasters around. For the millennium, both parks have pulled all the stops, introducing two of the most spectacular rides anywhere in the hopes of luring more patrons. Now, let's take a comparative look at these two theme parks.

Park Layout: Everything is within a ten minute walking distance at Marine World because of its clever centralized design. The same, unfortunately, cannot be said for Great America. Unless you sneak through the middle section, you have to walk for miles around the oval layout to get from one side of the park to another. The train (now defunct) and sky cabin rides are no help either since the lines are so very long. Advantage: Six Flags Marine World

Appearance: Great America has been traditionally known for its beautiful landscaping and extensive theming. Shrubery is prevalent throughout the park, and queue areas are wonderfully crafted. At Marine World, decorations are minimal, and the lines are bare bones, but Marine World is built into very picturesque surroundings, with the adjacent natural marsh and rolling hills. Hopefully, things will change in the near future when the park becomes more mature. Advantage: Paramount's Great America

Food: Amusement park food can never be described as scrumptious, and the often exorbitant prices make it even harder to stomach. The food at Marine World actually isn't all that bad. I might even go so far as to say that it is pretty good. And it doesn't even cost that much. Great America's food, on the other hand, is just something to keep you from starving to death. It is bland and dry. Unfortunately, they don't have any rides crazy enough to actually make you purge it out. Advantage: Six Flags Marine World

Crowd: Thugs and wannabe gangsters are the rule at Great America. There is nowhere you can turn where you don't see some fools trying to start some trouble. Punks cut in line and swear religiously. This is definitely not the place to take the young ones. On the other hand, Marine World is loaded with young kids and their parents. Sure there are punks around (it is in Vallejo, and most of the customers are from Sacramento), but they are surrounded by nice looking, classy people who are there to have a good time. At Great America, even the crappy rides have ridiculously long lines. At Marine World, lines are very, very short, especially on weekdays. In fact, sometimes the ride operators let you stay aboard for another ride. Advantage: Six Flags Marine World

Shows: The shows at Great America are cheaply produced and very cheesy. Marine World's shows, mostly featuring animals, are fun, informative, and entertaining. Even the non-animal shows such as the Batman Stunt Spectacular and the Indiana Jones type adventure act are fun to watch. Advantage: Six Flags Marine World

Employees: I was so used to the rude employees at Great America (I used to work there) that I was taken aback when I was actually treated like a human being at Marine World. The workers are courteous and energetic. That is far more than what I can say about Great America's contingent. Above all, Marine World employs tons of hotties. Advantage: Six Flags Marine World

Date Factor: Marine World has the peace and tranquillity perfect for taking a girl to. How about sitting with your lady on the lakeside benches while observing the giraffes chew the leaves from the swaying trees? How about seeing the adorable little tiger cubs being fed? How about riding an elephant or a camel? How about seeing sharks swim right over you? What does Great America have in comparison? Kicking it at that arcade near Drop Zone and have the possibility of a retard splattering all over you? Let me tell you. That used to be the spot to see and be seen. All the cool Asians from all over the Bay used to hang out there, but not anymore. Marine World is located in a somewhat isolated pocket of the Bay, so the drive there is also fun. Great America is in the heart of Silicon Valley, surrounded by Cisco Systems, 3Com, and Nortel Networks. Good luck getting there on 237. Advantage: Six Flags Marine World

Medusa vs. Stealth:Wow. For the year 2000, both parks spared no expenses in building the $15 million Medusa, and $17 million Stealth. Stealth, over two years in the making, is billed as the "world's first flying coaster." Eager fans had been waiting eagerly for this groundbreaking ride, however, I am sad to say that is mostly just hype. The technology is certainly phenomenal, but the coaster is not very fast or exhilarating. You never really get the sensation of actual flight. At Marine World, Medusa is a whole different story. Also calling itself a flying coaster, the west coast's first floorless coaster is a huge, hulking, diabolical structure that can be seen for miles on I-80. From the moment you lay eyes on this awe-inspiring creation, you know that it is no joke. There is not an inch of straight track, as the riders are sent twisting and turning through loop after loop, making it difficult to even walk after you get off. Ride this thing. It is a modern classic. Advantage: Six Flags Marine World

