Should Six Flags close Magic Mountain for the winter season?

Six Flags missed the mark again for the first quarter. Should Six Flags close SFMM for the winter season? It certainly seems if the park can't turn a profit in the winter season then why keep it open?
Maybe if they did they could get S:TE running, Flashback, the Sky Tower, etc, and have multi train ops on the others. Wouldn't that be something? :)

(Ya gotta admit, the sign they've had up for a few weeks in front of S:TE is funny: "This ride is closed due to weather conditions") *** Edited 5/7/2004 7:54:08 PM UTC by Peabody***

Real Cbuzz quote of the day - "The classes i take in collage are so mor adcanced then u could imagen. Dont talk about my emglihs" - Adamforce
Yes it was extremely funny. What does the sign say now?
They should close it in the offseason, get rid of Flashback because it can only operate in the winter, and run multiple trains again.
If they get rid of Flashback, they loose a roller coaster and can't claim they have the most roller coasters. Plus, where are they going to put it?
Sell it for cash. They've already moved that thing multiple times.

Pardon our dust...Signature is building for your future enjoyment!

I seriously doubt anyone is gonna buy that thing in its condition. You know, SFMM isnt known for painting thier attractions, so I'd imagine it to just sit and rust away. Its a shame because the ride used to be so much fun.

...and such

Either sell it to another park, or sell it for scrap.

Pardon our dust...Signature is building for your future enjoyment!

Ye gads...when was that ride "fun"? I know it wasn't fun as Z-Force when it was born at Great America - and I rode it when it made it's last crash landing at Magic Mountain - still not fun! To each his own, I'm just glad that ride has pleased someone in it's lifetime

I have to believe that it will be standing there for awhile - unless they decide they can use that small footprint for the waterpark or something that is. The one good decision that Magic Mountain made was to put Flashback where they did - it's nicely tucked away where it doesn't bother anyone.

If/when they do get rid of it, I'm bettin' that it won't be loaded up to go anywhere else BUT the scrap yard.

Back to topic, I can't imagine they'd ever decide to shut down the park for the winter - it's been open year-round for such a long time, they'd definitely need to make sure their PR department pumped out the "we're gonna be closed for a few months each year from now on" announcement!

Just winter? :)

Rich G

Hmmm... tough choice.

I guess it really depends on the financial impact of staying open all year. Would they become significantly more profitable if they kept a seasonal schedule? If so, then I think its something worth considering.

We all know that SF is in major debt, and is doing things to pay back some of the debt (selling parks and land that they own). But doing those things doesn't seem like it would make a difference in the cash flows of the company.

If they are looking to make the park more profitable by saving mantainence and labor costs, than that idea of making SFMM a seasonal park may be a decision that could help out the company from its tough financial position.

Knotts Halloween Haunt- Everyone has to go sometime....

own a timeshare?


own flashback?


hehe i couldn't resist...

-- alan

In all the criticisim CB members give SFMM and Six Flags, I've never heard anyone say they should increase their seasons pass prices, I've purchased passes for as low as $34.99 in the past couple of years, which is ridiculously low, if parks like MiA can charge $90 for a seasons pass, why can't any Six Flags park, especially since they have more parks than Cedar Fair and Paramount put together. Sounds like a big loss of revenue to me. *** Edited 5/8/2004 4:42:57 AM UTC by Grant***

coasterguts said:
Six Flags missed the mark again for the first quarter. Should Six Flags close SFMM for the winter season? It certainly seems if the park can't turn a profit in the winter season then why keep it open?

I just want to point out that just because SFMM's attendance in the first quarter was lower than expected doesn't mean the park isn't turning a profit. It just means it isn't getting as many guests as expected (but could still easily be profitable). Now...continue on. :)


According to the Motley Fools, first quarter revenue was up 2.2% accompanied by an 8% jump in costs and expenses.

Grant said:
In all the criticisim CB members give SFMM and Six Flags, I've never heard anyone say they should increase their seasons pass prices, I've purchased passes for as low as $34.99 in the past couple of years, which is ridiculously low

But I think that they are doing it right. No one would buy at SFMM pass for 90 dollars. Knott's even offers a pass during they year for 60 dollars. USH does the "buy a day,get a year free" deal for practically the whole year. The only one that can get away with selling expensive annual passes is Disneyland.

The fact is, I don't think they would sell very many passes at 90 dollars. To tell the truth, I don't think that I would buy one at that price.

Knotts Halloween Haunt- Everyone has to go sometime....

rollergator's avatar
But....IF Magic Mouintain provided the same *gratisfaction* as Knott's or Disney, then wouldn't they be able to increase their season pass prices so they were at least more "in line" with those parks. Seems to stand to reason they could...MM has more *infrastructure* than Knott's by a considerable amount, and has room to expand in the future that Knott's doesn't...(or at least will be reduced by "The Coors' Light coaster").

Plus, assuming SFI is run by people who can LEARN things, then they could make excellent use of SFMM's Winter weekends to help *research* ways to improve THEIR bottom line. For instance....let's assume this "improving guest experience" thing is being evaluated closely...I fully *expect* that in park spending will go up...SFMM could give them a good way to TEST these ideas, even IF it isn't their "typical park"....

This message brought to you by the Committee to Move Flashback

You still have Zoidberg.... You ALL have Zoidberg! (V) (;,,;) (V)

I've said it before, I'll say it again. All you Flashback haters can send it to SFDL and we'll make it all pretty with some new paint and a Batmobile theme and everyone will be happy.

ANYWAY- As for increasing the price for SF season passes... Anyone give any thought to the possibility of paying a low price for a season pass to your home park, then a "premium" park hopper pass? For example, my SFDL pass cost me $45. Leave that price alone, and it's good for SFDL ONLY. If I want to go to other SF parks (and I do), the pass would cost $90-$100. From what I understand this is what CF is talking about doing with CP and GL next year for season passes. Any thoughts?

But then again, what do I know?

I made a trip to SFMM last summer, and was greatly disappointed. Flashback closed, Deja Vu closed, Superman with 1 side open, and half of Colossus falling apart. Should the park close for a winter? YES! Take a season off, and fix all of the problems with the park. The park needed obvious work at my trip, and it was very saddening to see Flashback closed. I know this isn't going to happen, because people who have never been to SFMM are going to complain, but what would be better, having guests come in for a winter and make some money, but have those guests not want to come back, or close it a season, spend some money, and have people coming back to the park? I for one will NOT be going back to SFMM until I hear the park has made some improvements. Actually, I doubt I will EVER visit a Six Flags park because of my SFMM experience. Cedar Fair and Paramount keep me coming back to their parks because they keep their park running well.

Koster Frek
Is there any evidence that SFMM lost money in this quarter????
Six flags as a company still has ongoing expenses at other seasonal parks while those parks arent generating any revenue during the winter season. Without SFMM the losses might even be worse.

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