SFWOA 1st time. 8-31 day trip!

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My buddy Rob asked me if I wanted to go. We did!

Now money is tight so we can't stay up there we have to drive up and BACK! Our tale starts at about 4:15 AM. Rob picks me up from my house and we set out on our journey.......at 5am we are finally out of West Chester(had to find a tape adapter for a cd player and get gas.)

7am we stop for food! 7:45 get lost almost forced to call Chuck and ask for help.

We get to the park at 10am.
I pay for parking and we get our SF season passes out and go on in.

Our 1st ride of the day was X flight. It already had a 15 min wait on it.
We waited for the front. Rob had ridden a flyer before I had not.
We were just about to board and they were going to bring the 2nd train on. Well They cycled it and it got stuck in the station (it was the black train) They had to make every one switch to the other station.
It kicked major A$$. I almost greyed out on the loop. Its a very intense ride and that going up the lift backwards was quite cool. I dont see why people dislike them.

Then we goto Mr Hydes nasty fall. I have ridden every gen of drop tower except the 1st gen. We get into a 10 min line and it breaks down and smells like burning!

Next is the mind eraser. It has a Vekoma train on it. Its a very smooth ride. No headbanging to speak of. 2 fun Vekomas WOW!

We attempt S:UE
I knew I didnt have a chance but I am the ride op from hell (when i worked at PKI you got in. IT may not of been confortable but I shoehorned you in)I tried. I huffed and puffed and almost broke a rib or 3 but to no avail.

Over to Big dipper.
10 min wait. Boy that wasn't worth it. this ride just BLEW. It sucked and it hurt. Slow no air and roughness that makes SOB seem smooth. BORNING!

Next ride was serial Thriller. It breaks down we leave the line after 20 mins and the maintance team crawling on the lift.

Next was B:KF
I didnt get to ride cause I couldnt sit right in the seat(my harness was down before I could situate myself. All I got was "we are unable to accomdate you". (I get this on every B&M and B&M to me means b*tch and moan thats all I ever get out of these rides.)

I was pissy and tired and hungry. Homicidal rage was approching.

We goto the wolf bobs ride.
It has a G train from the villian on it. It was a fun ride with lots of suprises and you can tell what track was replaced. The G train made a big difference. I couldn't imagine this with the old train on there.

I am still fuming after this point and we decide to ride villan and then go to the car for a break.

We walk right on to a back seat ride. This ride kicks major butt. The air time rivals that of the Raven. The laterals on the ride are intense and it quickly blew though my wood coaster list. I was floored by this ride. SMOOTH too! the G trains are confortable also. There isn't a trim on this ride that I can see. Its going full force. The mood had changed!

Well off to the car. I win a crappy cup on the way. We drink some pop and rob chews some tobacco. We are hungry and have a grand Idea. Lets walk to Mcdonalds across the street from the park!

Well crap. I just have my debit card. Rob pays :)!
We both eat for under 10 bucks! In a Mcdonalds that has some issues and people who have gender issues as well (swore it was a guy comming out of the womans bathroom!). We grab our cameras and go back to the park!

I wannna see the wild life side(I was jipped on seeing it when it was sea world!) We can't remember how to get over and neither of us are smart enough to get a map. We end up by double loop. Rob warns me that its a early Arrow and it blows. I wanted the count plus I had never ridden one with those type of loops on them before.
It was a tight fit but no headbanging. A smooth ride.

(Smooth Arrow,Good G Trains and 2 good vekomas WOW!)
We finally make it over to the right side and I am about to pass out. I was TIRED! We see some zebras and then go up to a un roped off empty amphatheater to rest.

Great photo ops. I took some good ones.

Im not feeling any better by this point and I am getting sick. Then I see a water foutain. I didnt see ANY over in the rides part. I drink up and like that I am better. I was dehydrated.
We see that the killer whale show was starting. I wanted to see it bad so we got a set in the upper left part of the place (well outta the way of the water)
It was a very educational and entertaining show. I wanted to see this stuff since I was little so it was great to be able too!

Next we go ride the sea shell or whatver its called. The op did not only assign seating. He slowed down the line considerabably.

I was paried up next to a kid who was maybe 30Lbs soaking wet. I was a Gaint next to him (I am only 5'8). The bar took some doing but I got it down. The kid on the side of me looked to be terrfied of me and the ride.

Across from me were 2 girls who were scared and kept closing there eyes. It was funny.

We decided to walk across the floating bridge back into the park. I got another bunch of photos. I also broke down and bought a bottle of water. I chugged that thing down.

Once in the kids area (most of it was closed) I took some humorous pics and noticed a mass exitus. All the shows on the wild life side were over and the water park closed. EVERY ONE WAS LEAVING!

we put the cameras up and get some 20+ rides on villian. We road the Bobs again 3 times and back to villan. We finally ended and went to see if X-flight had a short line.
It didn't as it was back 2 one train.

We then try Mr Hydes again. we get up about 4 rides away and a bunch of kids line jump. I play deaf just to piss em off AND THE RIDE BREAKS DOWN! HAHAHAHHAH. That was just great. It was so close to closing time that I bet it didn't re open.

We leave and goto wal mart. I had to get some lip balm. I had wind burn pretty badly (I am also quite sun burned as well!).

the way home was quite funny. we have to navigate though a ton of streets to get back to 271. I'm dyslexic to begin with and I am trying to reverse directions. We made it back with little pain. I passed out. I awoke about 11:50pm and we had to get some gas. My turn to pay at 1.89 a gallon! Plus his front left tire is looking REALLY low. we fill it up and hope for the best (I have roadride assitance on my phone thanfully). I grab some sugar in hopes of staying awake. I try to but the lights are on and no ones home. We talk as much as we can but I kept falling asleep. I wake up and were at Kings Mills road exit. Robs out of it. We have to Navigate though mason back to West chester. Its a pretty straight shot but when your exausted its not.

I go home my mom looks at me and throws a bottle of aloe at me. I am cooked! I take a shower and pass out.

IT was a fun trip. Rob was infected with breakdownidus I believe he got it from a guy named ed. I was inaculated when I worked at PKI so I was safe. Just about every line we got in the ride broke down.

It was a great trip. I still hate most B&M's and Big dipper just sucked. I did learn more about a good friend and had grits for the 1st time.

I will post the photos later.

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