SFWOA 8/11: X-Flight Review!

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After my terrible experience at SFWOA last year, I vowed never to back. But with my girlfriend bugging me to use our free AOL tickets, I decided to give the park another try. Here is the good and bad of our trip:

X-FLIGHT: We used Fast Lane and only waited about 20 minutes to board. We were in the very front row, and you are very, very secure with all the straps and stuff. I actually felt like Hannibal Lecture. This was my first ride ever on a flying and I had high hopes. Overall, I LOVE the idea of a flying coaster, but I have to say that
X-Flight, at least in the front, is WAY to intense for me. The loop gave me a headache, and I felt like my head was going to explode. I really liked the barrel rolls towards the end of the ride. An interesting experience, but I probably won't ride it again. Rating: 7/10

BATMAN: KNIGHT FLIGHT: My favorite ride in the park. Absolutely love the speed, track layout, everything about this ride. Every park should have a floorless. Rating 9/10

SUPERMAN: ULTIMATE ESCAPE: A very, good, fast ride. This ride continues to amaze me at the power launch and the excitement that it generates. Rating: 8/10

VILLAIN: I don't remember this ride being as kick a## as it was! I am now a member of the CCI fan club. The first drop is outstanding! The way the coaster maintains its speed throughot the entire ride is sweet! Loved it..though my favorite woodie is still Mean Streak :) Rating: 8/10

FAST LANE: We bought this for $10.00 right as you walk in at Guest Services, and this thing is very cool. We could use it for any ride in the park except Batman. X-Flight and Superman has "reservation" times that we could ride those two coasters. We were harrased by a few people one time when we used our Fast Lane to board
X-Flight, and that as weird. I had never been called names before while waiting in a queue. Overall, I hate the idea of Fast Lane. Though, it helped us with our waits with out a doubt, I don't think it's fair that the park tells people that "my money is better than yours"

SERVICE: I think the service at SFWOA was better this year, than last...but they have TONS of work to do in that department.

TRAFFIC: A Huge problem. We were stuck on North RT 43 for over an hour before we even saw the park. When we got to pay for parking, there were only two people working!

CAPACITY: What a joke! X-Flight was running two trains, which was nice to see..but it took them almost ten minutes to get all of us situated. There were times when both trains were just sitting there...waiting for some SF employees to do something. The down time is killing the park, mainly when the X-Flight line is over 3 hours long. BATMAN was running three trains, but the were always stacked, that it defeated the purpose of running three trains. The most serious problem that this park needs to work on, and it needs to be addressed seriously.

FOOD: The food service at the station was terrible! There was usually one person working (two if we were lucky), and these people were not breaking any Marion Jones world records! At one point, we waited longer to get a Coke, than we did to get on a ride.

CROWDED: "It's to crowded here!" I don't think there was an Godly amount of people in the park, I just think the park layout is to small to handle a lot of people. It was insane trying to walk when you have a heard of people walking the other way towards you, and employees selling lemonade, trying to walk in between the two groups of people.

Overall, I actually LIKED the park better this year than I did last year. However, I personally feel that the park has a long, long, long way to go to being a major player in Ohio. I ranked SFWOA third of the big three in Ohio. It has some really good rides...I just wish they would get all of their sh$$ together.

Overall SFWOA Park Rating: 5/10
I was there yesterday too! And about your capacity comment, yes there WAS an ungodly amount of people there yesterday. The wait for Bermuda Triangle was 2 hours long, and it is usually about 10 minutes.

when you say "front" on X-Flight, I think you really mean the back since that is where the FastLaners have to sit. It sort of looks like the front, but going through the course of the ride is is actually the last car.

The Pens will win the Stanley Cup in 2002!
No there were two open seats in the front, so they let us have it. But, yes, normally the "back" of the train was for X-Flight.

mikey :)
Wow, that's amazing that a coaster enthusiast a) disliked that X-Flight is so intense in the loop b) likes Mean Streak better than the Villian. That's why we're all so different.

Batwing-Bow Down

olympic10086 said: CROWDED: "It's to crowded here!" I don't think there was an Godly amount of people in the park, I just think the park layout is to small to handle a lot of people. It was insane trying to walk when you have a heard of people walking the other way towards you, and employees selling lemonade, trying to walk in between the two groups of people.

Not another Person, Look You have to Understand that the Layout for SFWOA is NOT, I repeat NOT Six Flags fault(We have to let them off for this one) Because basiclly, the park before was just Plain Georgia(sp) Lake, It was a Small Park with just 3-4 coasters, Because it was a small park, it could always handle the queues and crowds quite well, but now its become a Huge Park and Basiclly it was'nt designed to be like this, and of course, there is no way Six Flags can change it either.

However, will agree with you on the other things, Food Service was slow, Operations were a bit of a joke when it was busy etc.

I gotta admit, I did enjoy my Visits to SFWOA back in June, but in terms of service, employees, operations, They Should all take a day off, and go to PKI and CP and learn how to properly run a theme park, because CP and PKI were still much better in my opinion

PaulD said:
"Georgia(sp) Lake"

That would be Geauga Lake, lmao.;)

"Villain-Once You Drop, The Fun Don't Stop!"~SFWoA Rules In 2001~X Marks The Spot In 2001(SFWoA)~With SFWoA ANYTHING Is Possible!
Yes Mikey SFWoA is too crowded, the ride operations were a joke, and food was too expensive.

***The Phantom will have it's Revenge at Kennywood park.***

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