Six Flags America 9/6/2003.

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I headed out to Six Flags America today about 10am. Weather was super nice and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. I was well aware that it was Coaster Zombie day as well as Soap Opera Star day. We rolled into the park and it was packed so we had to park into back lot, which I have never seen filled before.

First off was Jokers Jinx We waited about 10 minutes and sat front row. It’s a pretty decent ride but does some slow parts on it. I ridden this coaster a ton of times so it wasn't too exciting. I will give it a 7out of 10.

Next was off to Superman! Best ride in the park. A little rough today but tons of airtime! We waited about 25 minutes and road 4th row! I heard some guy while I was waiting in line talk about how his buddy should put a penny on his knee as they go down the hill and have it fly off and hit someone. I hate people!! Arghhhhhhhh 9 out of 10 for superman!

Next was Batwing, which has some down time as usual early in the morning. We waited about 25 minutes when they had anther break down. 5 minutes and it was back up. Rode front row. Rather rough and I was pissed that once again they were only running 1 train! I noticed that the 3rd train, which was sitting to the side of the lift hill, was missing wheels so maybe that’s some of the issues they are having with the ride. I think they should shut down the ride and fix it to atleast 90% with 2 trains.I give Batwing a 5 out of 10.

Next we went to Two Face, the Flipside. We waited about 15 minutes and sat 4th row. Let me tell you, I was surprised this was the smoothest ride of the day. Super smooth and a great ride. The headrest smelled really bad though! Like sweat, a lot of people were complaining to each other about it. I give it an 8 out of 10. Boomerangs really don't do it for me but today Flip Side did.

Next was Wild One with what was the longest line I'd ever seen for this coaster. We waited about 20 minutes and rode the 4th row. Pretty nice ride. I'd give it a 6 out of 10.

Next we headed to Roar. I love its so nice. We waited 1 train and sat second row. My lap bar would only go down 1 click, which I wasn't thrilled about. Some guy in line told me I should loosen my seat belt for more airtime. I was like no thanks! Ride was pretty nice and fun. 8 out of 10.

Next we hit our final coaster, which was Mind Eraser. Now I am a Vekoma SLC whore and I love a good SLC. We waited inline about 15 minutes and when our train came back someone threw up. So before we could get on they had to clean it up. It took them 20 minutes to clean it up. Rather stupid if you asked me. Saying they didn't have the proper stuff to clean it up. And they where running around trying to kill bees with the cleaning fluids! We rode and it was rather smooth. I sat in the 5th row. I'd give it a 7 out of 10.

We hit the new Penguin Blizzard Raft Ride. I was kind of disappointed in this ride. It seem to me that they were in a hurry to get it built didn't do a good job with the landscape. Major water run off problems and the ride wasn't much to look out. I hope they put some gardens or something neat up around it. The ride it self was really fun. I'd give it an 8 out of 10.

Coaster with downtime today were-Batwing,Superman,Mind Eraser, Wild One, Flip Side, Roar and Jokers Jinx. Yes that’s right each coaster was down sometime today.

I'd rate the park a 7 out of 10. What could they do to make it better? Move Flip Side to Gotham City and clean up the area around Blizzard Raft Ride.If they move to Flip Side it could leave room for something new in that area and could fill in the gaps back by superman and batwing. Add a bathroom back by Batwing. I've been to SFA 8 times in the past 2 years and its one of my favorite parks. I think they just need to change the lay out of the park a little bit. I would recommend this park to anyone its a great one!


Actually, they had a lot of plants planted around Penguin's Blizzard River when it first opened, except the rain and probably the lack of sun in the spring killed them since they all pretty much soaked in water. I hope they work on the landscaping again this fall and spring around that ride. It was nice when the ride first opened.
I was there yesterday & from what I saw S;ROS was the only coaster with major downtime.

Batwing however ran flawlessly while we were in line,the only thing wrong with it is that damn single train operation & it looked like they were stripping the train on the storage track for spare parts.

Has anyone tried out the new karts on sonora speedway yet? I took the ride for a little spin yesterday & found the new karts much more comfortable & easier to handle than the old ones.
*** This post was edited by BATWING FAN SFA 9/7/2003 5:37:49 PM ***

> Move Flip Side to Gotham City

Actually, I wouldn't do this. With S:ROS and Batwing they have clustered two headliner coasters in the same corner of the park already. Moving Two-Face back there two would be bad for crowd control. The name is out of place, but not the coaster.

> Add a bathroom back by Batwing

That entire back section of the park is in desperate need of infrastructure, landscaping, etc.


What about moving Flip Side next to Penguin Blizzard Raft Ride? Up on the hill and then work on connection the park by batwing to Mind Eraser. I know Congo rapids is there but maybe a bridge so you could get to Gotham City 2 ways. Also I really think the park needs to work on there Q lines. Jokers Jinx, Wild one, Superman are horrible. The way they make you go inline and then the line doesn't move up cause people in the rear hold it up!
rollergator's avatar
I can't think of ANY coasters that have moved location and stayed in the same park....just too costly. I suppose an Invertigo would be as easy as any coaster could be, but just don't see it happening, ever...that being said, if you wanted to give up one of the best inverting Vekoma designs ever in Two Face, *some* park would be willing to take it off your hands...;)

The queues at SFA are some of the poorest ever designed, where riders waiting for the "prime seats" in the front/back of the ride have to be *continuously* reminded not to block other riders from filling the empty rows....moving railings just a little could increase capacity and dispatch times, AND keep their lead ops from getting hoarse...

