SFWoA - School Daze Coaster Craze! Aug. 27

Associated parks:

Sorry for the late TR about this amazing day... which it really was!

For those of you that do not know, School Daze Coaster Craze was an event that lasted Monday - Friday on the week of August 27. The park did not advertise this much, so crowds were minimal to none!

We arrived at the park at about 11:15. No traffic, thank God! There were only about 5 rows of cars, and most of them weren't even filled to the fullest. I'd estimate there was no more than 700 people there on Monday.

Our first ride was X-Flight (which was using one train, as was all the other coasters). We waited about 30 minutes to get through 3 queue lines. The queue quickly filled up, making the wait over an hour long. The line wouldn't be like this in about 3 hours or so, though!

Next was Superman: Ultimate Escape, which we rode about 6 times that day. I COULD'VE ridden it about 20-100 times that day because there was NEVER a wait (unless you wanted front or certain other seats) but if you had to wait, you waited 1 train. The front's line was even about 3 trains, which isn't long at all. What was pretty dumb, though is that they blocked off the FL rows even though they weren't selling Fastlane that day! They took the garbage cans away later in the day.

I can't really remember what we did in order, but we rode BKF about 4 times, The Villain about 3-5 times, Double Loop once, Serial Thriller once (for obvious reasons!), and X-Flight 5-6 times.

Unfortunately, I got a little bit of barf on me from another guy. We were on BKF and I was sitting on the way left side of the last row. There was a guy in front of us on the way right, that right at the end of that bunny hop before the final brake run, that got sick. Some nasty stuff came my way and made it's way on my shirt and on my neighbors. Blah... but he didn't look too good afterwards (nor did his shirt!).

All the rides ran at minimal staff (but they COULD have ran two trains on Villain, X-Flight, and BKF!). They had the same amount of staff on those rides as they did on a weekday. But later on in the day, X-Flight's line was to the TOP of the station one stairs, making for a 5 minute wait. Awesome!
The park closed at 6:00 PM, and only the RIDES side was open, but it was great! I wish I could've gone on other days (absolutely NO line for X-Flight and the other coasters. Literally a walk-on X-Flight.) Monday was a good enough day for me, and I could have EASILY ridden the coasters about 10 more times that I did. I didn't feel like a power-riding mood that day, but I did enjoy it.

Great job SFWoA, and the park's never looked so clean! Maybe because of the lack of idiotic people...

Chris B.

*** This post was edited by Chris B. on 9/1/2001. ***

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