Bigkirby,you bring up a good observation. I, too, have seen the commercial in question and in some ways SFWoA beats out CP. It just depends on how you look at it. The fact that Hurricane Harbor is free compared to Soak City makes SFWoA beat out the Point.
I think what SF is trying to say is that SFWoA beats CP in the fact there is more variety for people to do (i.e. Wild Life, free water park) as well has have some very diverse coasters (X Flight, SUE, BKF).
In the eyes of SF it may be the greatest theme park on earth but not one single park can claim that title - not even CP. It's called hype and usually hype draws people's attention. I have heard it called a "super park" (which I feel it is in some respects) on one commercial, but not the greatest.
X Factor
SFWoA: An Unofficial Guide