As good a wood/steel combination as there is in the chain, personnel seems to be *gradually* improving, it is TIME for the park to start getting some infrastructure improvements....start by turning the horseshoe into a loop, and adding *amenities* by that newly constructed path...

bill, asked for a bathroom back in the corner when Batwing was *announced*...good thing I'm patient, hehe...;)
"Ju-ju-just like the bad guy, from Lethal Weapon 2, I've got diplomatic immunity, so Hammer you can't sue, can't touch me...." The Peter Griffin Rap

Glad you liked the new go-karts Batwing Fan SFA. It's a shame it was one of the few days I wasn't working over there so we could've talked (I was stuck in Movietown all day). I know we get a blast out of test-driving the cars every morning for inspection. Do you remember your number? I know most of the "stats" on the single cars, as well as some of the double cars.

I think the idea of moving Two-Face is nothing but a money-waster, and improvable. The public is used to its location where it is. With the train passing within a few feet of the ride, I don't see what else you could put in there with its narrow footprint.

The layout of the park is what it is. It would be extremely hard to change it without realiging many attractions and buildings, and again that costs major money. You have to remember that before the park was Flagged, all development stopped at Wild One (except for the picnic pavilions). I'm sure they had to be creative to fit everything into that footprint.

Lastly, I agree about Blizzard River and its current state of landscaping. Chalk it up to major rains that washed a lot of it away. It looked really good when it first opened. That's one for the landscaping company to tackle next year.

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I think it was car #43,I'm not sure though.

It was one of the solid black ones with the red numbers though,those new karts handle great but for some odd reason alot of the other karts kept stalling out & it was rather funy when we entered the pits because the kart in front of mine cut off but we didn't have enough room to pull in & maintenance couldn't restart it so I just nudged him in by pulling up slowly to the bumper & giving a bit of gas to get him in position.

Also on Roar for some reason they were having a hell of a time trying to close lap bars on the entire right side of the train,for some reason they were jammed in the open position.

Batwing FAN SFA,

Do you feel Roar is running rougher than in months past, I noticed that the last couple of times I was at the park.

I would like to see better infrustructure at the park. I think maybe moving Flip Side would cost alot of money but it would look good on the hill by Blizzard ride. Also I love to see them take BatWing down and fix it to run at atleast 90% with 2 trains. I like to see them make Gothman City more like Gotham city by naming the flats there after Batman people. Like Choas could be Posion Ivys payback and Alphine bobs could be Mr. FReeze. Ilove this park don't get me wrong these are some ideas that I think will make it even better.
As a matter of fact I do,I rode Roar twice on saturday,once up front (it was relatively smooth) & once in the middle of the train (both times it was the black train) & I found the ride to be slightly rough in the middle of the train.

Perhaps it's time to give the ride a bit of a retracking especially on some of the twisting drops because it was shaking enough to give me a headache the following day,they also need to replace the worn/ripped padding on the lap bars (the same goes for Wild one's trains as well) I thought they took care of that last year when the trains were sent off to PTC for offseason rehab but I guess they dropped the ball there.

Crashmando said:

I would like to see better infrustructure at the park. I think maybe moving Flip Side would cost alot of money but it would look good on the hill by Blizzard ride. Also I love to see them take BatWing down and fix it to run at atleast 90% with 2 trains. I like to see them make Gothman City more like Gotham city by naming the flats there after Batman people. Like Choas could be Posion Ivys payback and Alphine bobs could be Mr. FReeze. Ilove this park don't get me wrong these are some ideas that I think will make it even better.

Have you been to this park? Chance Chaos is known as Krypton Comets and the ride across from Alpine Bobs and Joker's Jinx is Riddle Me This. Alpine Bobs was name something after Penguin until they added Penguin's Blizzard River this year and then they changed the name back Alpine Bobs instead of giving it another Gotham City name.

Again, why would you go to all the expense to move a coaster that's just fine where it is? We're not the only park to have a Superhero in a different section of the park. At the end of the day, I don't think the public goes "You know I really liked that Two-Face ride, but I'm not to going to ride it anymore until they move it to Gotham City." No one cares.

BFSFA, did you have a lot of accidents during your race? The cars are under remote-control, and if an accident happens, we can go out on the track and not totally fear for our lives because the op can slow the cars to a crawl. Unfortunately, this causes some of the cars to stall.
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As a matter of fact no,there weren't any accidents during my race but I'm sure from the op's POV it probably looked like some idiot racer would probably run into at least one of them.

I'm quite sure it would still hurt like crazy to get hit by one of those things even when going at the slower speed set by the controller.

Missed you guys. I was there too for the Zombie Invasion. The ERT of Superman was terrific. Both trains were really rolling. The group was enthusiastic and well mannered as were the park personnel. There were some problems early in the ERT with painful stapling by one operator, but that seemed to get straightened out after about 10 minutes. I guess this is the price we pay for the unfortunate incident at Holiday World.

Note: I'm not complaining about having restraints close. I keep mine pretty close anyway. (No one clics for me) I'm talking about the operator throwing his weight with both hands on the lap bar with resulting bruising. But, as I said before, this was corrected pretty quickly to restraints close but not too tight. Everyone left happy with lots of thanks and compliments.

It was about time they got TOD running all 3 sides,now let's see how long that lasts.

Of course TOD doesn't hold a candle to DZ @ PKD,hell when I rode it on saturday I was so bored that I could've slept through the whole thing.

Remember BFSFA that TOD was built in 1996. There was bound to be higher models built, just as there have been higher coaster heights set.
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