"More Flags, More Fun" may mean "More Outrage" for Six Flags over the amusement park chain's summer ad campaign featuring a screaming, thickly-accented young Asian man. The commercials, which have been airing nationally for months, are being called offensive, or worse, racist.
Read more from amNew York.
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Bring back Mr. Six!!! He's harmless!
Now if I see a something dissing Asian food, them are fighting words. Best food in the world.
BTW, my church ladies make better pirohi than your church ladies. Scooter, I know more than my share of Ukes from Parma.
2 - Does anyone remember the Labatt commercial a few years ago with the "asian" businessmen screaming "BREW"? I didn't hear any uproar about that, but I guess since Labatt's is Canadian, they are ok.
3 - why am I hungry now?
I'm Ukranian and German. If you throw pierogies at me I'll happily eat them then invade your country.
(And there are about 8 different spellings of "pierogi.")
As long as we're being insulted-- what about the Bud commercials with Mencia teaching English lessons? Those pretty much caricatured anybody who wasn't of western european descent.
This is just stupid.
If he were, shouldn't they be taking him to task for appearing in these commercials, and probably being well paid to do so as well? Do companies really want their names mispronounced just to poke fun at a certain ethnic group? Is this portrayal any worse than the maitre'd in the episode of Seinfeld set in the Chinese restuarant? If they hadn't used this actor, the group may be complaining about the lack of diversity in Six Flags advertising and how Asians are under-represented.
If you want to see racist, offensive advertising, check out this product from around 1965. (and yes, I loved the stuff.)
They weren't, so they're not. Its just another group looking for 15 minutes.
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