Six Flags America 04/12/03

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What a day! What a day! What a beautiful day!!! Not a cloud in the sky, perfect temperature and SFA was open when I arrived promptly at 10:30 this morning. Stopped and got my free coke hat, then got my coupons and boy are my friends and family going to have a good time this year. Between the premium pass perks and the coupon book there are 12 discount coupons for SFA and 4 bring a friend for free coupons, add that to the four bring a friend for friend coupons I got at the end of the 2002 season and that spells savings (at least for all of my friens).

After getting all of the necesary geary, my wife and I stop and pose for our picture with none other than Wiley Coyote and Porky Pig. Yes, SFA has added two new Looney Tune characters to their line-up this season. I believe the only one they are missing now might be Marvin Martian. After the picture posing, it was off to walk around park and see what was new.

Our first stop was Coyote Creek. Renegade Rapids was still closed for off-season maintenance. Checking out Mind-Eraser and it was not running either but was testing. I was beginning to think this day was going to get off to a bad start. A second glance and I notice it looks like the trains on Mind Eraser have been refurbished with new pads. After checking out Mind Eraser we head over to Roar.

Roar was running two trains and head a small line, High Seas was operational, but Typhoon Sea Coaster wasn't running, didn't have any water in it so it looks like it might be a couple of more weeks before that one opens. Roar looks good but I decide to hold off and see what else is going on. After making that decision I head to Gotham City.

First up, Joker's Jinx. Not running but testing. S:ROS, running with one train operation but with a minimal wait. Batwing, running one train operation but they appear to be having problems with the seats reclining. BTW, they are still reclining the seats in the station. Of course, I stop along the way and snap a few pictures of Penguns Blizzard River.

I was rather surprised they did not have any blinders up. In fact, they had a humours sign up that said Working to Make Gotham City a better place. The Bruce Wayne Foundation. As has been previously reported, Penguins Blizzard River is going on the hill across from Joker's Jinx and appears to be profiled per the map. The ride hasn't quite gone completely vertical yet and because they didn't completely get rid of the hill, you can't see what is going on with the Penguins layer or how complete it is. The area going back to the corporate picnic pavillions was blocked off so you couldn't get back there either. They still had quite a bit of heavy machinery back there as well. I asked a guard when it would open and he said June. I will post the pictures as soon as I get them developed. After touring Gotham City, we head over to Southwest Territory to check out Two Face and Wild One.

Wild One at first wasn't running two trains but by the end of the day was. Two Face however, was a different story. Two Face has no train. I have heard that it was getting refurbished but when I asked a park manager they said they were having some problems with it and wasn't sure when it would open. BTW, I don't know what the problem is and yes I did ask. Okay, time to begin coaster riding but before I do that, we had over to Coyote Creek and eat lunch and see the revised musical.

Glad to see Kathleen is back as one of the singers. This is completely different show with completely different singers. The show was not bad for the first run in public and I am sure it will improve as the season progresses. I can only hope the same for the food service staff. It appeared they were going through on the job training on how to ring the registers, what items got two sides, one items got one side, no salads were out, I never did get the salad dressing I asked for and I was charged for my soda even though I had my hat on. But the cashier did try to make up for it by giving me another soda at no extra charge. A soda I could have gotten for free also. Kudos to her for at least trying to make up for the mistake but I spoke with a supervisor and was giving a free dessert (a rather big slice of cake) that made up for more than the difference. Yes I realize everyone is new to this but none the less wanted to point it out. BTW, I think there has been a substantial increase in the price of food and I am a little upset that Uncle Teddy's Soft Pretzels are gone!

After see the country music show, my wife and I start to heading over to Skull Island and Roar. But we stop and see the new Samuari Cowboy show. Excellent show, well rehearsed and pretty dang gone funny. This is a completely different show than the one I saw last year and the special effects were pretty good. I will definetly be seeing it again.

Okay, upon leaving Samurai cowboy my wife and I head over to Roar. I had butterfly in the stomach feeling I usually get prior to ride my first coaster for the season but that feeling left as soon as I raised my hand over my head and made that first turn and began heading down the lift hill. Roar is a awesome coaster no doubt about it. But something was different about it this time than last November. I felt every single defect in the metal track, it was rough ride. I don't know if it was the black train I was riding in or if the tracks needed to be greased but this coaster needs to be looked at and see if the overall feel if the ride could be improved in the near future. However, I still enjoyed the coaster as much or more than I did last year, she felt like she was running loose today.

