SFWoA Attendance this year!

I'm been hearing much better stuff about SFWoA this year. Another fansite posted Cedar Point attendance up 3%. Anyone know how SFWoA attendance is doing?

Oh there's a third park in Ohio besides Cedar Point and King's Island? ;)


Jeff's avatar

Six Flags isn't big on releasing attendance numbers. Cedar Fair just did a press release on their increases.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com, Sillynonsense.com
"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

It's probably dropped. The park hasn't been too crowded yet this season. People have seen the park in the past and won't come back.
I know I will be back. Went to SFWoA for the first time Memorial Day weekend and I had a good time. Of course CP will be included as well. :)

""To be the man, WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!, You got to beat the man""!!!

It's also been freezing in Ohio an with no new roller coaster people will head to The Point first. I think when the word gets out about how well SFWoA is doing this year people will come back. Also with all the new animal attractions we are sure to attract more and more families, especially since we have Shouka and will be getting Kshamenk.

SFWoA ATL in 2002!

Yeah, seeing Shouka when I was there was definitely a highlight to my trip. Havent seen a killer whale since I was a little kid.

""To be the man, WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!, You got to beat the man""!!!

My sources tell me that the parks attendance is way under expected. That isn't to say that it is down from last year, but i think that is the case as well. While the weather has been terrible on the weekends in May this year, the park isn't open during the week to much in May; so they couldn't take advantage of the rare nice weather.

I can't imagine that the park will run as poorly as it did last year. I think we all can say that there were extenuating circumstances ;)

Well, I can tell you from asking a manager last week, that SFA did 20,000 through the gates last Saturday. This is due to two factors, a) there was a christain pop concert featuring Audio Adrenaline and some other group and b) what I'm calling the "management coup", the park patrons are a lot happier, the rides are better staffed, and the guests are staying longer. ImagineGo WithGravity's and mine eyes when the park looked like Great Adventure at 8:30pm, our arrival time for a late-night ride on S:ROS.
B&M vs. Intamin? CCI vs. GCI? Who cares! They're all fun!

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