SFWoA 8/12/01

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Jeff's avatar
On one hand, I wasn't even going to write this TR because you've heard it all before. On the other hand, the only way the park is ever going to get better is if the negative feedback has an impact on their bottom line.

I went to the park knowing it would be crowded. You have to expect that on a Sunday in August. However, it's the issue of operations that kills the experience every time. X-Flight running one train part of the day, Villain stacking all over the place, Superman with ten minute dispatch intervals, and the worst tragedy, two trains on Batman.

I don't mind waiting in line if the park is doing its best to keep people moving, but this just wasn't the case. They finally added a third train to Batman, which was frankly pointless since they were stacking the two they had on. More time was spent with one in the station, one in standby, and one on the transfer than having one on the course.

As a season pass holder, you like to drop in for partial day visits. When the poor operation of the park prevents you from getting a few rides in that situation, there's little reason to keep trying.

All of this nonsense made it worthwhile to visit the area formerly known as Sea World. The good news there is that they haven't really undone what Busch did, and that's most obvious in the landscaping. The only real concern I have is the crowdedness of the sea lion pen. Way too many animals in there for a pen that size.

Unless the fall weekends are really slow, I think I'm done with the park for this year. Why bother when we have Cedar Point and Kings Island doing a great job this year?

Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com
"From the global village... in the age of communication!"
*** This post was edited by Jeff on 8/13/2001. ***
Odd how this never seemed to happen when I visited the park. I went 5 times from May-June this year, and about 7 times in 2000, and I never experienced the horrible operations I hear so much of. One visit Serial Thriller broke down while I was in line, and a few too many "re-checks" in the S:UE line. Other than those, I had very enjoyable visits.

Maybe its a crowd thing? I've never been to the park when lines were past 30 minutes long, so maybe they just can't handle that. If that's the case, they have some problems with traffic and capacity that they have no excuse for.

Musician, snowboarder, member of ACE and the ECC
I totally agree, Jeff (see my T.R. from Saturday). I was disappointed to see that Batman was running three trains, and they were always stacked. X-Flight's capacity was nothing short of an embarassment...

Jeff's avatar
May and June weren't that bad (X-Flight aside). Waits were reasonable, but then again the crowds were fairly light. Efficiency still wasn't good, but it's easy for me to overlook that when it isn't crowded.

Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com
"From the global village... in the age of communication!"
I think Ed has it right – it is a capacity issue. When I went to the park in mid May (one week before X-Flight opened…sigh) I had time to ride all the coasters multiple times, and see pretty much everything on the Sea World side in one day. But this was mid May and the park was fairly empty. There were capacity issues then (one train operation, stacking, etc.) but it didn’t affect my visit because the crowds were light.

Now, in the middle of summer, the park can’t keep up with the number of people it attracts. The park is woefully understaffed – 2 people checking restraints on BKF simply isn’t enough and will result in stacking… there aren’t enough people to empty the trash cans before they are overflowing… there isn’t enough maintenance staff, so the rides break down and don’t get fixed. It seems to me that many of this park’s problems could be solved by simply hiring more people.

Maybe this is just a park that got too big too fast and will go away next year… maybe management just doesn’t care…

Just my $.02
Funny, the ONE person checking restraints on the Mind Eraser seemed to be getting dispatches out just as fast as the main attractions. I'm serious.

The rides are there, they just need more disciplined employees.

Yes, Mind Eraser gets trains out fast with one person on restraints.

It is all in how hard the employees work.

BUT, I have been VERY impressed with ALL coaster crews except Serial Thriller this season. X-Flight's crew busts their asses off, but those restraints aren't just pull down and check either.
WHAT? One person checking restraints on a roller coaster. I have a question. Was there another operator running controls or was that only person period?

Maybe they should do what SFMM does. When it isnt crowded SFMM uses two people on coasters and has an auxillary control panel that can be operated from outside the control booth. This way both can check restraints.

"ok everyone go ahead and pull down on your shoulder restraint so you feel nice and stuck!"
Now you finally are getting my point Jeff, I wish SFwoa was better. I am a seasons pass holder to both SFwoa and Cedar Point, believe you me, I won't be back at SFWoa. I will just pass it on my way to Cedar Point! I think it is time that us Coaster Buzzers really did something about SFwoa! Some type of petition or something! Maybe just Maybe it will make the park shape up!
Jeff's avatar
No, there's a difference between what I posted and what you post over and over again. I made my trip report, and left it alone. I didn't start four threads on it in the general forum. Furthermore, just because I posted this TR doesn't give you a license to do it again.

Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com
"From the global village... in the age of communication!"
I went to SFWOA for the very first time in July and was really disappointed. Everyone on the internet made it seem like the park of dreams, but really it just didn't appeal to me much. Basically because of what Jeff said, stacking all over, and poor ride operation. I have to say I wish we would have went to SFWOA first and THEN Cedar Point. That way we wouldn't have left Ohio so depressed! heh

Check out the new http://indianabeach.8k.com/
Baddboy, one person was doing restraints and one other person was running the ride at the control panel.

Well Jeff if you wouldn't close every thread I post or post them for that matter then I wouldn't have to post 4 threads about the same thing! As for my reply on this thread, all I wanted was suggestions on how we (that is both you and I) can make SFwoa a better park so we could enjoy the park next year! I guess you were just reading between the lines and not what I wrote!
Jeff's avatar
Whatever... there's nothing "we" can do to improve the park other than not going to it. The only way they'll figure it out is if we hit them where it hurts, namely their balance sheet.

Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com
"From the global village... in the age of communication!"
odd how when i go theres 3 trains on BKF,2 on Villain,2 on Double Loop, 2 on Big Dipper, 2 on X-FLight and 1 on everything else. It seems no one ever gives them credit when all rides are up to capacity but when they're not you hear it 5 fold. I didnt complain that when i went to CP MF and Magnum were both running 1 train!

HurricaneGeauga- Just in case

HurricaneGeauga said:
I didnt complain that when i went to CP MF and Magnum were both running 1 train!

Really, what day was that?

Dayuum, Your HOT!
Jeff's avatar
It was no day. Not ever. Magnum hasn't run one train since October 3, 1999. It was cold, raining, and there were more employees than there were guests in the park.

Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com
"From the global village... in the age of communication!"
Watch the grass grow: http://www.sillynonsense.com/subdivision/

How was Villain running? I remember earlier in the year you and many others were saying that it had gotten a lot rougher over the winter. Then, SF closed it for a few days, and everything seemed to be OK when it reopened. It didn't seem too rough to me last time I was on it, but then again I don't remember how smooth or rough it was last summer to even be able to compare. Has it reshaped up fully to what it was last summer?

It's a simple equation: CCI + CP = #1 Wooden Coaster!

Watch the grass grow: http://www.sillynonsense.com/subdivision/

Nice lawn.

Good luck in philly j.r.

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