Silverwood owner Gary Norton writes, publishes a book about his life

Posted | Contributed by VitaminsAndGravy

Silverwood Theme Park owner and creator Gary Norton said he revealed a lot more about himself in his new book than he ever wanted to share. "American Theme Park: The Creation of Silverwood" is an American entrepreneur story, said Norton, 64, who lives in a house just west of Silverwood. The self-published book covers all the periods of his life leading up to the creation of Silverwood. From there, it takes the reader through the process of building the ultra-popular park.

Read more from The Coeur d' Alene Press.

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janfrederick's avatar

I'm about halfway through this. It may not be the best writing, but I would HIGHLY recommend reading this. What a crazy story!

I took my son to the pops in San Diego for the forth of July and it was one of Marvin Hamlisch's last performances. The venue was just behind the San Diego convention center and this boat was docked outside and Marvin made constant reference to it throughout the concert. Turns out my cousin's boyfriend went to high school with the son of the owner, who happened to buy it from Gary and leased it out to be used for the film Overboard before getting retrofitted. (and how's that for a sentence?)

Gary had to beat back packs of ravenous dogs with a stick in Hong Kong when checking out progress on that boat. Very interesting and I haven't even gotten to the Silverwood part.

"I go out at 3 o' clock for a quart of milk and come home to my son treating his body like an amusement park!" - Estelle Costanza

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