Single rider lines?

IOA has a feature where if you're a single rider, they just put you where ever on the ride and you don't have to wait long...Disney has also started doing this. My question is...I'm going to BGW, PKD, SFA and SFGAdv in October. Do they have singles lines? I haven't been in a while.

Beware of the Dragons! - Dueling Dragons

SFGAdv doesn't, I wish they did though! That would help keep things moving faster.
Life is a Great Adventure!!
I know for sure that at BGW they have it for Apollo's Chariot.

"Roller coaster favorite ride..." ~Blink-182
This is a good idea that I wish more parks would implement, especially on the more popular coasters and rides.

One related problem I've had, though, was at Geauga Lake (when it still was) - I wanted to go on a ride that was like a Trabant (don't remember the name), but since my husband gets ill on circular rides, I wanted to ride alone but was not allowed by the ride op, even though the ride only had like 6 people on it, no joke. That really annoyed me, that you MUST have more than 1 rider - while I can understand it for crowded days when the lines are long, come on, it shouldn't be a full-time policy. Granted, I've never seen it before or since (never been back to that park yet, either), but oh well.

Po!nt of View: A different look at Roller Coasters.
CKat, I think it's more a supposed safety thing not a capacity thing. I know several parks require 2 riders per seat on the "Falling Star" type rides (SFA and HW come to mind) and of course Kennywood doesnt allow singles on ThunderBolt.

Anyway, on topic, neither SFA nor PKD has the single rider deal. It kinda sucks too. I loved when i was able to walk right onto Dr Doom @ IOA cause my sister didnt want to ride. It was cool. I think all parks should have these lines, especially on 4 across coasters as there are almost always empty seats!

"I propose that a smart death ray be designed to smite any who attempt to smoke in a line queue. " - Figaro
I agree i loved the policy at BGW. I hope that SFWOA will do it for at least BKF and X-Flight.

The greatest player in the NHL for that?
Yes they do have it at BGW on Apollo's Chariot, but it is hardly ever open. I have been about 25 times so far this year and it has only been open twice when I was there. I don't go on the weekends so maybe that is it, but I think it should be an all the time thing if trains are leaving with empty seats.
Wow! I've never heard about this.

SFGAm Trip - July 13-17, 2001
This is an excellent idea that I wish many parks would implement. They should have one line for single riders that way there will be no empty and wasted seats on the ride.

I'd walk through hell in a gasoline suit to keep riding roller coasters
i wish more parks would do this too. When I went to CP last year, the ride op's yelled out that they needed a single rider for DT. It was the only ride that they had asked that on but I sure took advantage of it. At the time, MF was supposed to be nothing but full capacity coaster and you couldn't pick what seat you wanted but I rode alone. The coolest thing that happened that day was when I was in line for Raptor, and I was geared up for 2nd row. The next train out had only 3 people in line for front car and I asked the ride op if I could hop on into front seat into the empty one. He said yes and man it was awesome. I go to parks alone allot of times and I get SO frustrated when I see trains empty out of the station with allot of empty seats. SFKK is the absolute WORST for this. Single rider lines would benefit every park and its' guests.
God please let SFKK get something this year. ANYTHING!!

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