Six Flags Great America 8/19

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We arrived at the park at about one, only to our surprise to find out that the park closed at eight, I thought it closed at ten. I guess that will teach me to check the website before I go next time. Oh well, I had already gone four times before today so it really didn't matter to me (my first SFGAm trip report this year).

Raging Bull- The lines looked really long, so we decided to go back and each buy a fast lane. There were four of us. Anyways, we went on Raging Bull 5 times. The back is the best seat on the ride by far, you just gotta love the airtime this thing has. They were running all 3 trains later in the day, and the ops were actually doing a pretty good job (something you don't usually see from Raging Bull).

Viper- This ride is what every wooden coaster should be like. Lots of airtime, headchoppers, fairly smooth, and an overall great ride. Six Flags really needs to organize that station, though. Its very unorganized and soemtimes you can't even tell what line you are in. The line was about 25 minutes long.

Demon- A classic ride with a nice dose of airtime on the first drop. The loops made me a little sick to my stomach, but thats pretty normal. To my surprise, they were running all 3 trains, which reduced the wait time to only a couple of minutes.

American Eagle- The first part of the ride (before the helix) is great. I went on it 2 times (both backwards) and really enjoyed it. On the first drop, it was kinda of rough, and I even had to hang on a little bit to secure myself because it was hurting my back. I love the airtime, but sadly there was none after the helix. The first time we waited 15 minutes, the second time it was a walk on.

Iron Wolf- Rough? I thought Iron Wolf was very smooth. I don't remember how many trains they were running, but the line was a lot longer than normal. Thats what you get for having a really slow crew though. I was surprised at how long the wait was, so we used a fast lane.

V2 Vertical Velocity- We used a fast lane for V2, but ended up waiting 15 minutes anyways. Right before I was about to get on, the ride happened to brake down. It went about 20 feet or so and stopped. After about 10 minutes (which seemed like forever) of waiting, they moved the train backwards into the station. One test run and a train later, we were on the ride. If I remember correctly, I have never had any pain from the holding brake before, but today (for some odd reason) my nuts got smashed and sent me into extreme pain! I decided that would be the only ride on V2 for the day. The wait for us fast laners was short, but if you went the traditional way it looked like it was at least an hour.

Batman: The Ride- Yet again, we used a fast lane on this ride. Batman seemed faster and more fun than usual. The wait was also very short for fast lane, about two minutes, which I regret using a fast lane for. I think this is still one of the best rides at the park. Very smooth, lots of fun, and it really does seem out of control.

Condor- This is still one of my favorite flat rides. After all of the years, this ride still freaks me out. It doesn't look very tall, but it sure does feel high when you are up there. I went on it twice, and on the second time I closed my eyes. Its actually a very relaxing ride. Both times it was a walk on.

Orbit- We waited about 5 minutes, and I was actually a little dissapointed in the ride. It certainly seemed a lot more forcefull than I remember, and frankly I found it uncomfertable. Oh well, it was still fun.

River Rocker- Your typical pirate ship ride. The RR was a walk on all day.

Shockwave- The ride was still closed, and when riding Condor I noticed that the blue train was nowhere to be found. I also didn't see any of these "survey marks", but I really wasn't looking all to closely anyways.

Deja Vu- I am not sure if it valleyed again, or if it just wasn't fixed from before because the train was still inbetween the loop and the cobra roll. I was a little dissapointed, but I can do without Deja Vu.

Dare Devil Dive- Most deffinitly one of the most fun things I have ever done. It was my first Sky Coaster ever, and I was pumped up for it. The airtime when you first pull the ripcord is great! I loved it so much. I think the ops got a little annoyed with my friend because she was so scared, so it took her a little while to listen to things. In the end they said "How many times do I have to repeat myself?" in a sarcastic way. It was deffinitly worth the money, and I hope I can go on to big Sky Coasters in the future.

Prices- The food is way overpriced here. My friend payed $6 for a mini pizza! I only had a Very Strawberry Chill and Deluxe Nachos (from the food area by American Eagle) the whole day.

Overall it was a great day, and probably the best time I have had at Six Flags Great America this year.

The ice age killed the dinosaurs, we killed ourselves.

*** This post was edited by CobraRoller on 8/20/2002. ***

When I was at CP Wicked Twister broke down the same way V2 did. It was also closed for about 10 minutes, then one test run, then reopened.

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