Six Flags fixed the Geauga Lake Porn Link

john peck's avatar
As many of you know, when Geauga Lake got the Six Flags conversion, was up for grabs. Well, apparantly, someone took it and made it a porn site. I had forgotten about it until recently, when a group of us were discussing it. Now, I had not gone to the porn site in the past, but I just went to see what it was just a little bit ago.... Fortunatly, Six Flags got control of it again, and re-linked it to the main Six Flags site.

Thank you soooooooooo much Six Flags!!!!!!!!!!


Really, i never even knew about that

Are roller coasters my life? NO, but I certainly like them!

Me either, what kind of porn site would be called that anyway...

Im the #1 Canobie Lake Park Fan!!!These are my top 3 coasters:
1. S:RoS @ SFNE 2. Yankee Cannonball 3. Cyclone

They try and get people to visit their site on accident. Ever misspell a link and end up somewhere you don't want? There are sites like and, which are not porn but have nothing to do with what people are after.

Don't, Don't Don't believe, Don't believe the hype.

Oh i get it...

Im the #1 Canobie Lake Park Fan!!!These are my top 3 coasters:
1. S:RoS @ SFNE 2. Yankee Cannonball 3. Cyclone

I do think the redirecting of people to other sites is criminal. My sister recently babysat a young kid who typed in a website wrong (I think it was Bob the Builder), and was redirected to a porn site. The worst part about accessing some adult sites is that you often can't get out of them without disconnecting your browser, because windows keep popping up.
The word "definitely" is definitely the most misspelled word on the buzz.
How would that be illegal?

If the shoe fits, find another one.

I agree, it is wrong... but I dont think it should be illegal.

I've got domains that simply redirect to my main site and that seems all fine and well. However, it seems like trademark owners of the domains could retrieve the domain from the cyber squatters as SF probably did with the Geauga Lake domain but I am not sure if sound-alake names apply (cederpoint, etc). I did email the owner of the domain (fyi, you can check dns, owners, registars, etc with and he wanted $500 for the name.

Have a nice day!

Off with the trims!
My fellow Americans; Let's Roll!

Yea, lots of kids used to go to for their Legend of Zelda information... eek! Although they eventually were aquired by nintendo. In fact, I remember that day a few years ago.. hehe....oops!
Damn! My membership was good through August! :)
Brad Sherman
Don't.....look.....back! The Headless Horseman awaits you in 2002!
Model coasters and rides
I do think that websites should be prosecuted for intentionally redirecting young children to their websites, through the use of some of their favorite toys and tv shows. This has nothing to do with free speech. When I worked in a magazine store, we couldn't sell porn to anyone under 18.
The word "definitely" is definitely the most misspelled word on the buzz.

*** This post was edited by Intamin Fan on 4/16/2002. ***

stoogemanmoe's avatar

That's like a year ago when I was looking for a computer case if you typed in computer cases . com it took you right to porn. Sad thing is my little girl was the one that typed that in when she was at school!

Beer, my soon to be wife, coasters, and the FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Is this a great country or what!!

john peck's avatar
It's really spooky of what you might just find when you do a search nowadays on the net.

One day, I'll most likely be a father, and the thought of all this stuff just makes me really annoyed....
Of course, I don't mind it now! :)

Intamin Fan said:
I do think that websites should be prosecuted for intentionally redirecting young children to their websites, through the use of some of their favorite toys and tv shows.

But the problem is that sites aren't "re"directing young children to the porn, its the kids that type it in in the first place. I would understand if a children's oriented site jsut suddenly started using meta tags to redirect kids to goatse or something, but that's not the case.

I agree its lame, but I don't see how you can do something about it legally, unless of course, you can get them on copyright infringement, but I doubt you could do that with just misspellings.

If the shoe fits, find another one.

*** This post was edited by ravenguy98 on 4/17/2002. ***

rollergator's avatar
I remember typing in the wrong URL when looking for Wild Advertures at work.....oops! The only error I had made was in punctuation, but it was a pretty big mistake. (You guys must know by now how terrible I am with dots, dashes, etc...).

Any resemblance between this post and humor is purely coincidental. No robots were harmed in the filming of this episode...The sarcasm filter default has been left ON for your enjoyment.

Hee hee,

This is a funny thread. True, but funny.

A older lady I work with needed a gift for her Husband the sports nut. Imagine her suprise when she tried to access Dick's Sporting Goods by typing in, what she thought, would be the correct domain. Boy did she get in some hot water! True story!

Getting back to the original topic, if you are concerned about accessing sites you do not wish to see, then I would suggest exploring your browser safety and anti-adult oriented settings. Also, many ISP's are dedicated to screening out unwanted site access.

I have to wonder if SF bought out the porn domain, or threatened a lawsuit.


A.K.A. John K.

I am guessing bought out since it now re-directs to the SF site.

Also, the thing I am noticing now is that a little ad will put itself really far down (on my aol screen) and far off to the side and it will periodically bring up new ads. I wouldn't have known it was there unless I didn't see the scroll bars on the side.

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