Six Flags Great Adventure 10/10/05

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My secoond trip here this year. Very overcast and with the threat of rain.

I did not do much, as I was heading to Orlando in a few days. Its hard to get pumped up with that coming. First off, Kingda KaKa was down all day. Suprise. 0/10.

Rode Nitro first. Lots of delinquent teenagers in line. I refues to let anyone cut in front of me. When I tell them to meet me at the exit, they are never there. Great ride. 8/10.

Jumper across to Meduse. Used an exit pass. 8/10. My advice, if you are FAT, you may need to be told that if you hold up one more train because they cannot get 1 click, I will wait for you at the exit.

Did the Elvira. Its a repeat. 6/10. GASM. 8/10. Like the new paint job made it smoother. I love to walk on a major ride. Used another exit pass for Superman. Chumps wait in that line. 8/10.

Was suprised that Houdini's House was open. Had some 'hispanics' who kept changing seats. I like that attraction, but they have to fix the stunts in the first room. No excuses. 7/10.

I can't remember where I ate, but the catered dinner was okay. 5/10. Better than wedding food, but not quite the Stardust lunch buffet.

Have the park was closed for El Snoro. Overall: 7/10. Stay tuned for Orlando.

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