Six Flags - Read To Succeed 2013

While I am waiting for the start of the season along with a lot of folks in the colder regions, I thought I would start a thread about a big change to the Read to Succeed program this year.

The deal for the kids remains the same. In schools that participate, children up to age 13 can enter their reading logs for a total of 6 hours. A parent has to initial each entry. Once that is collected, the teacher sends the info to a coordinator in the school and that person sends in the schools envelope. They also have to log in each kid on line. In June the coordinator gives a child ticket to each kid who did it.

Up until last year teachers would only get a teacher ticket (Adult Admission) if they had ten or more participants in the class. Starting this year, teachers get an adult ticket even if they only have one student who does it.

There is a limited window for when the tickets can be used. It's usually from late June through mid August. The tickets are only good for one park.

Here is the link to the website for more info....

I just think that asking kids to read for 6 hours is generous. It should bbe more like 20 hours...but that's just me.

This must be a big money maker for the parks. They get a lot of adults to come because 13 year old kids can not get there themselves. Very clever marketing.

Any thoughts?

Here's To Shorter Lines & Longer Trip Reports!

^Agree with the more than 6 hours reading requirement, but more towards the upper grades (4th, 5th, and 6th). The middle school I teach at requires the 5th and 6th grade kids to read 30 minutes a night as homework and have the reading log signed by a parent/guardian (which isn't asking a lot in my opinion--considering they seldom have additional homework in other subject areas).

30 minutes a night x 180 days = 5,400 minutes; which is 90 hours by the time the school year is over with.

I've also always wonder how many kids are actually doing the required 6 hours of reading vs. adults just fudging the numbers so their kid gets a free ticket.

I would imagine the requirement for teachers was lowered because the redemption rate is insanely low. And I'm sure you're right. For a chain that gives away the gate anyway, this probably makes them a good chunk of money.

Last edited by bigboy,

blasterboy6500's avatar

My friend's son gets that coupon (I think) every year. All he does is read ten minutes a night before he goes to bed, and they hardly even check if the books a kid reads are age-appropriate.

Last edited by blasterboy6500,

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