Six Flags going a little bit overboard with in-park ads?

rollergator's avatar
Why does this thread remind me SO much of the Futurama episode where Lightspeed-brand briefs advertises in your dreams.... ;)

Note: The above post was presented by MomCorp... :)

I don't mind. It I know they have massive debt that they are trying to erase.
^^ Probably because Matt Groening has a better handle on reality than most people give him credit for :)
ApolloAndy's avatar
I went to SFoT for the first time in a few months last weekend and I was pretty shocked by the amount of in park ads. I thought it detracted from my experience quite a bit. I go to the park to get away from stuff like that...

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

eightdotthree's avatar
It doesn't look as bad as Kings Dominion from a few years ago. Everywhere you go they have those stupid tvs advertising everything from movies, music and potato chips. I hated it.

If they told you they needed to draw a pint of blood from every customer and sell it so they could pay down the debt would that be OK too?
^This Fright Fest event brought to you by Life Source. :) *** Edited 10/4/2007 8:53:19 PM UTC by Chitown***

My favorite MJ tune: "Billie Jean" which I have been listening to alot now. RIP MJ.

I agree with the fact that the more annoying an ad is to me, I purposely avoid that product, because by the time I ever actually get around to a time I'd ever want it, I'm already tired of it lol. I see an ad or banner once or twice in a long span of time it at least gives me time to think about it and be curious about it, if its just enough to get my interest. If it's too much, I aim to try and get away from it, cause enough is enough.

I understand they are in debt and trying to do as much as they can, but I guess this is where complete customer experience has to sorta take a back seat to making the buck. (it would distract from my visit especially if that was in the Golden Kingdom of Gr Adv after they tried so hard to theme it as well as it seems they did), kinda like how those new lap bar trains would be a waste of money for MiAdv's new SLC :) . *** Edited 10/4/2007 10:38:31 PM UTC by P18***

Personally, I think this is nothing more than another excuse for someone to gripe about something they know little about.
This entire thread is just more complaining about nothing. Lets see here, CB has banners all over it, but I think if you pay extra you don't have to look at them. So if SF raised the price of admission $30 per and forced season pass holders to pay an extra fee for FF and canned the ads then everything would be OK?

How is that for an "experience?"

^Depotrat, I honestly would prefer that. Theme Parks are meant to be an escape from the normal monotony of everyday life. And when you have ads like that, that not only overwhelm you and look pathetic (like a cheap flea market and those tourist traps in South Dakota attempt to do with billboards every 50 ft.) It completely breaks the theme. While I understand the need to create extra revenue, there is a right way (sponsorship of rides, themes that fit with general atmosphere of the park like old fashion Coke logos on Main Street at Disney World) and a wrong way. This is clearly the wrong way, it sucks me out of the park experience and looks tacky.

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Chitown said:
^This Fright Fest event brought to you by Life Source. :) *** Edited 10/4/2007 8:53:19 PM UTC by Chitown***

Oh did we mention we're re-using needles to cut down on costs? :)

What's wrong with all the ads and banners on this site? I enjoy guessing which rapper's baby picture that is. I like seeing my name in glitter everywhere. And it makes my day every time I'm told I'm the millionth visitor to this site. :)

The Internet is not an amusement park and visa versa. Also, ot a bit, you see your name in the ads? I suggest you look into getting rid of the spyware or perhaps even viruses on your computer, there is no reason for those ads to know your name.

2022 Trips: WDW, Sea World San Diego & Orlando, CP, KI, BGW, Bay Beach, Canobie Lake, Universal Orlando

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