Show Alert! New Travel Channel Special

I've been skydiving and the bungee jumping thing does seem like it would be worse... I think that's next on my list :)
I was a little surprised the didn't feature Maverick a bit more. Nice little blub on Maggie, though.

I guess I need a trip to SF:GA and Hersy next summer.

Coaster Junkie from NH
I drive in & out of Boston, so I ride coasters to relax!


Steel Hawg at Indiana Beach has the steepest first drop at a very fun 120 degrees.

^At the time of this special, it might have not been open though.

I thought it was stupid to have Top Thrill Dragster and Kingda Ka in the same special. Those Las Vegas rides always get so much publicity. I haven't been on either one, but it's not even the ride itself. It's about how high you are up there.

When they said something about every coaster enthusiast dream would be to ride Kingda Ka, I thought that was kind of funny knowing how people are on here.

Get Ready. Get Set. Spinout! Six Flags America: The Park that is Full of Disappointments
coasterqueenTRN's avatar
Sweet! I will have to record it. :)
Spinout, I was thinking that very same thing watching that show: How many of us were watching the program and going, "eh, been there, done that". LOL And those Las Vegas rides would only be scary because of how high they are for sure. I mean, that thing where you just hang out the edge and then slide down to dangle over the side of the building...I myself wouldn't even ride that. ;)

I wonder if, in the future, we will see B&M working on more extreme machines like Kingda Ka. I mean, they build these beautiful 200ft+ coasters, but never anything record breaking in terms of height or speed anymore. They could probably do a beautiful job with a taller coaster. I would definitely ride THAT. Intamin is responsible for my favorite ride on the planet, and they're also responsible for some of my other top spots, but I'm rooting for B&M to pioneer something out of this world in the future.

"Look at us spinning out in the madness of a roller coaster" - Dave Matthews Band

During the show, my wife and I got into a discussion about exactly how/why those Vegas Statosphere rides are scary. She said they looked terrifying while I said they were kind of gimmicky.

The scariest part of the whole thing would be initally walking out on the Stratosphere patio 900+ feet up. IMO if you can do that, the rides shouldn't add a tremendous amount of additional fear. She said the S&S Tower looked like her worst nightmare. But then I pointed out that it was exactly like Liberty Launch which she has ridden and enjoyed multiple times. I think the rides themselves are less scary because they are at the top of the building. When you are already 900 feet up, what's another 150? To me, it's kind of like saying KK is way scarier than TTD because it's 36 feet taller.

Next Wednesday is Extreme Waterparks. And the Sunday after (8/17) is a whole evening of Extreme shows.
rollergator's avatar
^bunky, X-Scream does require a fresh set of underwear. The regular teeter-totter motion is bad enough, but then comes the "surprise moment". If you don't already know about it, I'm not giving out spoilers...

The coaster on top of Strat was the least scary ride there....and it's largely because the ride always leans TOWARD the top of the tower. One short track section with a "mine-train type reverse-banking"...would have made that ride freakishly scary.

The only thing on the show I've yet to actual bungee. Who's up for one of them off the side of the Grand Canyon skywalk thingy? :)

Lord Gonchar's avatar
Cool enough show, but are they ever going to make these different?

For the past decade all of these shows have the exact same look, feel and pacing. (you'd think B&M were making them ;) )

I think it's time for someone to try something different. I'm not sure exactly how or what it would consist of, but if feels like I've watched the same show countless times over the years.

I'm pretty sure they keep the voiceovers and just swap out clips and call it a new show.

Kick The Sky's avatar

Emiroo said:
The scariest part of the whole thing would be initally walking out on the Stratosphere patio 900+ feet up.

Yeah, you had me until you said walk out onto the patio...I tried that once and I walked about five feet from the door and then glued myself to the wall and slid back to the door. Not one of my proudest moments. Heights are a bad thing for me, which is strange because I LOVE big coasters.

Does anyone find it strange that they were making Firehawk out to be "all that"? I mean, they even made it sound like it was a new concept, not the seven or eight year old piece of crap that used to sit at Geauga Lake.

Certain victory.

mfivsdarienlake said:
I've been skydiving and the bungee jumping thing does seem like it would be worse... I think that's next on my list

I went Bungee after was anti climatic. After skydiving, bungee was a piece of cake.

Coincidently, we went to a place that had to be a sister park of the one in the TC show. They had the SCAD tower, though their's was named Nothin But Net I think. Unfortunately, the SCAD was closed due to high winds so I bungeed instead.

My wife just thinks I'm an idiot. ;)
lata, jeremy
PlaceHolder for Castor & Pollux

rollergator's avatar
^You're not an some of us here, we just have a high thrill tolerance...the *hit* of adrenaline is as addictive as it is for "normal mortals" (maybe even moreso), it just takes more perceived danger to reach the threshold.

The only places I've seen a SCAD tower: Orlando IAAPA - the "short" one I managed to ride, Playland Vancouver, Dells. I'm relatively certain there are more (maybe PF area, perhaps Branson?), just that I haven't seen others personally.

Reverse Bungees (not the S&S towers, LOL), aka Slingshots, are as common as dishwater, along with skycoasters, skyscrapers and regular bungees.

Maybe the show should visit some of the smaller parks with more "charm" like Canobie or LC, and do a show on "historic" coasters that still thrill riders today.

Coaster Junkie from NH
I drive in & out of Boston, so I ride coasters to relax!

^ Yeah, and they could call it "Extreme Charm!"
Either that or "Extream Classics." Maybe some significant benchmarks in coaster design that are still running today. You know, X being the first 4D coaster, Maggie breaking 200 ft, the first hyro launched coaster (no it wasn't TTD), first flyer, ect.

Coaster Junkie from NH
I drive in & out of Boston, so I ride coasters to relax!

Hey guys,

What was the name of that attraction where you fell through a hole in a platform down to a big net. It was paired with the Bungee jumping piece. I turned it on as they were talking about it. So I missed what it was called and where it was at.




rollergator's avatar
^Doug, that's a "Safety Catch Air Dive", or SCAD tower...if you remember a couple years back, a kid was pretty seriously hurt when he was released at the top of the one from IAAPA at Orange County Convention Center Orlando with the net not yet raised. He did recover.
Normally, they use a mechanism to tell the operator at the top when the net is in position, but for some reason it was decided that the operator could check visually since it was from such a low height...

You still have Zoidberg.... You ALL have Zoidberg! (V) (;,,;) (V)

KTS, big tall coasters aren't that scary because 1) You are strapped in and seated, 2) You're not up there that long to really worry about it (case in point, I love Toro, but getting stuck on the lift hill at nearly 200 feet up made me want to scream, vomit, pee myself, and pass out not necessarily in that order) and 3) you're too busy thinking about what lays on the other side of that big tall hill. I HATE Ferris Wheels and won't do them, and Sky Rides make me mildly to moderately nervous as well. I've already climbed a water tower with some friends, realized I was above the treeline, and had to be backed down the steps by a friend. LOL It's a weird phenomenon, the whole heights thing.

"Look at us spinning out in the madness of a roller coaster" - Dave Matthews Band

Thanks RollerGator! I was telling a lady at work about it and she like I need to see the crazyness!


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