Figure I get there at 10am on a Friday. Can I finish Boomerang, V2, Roar, Medusa, Kong, Monsoon Falls, and White Water Safari by 3pm? Which order do you recommend going on, figuring I get all the roller coasters done first?
My home park, so I'm a total expert! First, you'll want to head to V2. It obviously has a one train operation so lines move slowly. From here, go to Roar. It's line shouldn't be very long, 10 minutes max. Then go to Medusa. It too will be about 15 minutes but the ride ops for Medusa are the best in the park, they move it along very fast so I rarely have above 15 minutes before noon. Kong is next, it will be your longest wait, for some reasons GP love it and it only operates with one train lately. It will likely be around 30 minutes. After lunch if it's time yet, or not, go do White Water Safari. Probably around 20 minutes. Do Monsoon Falls because it is nearby. Boomerang will be your last one. You may have time to do something... generally not too busy on weekdays before the evening... like I said don't be surprised if Kong is a long wait. (I still don't get why the GP loves SLCs so much). If you finish them all go see Shouka and the dolphins it is very cool if Shouka is cooperating that day. Only takes about 30 minutes. Enjoy your day there! I'll be at WOF!