Should season pass holders get more benefits?

With SF season passes, they could send you free fastlane tickets every month(Not too much, but enough to please people) or is the SP worth it without any gimmicks?
If you're a season pass holder, do you think that you get enough out of it for the price? Personally, I think I do, because I go to SF parks VERY often so I pay it off in 1 or 2 weeks.

Don't Fight It, Ride It, RAGING BULL!!!!!! *NEW site coming soon!*
I got a little book w/my SP. It's got a whole buch of coupons like: Free Friend, Free Parking, 20% off this, 40% off that, you know stuff like that.
It'd be nice if Valleyfair did something

"Ooo. They have the Internet on computers now."
-Homer Simpson
I think SF season passes are the best in the world, why, because they give you coupons for everything!
Well, besides giving you an awesome deal like they already do (SF) i agree with Blink3020, they can send fastlane passes, but maybe instead of every month, give you a few samples along with the coupons when you get the pass processed, but i like 'em just the way they are.

"Thank you for challenging the Raging Bull. We hope you enjoy the rest of you're day, here at Six Flags Great America."
I'm not one to complain when a park provides extras with a season pass (such as a coupon book), HOWEVER, when you're buying a season pass, you're ALREADY getting an incredible benefit from the park -- the ability to go to the park as many times as you want, without paying each time? And in the case of most of the chains, to go to sister parks for free as well?

Really, that's already enough of a benefit! Anything on top of that is nice, but NOT required.

*** This post was edited by GregLeg on 8/16/2001. ***
Earlier in the year, you could get a Six Flags season pass at SFWoA for $55. $55! That's nothing short of incredible, when you think about it.

As for the coupon books, a nice bonus... especially since I got to SFA as the free friend.

In regards to Fastlane and whatnot, I think they're stupid ideas to begin with, season pass holder or not.

Matt Lynch
Co-Webmaster, Kennywood Boulevard
I don't have a SF pass but i do have a Kings Island one. I think its worth it even if you don't get coupons and such.

I've had a pass for the pass 3 years and will get another next.

"We couldn't get much higher"- The doors
I dont see why not. You are showing loyalty to the parks by buying their passes. Any additional perks, like early entry or special ride times should not be at the expense of regular park visitors though.
Compared to what ive read about other park chains and other six flag parks i think six flags great america gives their passholders the least in terms of additional perks. The coupon book is almost useless and their are no other perks at all compared to other parks that have a early entry type program etc. I go often enough so i wont complain about that but they give the least of any park i know. The park isnt even having aace event this year so their pr dept is just awful. And of course their big advertsing campiagn was false and though it may not be their fault good pr would be to give the passholders a little something to make up for it, like some ert time on V2 would be nice.
Got a better deal- Great Escape (which is a member of the Six Flags chain, giving me free access to all Six Flags parks) sold them for $45 before the season started. I went to the GE 8 times, SFNE 4 times, SFGAm 1 time, and am going to SFDL soon. 14 visits for $45. Not bad!
I think they are an incredible deal as is but my suggestion would be to offer somthing of a gold pass with free parking and unlimited fastlane use. They could also have a primetime system at every park and special nights with ERT. That would be a dream come true. They could sell the gold passes for about $99 and still offer the standard passes for the cheap price. What does everyone else think?
Favorite Wood: Viper at SFGAM, Shivering Timbers
Favorie Steel: Magnum and Raging Bull

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