Six Flags Kentucky - 6/5 - 1st trip

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This was my first trip to Six Flags Kentucky and day number two of my mini amusement park vacation (see my PKI trip report). I only had a couple of hours to spend in the park because I wanted to drive to West Virginia that afternoon so I could do some backpacking the rest of the week. Had not heard much about this park or its rides, so I didn’t know what to expect.The $3 parking charge was pleasant surprise. Compared to the other parks I had visited this year, this was a bargain. The parking lot was nearly empty, other good sign.

The park is divided into two sections by a highway. The section by the main gate is only about one-quarter of the park. There is not much on this side except for a wild-mouse type coaster (Roadrunner Express) and some shops and restraints. Did one lap on Roadrunner. OK ride but the trim brakes where hitting REALLY hard.

Walked over the bridge that leads to the main section of the park. SFKK has an interesting layout. All of the rides are in a big circle with the water park in the middle. The parked looked very nice and clean. Many of the shops and restraints where closed because the crowd was very small.

It was so hot that most guests where waiting in line to get into the water park.

I walked over to Chang next and got in the front seat. I’m not a big fan of standups but this ride is pretty good. I really like the corkscrews at the end. They are buried a little bit underground and come really close the tall grass growing around the ride.

Next I walked to the Twisted Sisters, which are located in the back of the park. These woodies are the main reason I wanted to visit SFKK in the first place. I walked up to a nearly empty station – visions of re-rides danced in my head. I don’t know which side I tried first, but I was blown away. The first hill had a ton of air time in the back seat and the rest of the ride was non-stop action. The pacing is incredible and the ride is consistently changing directions. The trains fly into the station with a lot of speed to spare. The two trains pass each other twice on the circuit (once on the first hill and later half way through) – which is very sweat. Did a couple of laps then switched sides – which turned out to be just as good. Did a bunch of laps in different seats. The back seat was unquestionable my favorite because of the first hill air-time.

After I had my fill of the sisters, I went over to Thunder Run. I didn’t even know SFKK had another woody. This ride was a nice surprise. It has an unusual layout as most of the track is situated behind the lift hill. Several nice airtime hills, including one that makes a little turn to the right and catches you by surprise. The turns are banked at extreme angles so there are very little laterals, even though it feels like you are moving very fast. Did several laps on this ride also.

Decided to skip T2, I didn’t want a head-ache for my trip to West Virginia.

I walked up to one of the refreshment stands and experienced that only nagative moment for the day. I asked for a glass of water and was told they couldn’t give me one unless I had my own cup. Now, it was VERY hot and humid out. I had just come from PKI where I must have asked for a dozen glasses of free water, which they gladly gave me. Is this standard policy for Six Flag parks, or is it just a SFKK policy? So anyways, I bought the $2.50 bottled water and refilled often at the water fountains.

Wanted to ride the sisters one more time before I left. Walked back and was disappointed to find they had closed one of the sides. Oh well, did a couple of more laps on the open side and called it a day.

I was only in the park for about 3 hours, but because of the small crowds I got plenty of rides in. Overall I liked this park. With the water park so close to the rides, you could easily spend a nice relaxing day here, alternating between the water and coasters.

Bob M.

*** This post was edited by RPMGuitar on 6/12/2002. ***

Sweet! Finally some love for Chang and the Twisted Twins! I think they might of accually greesed it and they ran both sides! Did you see the free fall tower? I believe it's called Hellavator. Great TR!

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I missed the free fall tower. Where is it located?

Do they normally close down one of the sisters when the crowds are small? Seems kind of silly considering they are two totally different rides.

Bob M.

I missed the free fall tower. Where is it located?

Heh. As you're handing the ticket person your ticket, if you look up, it's right in front of you. :)

To me, T2 wasn't really any more of a head banger than Chang, whether that's good or bad.

Did you notice T2 still has a sign with batman painted on it (not the words batman though)? And when I went last month, Twisted Twins still had the Twisted Sisters sign.

I hope SFKK plans to add something new soon.

How the heck can you miss the freefall tower? It's straight ahead, about 10 feet in front of you as you enter the main gate! :)

He let the contents of the bottle do the thinking; can't shake the devil's hand and say you're only kidding.

OK, I guess I did see the freefall. Did I mention it was really hot and I had spent the previous day at PKI. I think the sun was effecting my brain :)

I was wondering about the batman sign. I was trying to figure out if that was T2, some kind of show, or another ride.

Bob M.

Isn't that the sign for the stunt show they used to have?

Wood - Raven
Steel - Millennium Force
Generic, isn't it?

Resturants, not restraints.
Jeff, that's probably what that sign is for. That was my first visit, so I'm not sure, but it was located midway though the line, and what looked similar to SFoG's batman building was over beyond that (just outside of the park).
The Batman sign you see is for the theater type area beside/behind the T2 ride...I think.

The Batman sign in question is indeed for the Batman Show that is located in the building bahind T2. There were rumors galore floating around that T2 was going to be renamed with a Batman moniker but as we see, it never materialized. I really liked reading this trip report through the eyes of a first time visitor. It was good to see how someone points out the good and bad on a first trip. Kinda like blind innocence in a way. I think with a little help SFKK could become a better park. We haven't gotten a coaster or anything non-upcharged since the Roadrunner Express so I'm thinking that next year could definitely be the year for the park to "bust out". (probably with a S:UE clone or Deja Vu clone) Who knows. I'd rather go several years without new coasters and know that the park is putting the money into training and hiring good people instead. Only time will tell for this small park in Kentucky. :)

Proud member of the Frequent Flyer Club of CBuzzCon '02

OK, everybody, it's "restaurants", not "resturants", not "retrainsts".
I have never seen someone think so highly of SFKK. I have never been but I can see nothing wrong with the park. But this is from my stand point where my homepark is SFEG, so...
I found the Batman-T2 sign a bit confusing myself during my first trip. I must say I was most looking forward to the Twisted Sisters (Twins) but I found that the one ride that makes the trip worthwhile was indeed Thunder Run. The extremely banked turn around the station followed by the bunny hops is the best 1-2 combo of any wooden coaster I've been on.

"I live my life a quarter mile at a time. For those ten seconds or less, I'm free." Vin Diesel- The Fast and The Furious

I went to the park for the first time the other week as well. I was pleasantly surprised! I was expecting a dump, but it was clean and nicely landscaped.

With T2 being black, and Batman music being played, and a Batman sign near the ride, it doesn't help, but the sign is for the Batman Show. By the way, I rode T2 in the front and it is the worst SLC I have ever ridden. Not a headbanger, but you get thrown backwards and forwards in your seat all the way through.

Twisted Twins and Thunder Run make the park worth a visit.

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This trip report was good to see as I am going to Kentucky and Holiday World this coming weekend.

So, any coasters I should run to. It seemed pretty empty - is that the case all the time?

Also, does anyone know how long/far Holiday World is from SFKK?

If both sisters are going, I would run there first. From my limited experience and based on what other people have said, they will close one side if the crowd is small. Which is too bad, because both sides offer a different experience.

Bob M.

Figure on two hours from Kentucky Kingdom to Holiday World. It's I64 all the way to the Santa Claus exit, then a few miles down a state route. The Santa Claus motel is right across the street from HW if you're looking for overnight lodging. Or you can camp along the lake and lay in your tent looking at the Raven skimming across the water. The ony variable is gettingh from SFKK to the Indiana shore. If you leave SFKK at rush hour you'll fight bumper to bumper traffic through the city.

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