Six Flags Great America(8-16-01)Long

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Okay, this was my first trip ever to Six Flags Great America, and first, let me tell you, it was GREAT!

All right, the day started for me at 4:00 in the morning(when I got up) we left at 5:30 from Lansing, MI on our way. Remember it was only 4:30 at Great America(CST) We stopped in Indiana for breakfast, and got right back on the road. We were expecting to get there at about 9:30/10:00, but going through downtown Chicago during morning rush hour wasn't the right choice. We got to the park at about 10:30.

We got into the park, heading for Raging Bull, but decided to jump on Whizzer on the way. This coaster was okay for a mini coaster, it did go a lot faster than I thought it would. Seat: 2nd car from back. Wait time: 5-10 min. Scale: 6

We got off Whizzer, and headed for Raging Bull, but on the way, we bought our fastpass. Got to Raging Bull, looked at the line and thought, this line is way too long. We used our fastpass(BIG MISTAKE) None of us realized how fast the Bull line moved. Rode the bull, got off, got right back on. This coaster was AWESOME. Seat: middle. Wait time: 15 min. Scale: 9

We exited the bull heading for American Eagle, but decided to jump on Demon instead. Mixed feelings about this coaster, had a bit of head-banging, not bad, but it was definetly not worth a second ride. Seat: 2nd car from front. Wait time: 5-10 min. Scale: 5

Then it was on to American Eagle, got there, only one side was running, but then we got halfway through the line, and started up the red side, the line really started to move then. We decided to jump on the red side. We went up the lift hill totally in sync with the blue side, we went over the top and totally took the lead, it was awesome! All the people on the blue side were totally trash talkin' and we told them we were definetly gonna win. We did the turnaround and were about 5 train lengths ahead, ended up winning. This coaster was less than I expected, but still a great coaster, it was a little rickety, but still worth another ride(even though I didn't get one) Seat: back seat. Wait time: 20 min. Scale: 7

After American Eagle it was time for lunch, about 12:45.

Ate lunch and headed for the Iron Wolf, the line was totally full, and was outside of the queue line, we decided to use our second fastpass, good and bad idea. The fastpass was nice to bypass the line, but this ride, IMO not even worth a five minute wait. One of my fav. coasters is Mantis at CP(stand-up) so I was expecting an awesome ride, being a stand-up, and with that line. After the lift hill, I forget? was there even a ride? We were back in the station before I was even done with my fist scream down the hill. Seat: 2nd row. Our wait: 5 min. Regular wait: 30-40 min. Scale: 3

After Iron Wolf, it was time for Batman the Ride, we got in the line and were getting excited because the queue line was awesome, and the ride looked pretty cool also. We got into the station, and were getting antsy, we got on and went throught the ride, and it was totally awesome, not as good as Raptor, but pretty close. Seat: 3rd car from back. Wait: 25-30 min. Scale: 8

We got off Batman, and headed for Shockwave, A.K.A. the death coaster. All right, I was really looking forward to this coaster, from the time we drove into the park, and when we got ever so closer to it. I noticed there wasn't a very long wait, and nobody was getting off and getting right back on. We got on, went up the hill, and from there, it was just horrible, the head-banging was almost unbearable, the ride was just horrible. Seat: 2nd car from front. Wait: Walk-on. Scale: 2

Done with Shockwave(thank god) headed for Viper, I knew this was a great coaster from what I heard, and what I saw. We got on the ride, and for some reason, our lap bars decided they wouldn't go down barely at all, oh well, more air time for me! This ride was totally awesome, great wooden coaster. Seat: middle. Wait: 20 min. Scale: 7.5

Next it was back to Raging Bull. Seat: 2nd row. Wait: 15 min.

Then we jumped on Giant Drop, pretty cool ride, not as good as Power Tower. Wait: 20 min. Scale: 7.5

Then, it was on to V2 Vertical Velocity. We used our third fastpass, obviously. Oh my god, I loved this ride! The launch, the spiral, and when they stop you for that second, which feels like 30 sec. The ride was awesome. Seat: 3rd row from front. Our wait: 5-10 min. Regular Wait: 45 min.-1 hr. Scale: 9

After V2 we decided to leave the park to go eat dinner at the Olive Garden.

We re-entered the park at about 8:45, too late to use our last fastpass, but that was okay. We decided to ride Raging Bull again while it was getting dark. Seat: 2nd row. Wait: 10 min.

We headed over to Batman to ride in the dark, twice as good. Seat: 3rd row. Wait: 10 min. Scale: 8.5

Then it was back to Raging Bull again. Seat: 3rd row. Wait: 10 min. We got off and got right back on again, we got the very last train of the night, very last ride. Seat: Back row. Wait: 5 min. Scale: 10. Ride: Awesome

All in All, a very great day, definetly a park to re-visit. Park Scale: 8 out of 10.

Welcome back riders, how was your ride...Enjoy your day, here at Cedar Point, America's roller coast.
I wish lines for Shockwave were walk-ons when I went, but no.

LOL with the A.K.A. Death Coaster!

"Duff Man Says... Ohhhhh Yaaaaa!"
Current Favorite Coasters:
1)Raging Bull 2)Millennium Force 3)Medusa (SFMW) 4)Vertical Velocity (SFGAm) 5)Dueling Dragons (Ice)
Raging Bull should NOT have brakes on the second hill!!!

I though that this ride was huge when I went on it, but when i got on Millennium Force I almost crapped my pants.
Raging Bull should NOT have brakes on the third hill!!!

I though that this ride was huge when I went on it, but when i got on Millennium Force I almost crapped my pants.
its the 3rd hill not the 2nd.
It didn't used to be braked there
Back seat of Raging Bull is definetly the place to be. watching the rows in front of you literally disappearing from sight and then that YANK down the first drop. Sweetness all the way. Bull ranks in my top 5 right now.


Glad you enjoyed it.

Just call me MPG...

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