Six Flags America 4/19/2003

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Weather: Cool - Partly Cloudy

I know there are lots of opinions out there, but based on my Six Flags experiences (SFMM, SFoT, SFDL, SFNE, SFGrAdv, SFWoA, Great Escape), I think this is one of the better run parks. The half dozen times I've visited the employees have always been pleasant, rides run efficiently, the park is clean, and line jumping rules strictly enforced. On this trip, we were surprised that when the gates & turnstiles opened - the park was open too. No waiting behind a rope on the bridge.

We headed to Batwing and had the first ride of the day - all alone - no one else on the train. No one had even made it down to this area of the park, so the silence was eerie - and, yet, enjoyable. We headed to Superman and found the staff running the trains like clockwork with one problem - they weren't letting riders on. We asked why and the ops said they were told not to let anyone on. The same thing was happening at Joker's Jinx. It was frustrating because this corner of the park is a hike from other rides and we were only spending the morning and wanted to get rides in on all coasters.

The whole time waiting the employees were very courteous to guests inquiring about the ride. We diplomatically asked them to call a park manager to the queue entrance - and they did. He came, checked out the situation, and walked us right up to the front seat of the ride AND APOLOGIZED for the inconvenience. THAT's why I think this park is one of SF's best.

Water rides are still dry in preparation for warmer weather and Two-Face was closed so it could be painted. There were no lines all morning and we walked on to all the other coasters.

Batwing (9/10)
I gave an extra point just because we had no line to wait on and we rode alone in a deserted area of the park. It was really a rare experience that greatly enhanced the ride. The silence is whattruly gave us the sensation of flying. I haven't ridden a B&M flyer yet so I can't compare, but I think coaster abnd particularly its setting are more appealing than X-Flight at SFWoA.

Superman: ROS (10/10)
Intamin hypers are a unique experience. I love B&M hypers, but Intamin trains and layouts just seem more exhilarating. The first drop is a "WOW" moment. The stretch between the first and second hill is a rush. The straight-away between the first & second helix amplifies the speed sensation. A GREAT ride - that pales next to S:ROS at SFNE.

Wild One (8/10)
Maybe it was the weather, but this day's rides were my best yet on this classic. Front seat and airtime all the way - love the double dips up the hill and the rather intense helix at the end. This is a national historic treasure.

Roar (8/10)
A wonderful GCI creation. It never lets up, but having ridden Ghostrider only a month or so ago, I've got to keep the rating in perspective. I still think this ride is greatly underrated and one of the better woodies in the Northeast.

Mind Eraser (6/10)
This one is showing signs or age. Rust, rough track, faded paint job. One feature on these Vekomas SLC's you don't get on B&M inverted's is the open bottom lift hill. Just dangling feet and the ground below. B&M usually has some kind of greating with steps on either side. Here it is pure suspension.

Joker's Jinx (7/10)
No more stinky OTSRs. The launch is nice and the first third is great. The ride then passes through a ringed stretch of flat track into a boring mid-ride before a rousing end.

Hi Brooklynrider,

Glad you had a great time at my homepark. SFA has seemed to step up the customer service this year I hope and expect them to keep it up. I honestly see more managers walking around the park this year rather than sitting behind the desk. I agree with you on Joker's Jinx I rode it for the first time the other day and was expecting more and instead got less than what I was expecting. Great trip report!

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