Shaggy gave me a great idea.....

I pulled out my old Kings Island stuff from a box in the garage. I have a cool pennant (is that how you spell it?) with price tag still on it ....50 cents!!! and an old placemat with the Racer on it! I put those on ebay. BUT I also found an awesome booklet I bought there it must have been 1978 cause the very back page was a drawing of the Beast and says in 1979 Kings Island unleashes The Beast....I love it. But I don't know if I could part with it. It has great pictures of rides that aren't there anymore and shows. What do you think? Should I try and sell it too?? Would you??
SELL, SELL, SELL, I'll buy it :~D. Well that is something that would be very tough to part with, but a lot of people would want to buy it, it'd sell well. It just depends on how much it means to you, but do you want to have it sit around in a garage for another 20 years? Oh, and could you give a link to your items? I tried searching and couldn't find your items.

HuKeD oNN fonickS dusinT wOrK"[;.

*** This post was edited by Raging Rider on 7/9/2002. ***

Wow, that is pretty cool. Like Raging Rider said, it would sell well. I don't know if I would sell it if I had it though. That would definitely be my coolest coaster item.


If you're not going to sell ... why not scan it and let us have a look! :-)
KEEP IT! I would, but definently scan it so we can see.
CPLady's avatar

I've got the 1977 CP flyer with the drawing and introduction to the tallest, fastest racing coaster, new for 1978. I've also thought about putting that brochure up on ebay...but it's one of the best pieces of CP memories that I've got.

The question is what is more important to you? The money or the memories?

I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead

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