Vertical Velocity (V2) vs. Greased Lightnin' (Tidal Wave)Back in the day, Tidal Wave was one pretty fun little ride. From a dead stop, in a matter of seconds, riders are shot forward at 55 mph, maneuvering through a loop forward and backwards. However, nowadays, this ride just feels old and doesn't quite add up to the more modern and extreme fare. Take Vertical Velocity, Marine World's newest attraction, fresh for the 2001 season. A clone of Superman: Ultimate Escape, last year's runaway hit at Six Flags World of Adventure in Ohio, V2 is simply the most maniacal piece of track ever assembled. Like Tidal Wave, riders start from a complete standstill, and are shot forward faster than Johnny Tran's S2000 on NOS. Instead of using old cable technology, it features state of the art magnetic boosters to propel and stop the train. The train climbs up a 180 degree, 180' (although it is only listed as 150' due to Vallejo's height ordinance) twisting spike, only to go backwards, through the station and another magnetic blast, and up a 180' vertical post. This is repeated two more times forward, and another backwards, for a total of five blasts, topping the train off at 70 mph. Sitting in the front has got to be one of those most exhilarating experiences anywhere, as you get the sensation that you are about to fly off the track at the top of the spike when your face is mere inches from the pinnacle. Sitting in the back gives you that weightless feeling when you are almost 180' up on the vertical post, looking straight down at nothing but asphalt and hard, prickly trees. This is one of the few rides I've encountered that has many of the riders completely dazed and out of breath upon return to the station. Did I mention that your feet are dangling the whole time? Most riders do not get back in line. Advantage: Six Flags Marine World

Roar vs. Grizzly Roar: You'll never hear the end of it! It was the first ride built under Six Flags' tutelage, and what a ride it is! Roar became an instant hit, and along with Knott's Berry Farm's awesome Ghost Rider, shot up to the top of all roller coaster enthusiast's lists. With its wild twists and turns, Roar is one wild, disorienting ride. Grizzly is pure garbage. It has got to be one of the most mocked roller coasters in America. It provides no thrills, no airtime, and the ride is extremely rough. Hey Great America! Can you please replace those square wheels?! Advantage: Six Flags Marine World

Boomerang vs. Invertigo vs. Demon
I'll include Invertigo in the mix because it is just basically a modified version of Boomerang. The track runs the same course. The only real difference is that Invertigo is inverted, hence the name. Other than that, the rides are pretty similar. The Demon is one fun little coaster, albeit a not very scary one, and it is definitely showing its age. The cool demonic theming is splendid, but I really miss the red water coming out of the cave mouth. I also miss the steam coming out of that creepy cave near the entrance of the ride. Great America's management must have realized that it is a waste of time to have such elaborate decorations for such a wimpy ride. Marine World's Boomerang, not even that much of a hardcore coaster itself, blows the steam right out of Demon's cage. You can get more dizzy off of two rides on the Boomerang than ten times on the Demon. After the infamous incident two years ago, moderate improvements have been made to Marine World's looping coaster. In fact, the ride feels a lot better than it did back then. Basically, it's a toss up. None of these rides are particularly great. I wouldn't wait more than ten minutes in line.

Kong vs. Top Gun
Kong has a really nice looking layout, with it's demented twists and turns. However, the ride isn't nearly as great as it looks. There is so much headbanging, your poor ears will feel like you just stepped in the ring with Mike Tyson. Top Gun is still a crowdpleaser, with it's beautiful theming, and one of the best endings of any coaster. Advantage: Paramount's Great America

Vortex vs. ???
Put it this way. Hopping on a pogo stick is more exciting than hopping on the Vortex. Vortex was only the second of its kind to be constructed in the US, and its primitive design really shows. Advantage: Toys 'R Us

Water Rides
Water rides are pretty standard fare for all parks. There is nothing really spectacular about any of them. Both parks feature the typical rapids and waterfall type rides.

Spinning Rides
Marine World has such magnificent thrillers as Voodoo and Tasmanian Devil. Great America has The Berzerker and Fiddler's Fling. Enough said. Advantage: Six Flags Marine World

If you are looking for quality thrill rides, Marine World is definitely the way to go. Spending the afternoon on the slides at Yerba Buena Gardens is more likely to give you an adrenaline rush than an entire day at Great America. Great America prides itself on being a family fun park, but Marine World provides a lot more for the entire family. For the youngsters, there is the wonderful Looney Tunes Seaport, which is better than anything at the other park. Also, for the young and old alike, the animals are quite fascinating to look at. It is quite apparent that most of Northern California is warming up to Marine World, as proven by last year's attendance, with 2.3 million heading up to the Vallejo park compared to Great America's 2.1 million.

Well, there you have it. In just a couple of years, it looks like Marine World has stolen the crown of "Best Park in the Bay" from Great America. As the old saying goes, "If you build it, they will come." Marine World took this to heart, building three world class coasters in three consecutive years. In those three successive years, Great America has seen its grip on the local amusement scene get less and less tight. Rumors are abound, but there are plans for huge rides at each of the parks for next year. Hopefully, Great America can do something substantial, or it might as well just pencil itself in as number 2 from here on out.

Lake Compounce-So Fresh and So Clean Clean

*** This post was edited by Vertigo on 6/18/2002. ***

too bad you haven't ridden Delierium..........

~Santa Cruz Trip Report just added with lots of pix!

CoasterCrazyOne said:

too bad you haven't ridden Delierium..........

~Santa Cruz Trip Report just added with lots of pix!

I have been on Delirium, but one good flat ride does not make up for the many that they've lost and is not an entire collection. Even with Delerium, they still haven't top Voo Doo, The Ark, Tasmanian Devil, Jambo, and Hammerhead(and those are just the good ones).

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