Six Flags Magic Mountain - 5/13/06 - TATSU opens!

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Arrived at the park just a few minutes after 10am - and, WOW! I've never seen the lines into the parking lot that packed...crazy. Took nearly 15 minutes to get through and get a park WAY out there.

Once in the park, headed directy to Tatsu to see what the line looked like. Apparently, with this being the opening day for the ride, we weren't the only ones with this thought ;) The line was absolutely insane - estimated at just over 2 hours (and at the point we stopped by trains were only going out every 5 minutes or so). The entrance for the ride is right in the area where they have games/restaurant/entrance to the rapids ride - from there the line extended out of the station (and it's zig-zags) just about ALL the way down the hill towards the Deja-Vu and Psyclone area. We kept on walking.

Deja-Vu, while open, was down when we went by it - as was Psyclone. We proceeded to head over (and up) to Superman. There were literally three other people with us in line. Once the doors opened we boarded and the operator gave us two rides without getting off - there's no doubt that this ride pales in comparison to a lot of the other rides in the park, but it still is a lot of fun and a great rush (especially twice).

From there we jumped on Ninja, which is always fun. Once again, just a small handful of people riding this coaster. One note, PAINT THIS RIDE!

Headed over to Riddler's Revenge where, to our surprise, we were handed boarding passes. I guess with such a long entrance and the locker situation, it helps to deter line jumpers. Only took about 5 minutes to get on the ride - great ride as usual. I'm always a bit surprised that they haven't attempted to do any landscaping anywhere in the "infiield" of the ride.

Skipped Batman, as it's always a bit disappointing in comparison to the one at Great America.

Next up was Colossus, which was running one track. Only a few minute wait here as well. While it looked like they've put new trains on the ride (or at least cleaned up), it's really amazing how "hard" this ride is...but still a good time.

Scream! was next - and, as had been the trend so far that morning, waited just a few trains to get on. Ride was really smooth, and fun as usual. Here again, still amazed that they never took the time to get rid of the parking lot stripes - astounding considering how pretty and well maintained the majority of the rest of the park is.

Goliath was next up. This was where the day came to an absolute standstill. While the line wasn't coming out of the entrance, it was pretty full. Took well over an hour to actually get on - and on the lift is where we noticed that over THREE hours after the park had opened it was STILL bumper to bumper cars entering the parking lot. I personally had never seen cars parked as far out in the remote lots as they were on Saturday - insane. Back to the ride, awesome as usual...just a lot of fun.

That would end up being the end of our day - unfortunately. The midways were absolutely packed and the lines for everything had gotten insanely long. We went up by X to see the line extending well over the bridge - then over to the Tatsu area to see the line in much the same shape it was earlier in the day.

Overall, park looked great and everyone we encountered was friendly. Was a bit let down not getting on Tatsu, but I just don't have the patience to sit in line for hours on end anymore - we'll get it eventually.

ATTENTION anyone from Six Flags reading this: Please let Shapiro know that he may want to rethink his whole anti-bigcoasterinstallations stance. Seeing the park on Saturday, there is NO doubt that investing in the RIGHT type of big coaster is WELL worth the investment. 5/13 had to be a great money day for Six Flags California. never got a ride on TATSU?
You must always avoid saturdays. When I went in 2003, it took 45 minutes to park.

"Would you like to buy a photo of you boys enjoying the Line Ride?"

No, we did not get to ride Tatsu. Perhaps I'm just getting old, but standing around for 3 hours in line for a ride just isn't something I willing to do anymore. The ride looked GREAT, and what's neat is when you're up on the hill there are quite a few spots where the track soars over/near the walkways. I've ridden flying coasters before, but the way this one is laid out is really unique.

We had planned to go on Thursday, but then heard that Tatsu was to open on Saturday. We switched up our plan and went Saturday. Obviously, looking back, I wish we had just gone on Thursday since we didn't end up riding the new coaster anyways.

Also, maybe someone knows, did they put new cars on Goliath? I swear those things looked different to me for some reason.

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