Six Flags Great America Tips please?

I am leaving this Tuesday for Chicago we are going to the Cubs game Wednsday and Six Flags Thursday.

Any Tips as far as when to get there by, what rides are best, what rides to try and hit first, etc...

Any info would be apprieciated.

Time of arrival will vary because I'm not driving if it were me we would be in there as soon as gates opened.

Thanks for everyones time.

I would recommend checking out some recent trip reports. That should steer you in the right direction. A really well written trip report can have some major tips in it. Good luck and have a fun trip!


cool thanx

I'd skip SFGAm and stay in Wrigleyville for another day :)

Enjoy the game! Wrigley is freakin' amazing.

I am a SFGAm regular, I go there once or twice a week. Here are some tips that I always follow myself...

Get to the park early if possible, and when the gates open at 9:30 go down the midway to the right into Hometown square. Keep going all the way to where the security guard stops people until 10. When he lets everyone go, go directly to Deja Vu, run if you want a good seat on the first dispatch. This ride tends to have the longest lines during the day (around an hour) so getting on it first with a minimal wait can help you get the most out of your day. It usually opens with the park.

Even if Raging Bull's queue looks big it is not bad, since SFGAm always runs 3 trains on it. If the line is to the entrance with no switchbacks open, then the wait is 15 minutes barring no breakdowns.

S:UF will have the second longest line of the day, but it tones down at around 4 or 5 pm (you can expect to get on in no longer than a half hour usually)

The best seats on Viper and car one row 3 (ejector seat) and can 5 row 3 (last row). This is a great smooth woody in any seat however. This ride is almost always a walk-on or minimal wait at night (after 8:00pm or so).

Make sure to get on both sides of American Eagle, I prefer Blue but many prefer Red. Both sides provide an excellent ride. This ride is usually no more than a 10 minute wait.

Make sure to get on Iron Wolf even though it's a tad rough, since it was B&M's first coaster.

I won't say any more than this...but make sure you get on Whizzer. Just make sure you ride it if you aren't coming back this year.

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