Next up! S:ROS on the way back to S:ROS, I noticed Joker's Jinx is running and had probably a 10-15 minute wait. S:ROS was running only the blue train. The red train had the pads missing, probably being replaced. However, after a 5 minute wait I was heading up the left hill and before I know it, back down the side. Oh what a feeling!!! S:ROS was running great. I don't think I have ever had so much air time on the coaster. Definite airtime on the first hill after the drop, okay air on the second, to maximize the G's on the first helix I put my right fist in the air like Superman and put my left arm by my side, boy talking about G's, I never have felt anything like it. I felt like I was going to be sucked through my seat. On the third hill I had infinite air time, I thought I was never going to come back down again. Second helix, did the same thing with my fist in the air again. AWESOME!!! I can't get enough of this coaster. Next stop: Wild One!

Wild One remains the classic woodie coaster. But I think she is begin to show her age. She just didn't seem to have the spunk she had last year. Typical air time, but she wasn't running as fast for some reason. I don't know if it was the red train I was riding or not but she seemd quite a bit slower. The crew is new and seems to be better this year. Only time will tell. The ride op did play a little game of guess when I am going to release the lap bar lock and even made everyone around me think he was going to send us up the lift hill with nothing more than a seat belt holding us down. Luckily he caught his mistake, released the lap bars and sent us up the lift hill. However, the rest of the coaster crews in the park still stick to the standard schtick like "Enjoy your ride on the Ride of Steel" in a monotone voice. Perhaps all of the ride ops should go through SF Acting School before operating a ride.

By now, it is 2:45, my wife and I head over to Pieces of 8 for quick slice of Pizza, ride the Antique Cars which are beginning to have their own seat of problems. One car had gas peddle problems, another couldn't even carry it's own passenger up the modest hill and bridge after taking the first curve. Then we decide to give the Bugs Bunney goes to Hollywood show. A show we were not impressed with last year. It was evident to us the director girl had no acting or dancing experience ever before. However, the show has a better cast this year. It was much improved over last year and the new director girl is pretty good as well.

At last, 3:00 and time to leave. Not a bad opening day. I can tell SFA is going to have an excellent season. I already see improvements in the staff over last year and I'm sure as the season gets further and further along they will become a excellent staff and gel well. I was most impressed with the improvements in the shows this year, can't wait to see the Cirque De Six Flags show and hope the Batman Thrill Spectacular improves this year also. Ride Ops seem better but could be more energitic, however, the food staff needs to work on learning their system.

Rides not running summary;

Two Face the Flip Side, Typhoon Sea Coaster, Renegade Rapids, Penguins Blizzard River (still under construction).

Nice way to start off the season,I'll be sure to check on PBR's progress while I'm there.

A good way to check on it is when your going up S:ROS's lift try & turn around in your seat,you should be able to get a decent view from up there

I just hope they get Two Face up & running ASAP but of course it's not gonna be open tomorrow that's for sure,as for the rest of your TR I already read it on SFN & posted my reply so check it out.

Sounds like a fun day. I always found S:ROS to have a lot of airtime but I always thought the hill after the helix was always the best at giving airtime. Thats sort of weird there was no train on Two Face.

-Sean Newman
SFGADV- "Baboon Warning: Baboons WILL cause damage to all types of vehicles. Enter the baboon area at your own risk."


I just hope they get Two Face up & running ASAP but of course it's not gonna be open tomorrow that's for sure,as for the rest of your TR I already read it on SFN & posted my reply so check it out.

Actually, the funny thing was, I asked a manager when it would open and they said not today. My response was, well I kind of gathered that there is no train on the track.

Of course the 3rd hill(the one between the helixes) is what I call the "airtime hill" even if the rest of the ride has a slow pace to it cuz of the layout that 3rd hill makes the coaster worth riding.

Of course the 3rd hill(the one between the helixes) is what I call the "airtime hill" even if the rest of the ride has a slow pace to it cuz of the layout that 3rd hill makes the coaster worth riding.

Sorry, there was no slowness to this coaster today. You reached the top of the lift hill and before you knew you it were on your side and then sitting straight up again and going up the 1st hill. There was nothing stopping this coaster today. I don't think a bird could out fly S:ROS today. It was at the top of it's game. I'm still picking little insects from between my teeth.

I think the food staff had the opening nite jitters at the saloon, not the singers..... I have a feeling there'll be a different cashier next time you or I hit the park, she was as nervous as a _____ in Church....

Nice report!

never met a coaster I didn't ride (except Junior Geminii) :(

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