OK, I got back into using RCT (LL) for the first time in more than a year after hearing about RCTII coming out this fall.
I'm left with a lot of the same frustrations that really leave me not liking the game.
Is there a scenario that gives you all the rides and attractions, period?
Is there a megapark scenario, however it might have been created, that does not crash and burn, which gives you everything, even it the land isn't cleared, etc?
Are there any of these trainers that won't create a file that can not be opened by users not having it?
Will RCTII allow for old park files to be imported?
Will Mr. Sawyer finally let us have all the toys without pointless restrictions and omissions either by way of the scenario editor or something at the end of the built-in scenarios?
Just sit back, and enjoy your record breaking ride on Millennium Force!
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