SFWoA - First Time (08/20/02)

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This is the last of 3 parks I went to on this trip. The first two were SFGA and CP.

Six Flags Worlds of Adventure

I loved this park. I was tired from a train ride and CP the day before and was considering just hitting the park's coasters for the count and making my way back to Cleveland to see an Indian's game. I stayed until closing, which came all too soon.

First of all, I love Q-Bot. This is the greatest invention ever. Sure lines build up the excitement and the feeling finally I'm here is great but after a day of walk ons in a park that was packed due to "season pass friends get in free day" I'm a convert to the new technology.

Batman: Knight Flight (Q-Bot, 2x, back) was the first coaster of the day. What a great coaster. The inversions were imaginative and well laid out, the coaster was long, the track was smooth and the g's were great. There was even a little pop of air after the breaks. I loved it.

Serial Thriller (Q-Bot, 1x, front) was next and was one of the smoother SLC I've been on. It was fun and I got off having enjoyed myself, but there is not much to the coaster and not much that will get me to re-ride it.

Villain (Q-Bot, 1x, back) was next and it did not fail to disappoint. It was my favorite woodie of the trip. The getting tossed out of my seat air is what it's all about and this coaster delivered. One train operation kept me from re-riding as I could have rode it all day.

Mind Eraser (walk on, 1x, back) was a typical boomerang, but smoother than some of the other's I've rode. I do enjoy the boomerangs. The g's through the loop on the way back are worth the price of admission alone.

Big Dipper (20mins, 1x, 1.3) was a surprise. Lots of speed and great air. This park has some great woodies. The setting for the coaster also adds to the fun. Right through the midway and to the waterpark...

X-Flight (Q-Bot, 2x, back) was amazing. I love this ride. Getting strapped in you think you're on your way to the moon, and getting put on your back going up a lift, it's not that far off. I loved the turns, the diving, the loop, the inline twist. It's a world class ride that only needs some trees or theaming to fly through, as well as some length to make it the best ride I've been on.

Superman Ultimate Escape (Q-Bot, 1x, back) was next. A fun ride. Lot's of laughing and some screaming. I do love the break.

Double Loop (10 minutes, 1x, middle somewhere) was next and was what I expected. Short, pop of air off the first drop, intense loops. Pretty generic and not much worth re-riding.

Last coaster of the day was Raging Wolf Bobs (15 mins, 1x, back) and it was not the best ride. The first half had it's moments, speed and pops of air, but the last half was just slow and filled with the train shuffling back and forth. Not worth reriding, but I'd be interested to see if it runs any better in the cold.

The rest of the time I was checking out the park. It's a gorgeous park and offers way more than most parks. Just the Wild Life side is worth the price of admission. I saw tigers, dolphins, sharks, a decent motion sim movie and would have loved to spend more time over there. The park was clean except for some bathroom at the end of the day and the workers were very pleasant and helpful. I only wish they had longer operating hours as the park was closing down at 8. All in all an amazing day. I can see how a family would have an amazing day here. There is something here for everyone. I can't wait to come back with my gf who would love the water park and animals.

Thanks for reading.

*** This post was edited by Mtl_Shag on 8/26/2002. ***

I had my first visit there too a couple days before you. Maybe I'm reading it wrong but X-Flight does not recline on the lift like Batwing at SFA does and it does not have an dive loop.

Raging Bull= 107

I may not have been clear. It certainly does recline in the station. I was "reclined" on the lift, not reclining. Still quite cool. Being reclined in the station was odd. Everyone is looking down at you and you just stare up thier noses.

There's a loop and a dive but they are seperate and both very enjoyable.

For the record, while Batwing has reclined on the lift during regular operation, I believe it is currently reclining in the station (at least, that is how my last few rides have been).
It's just a matter of time before : A. The motor blows out, B. The fingers are too dirty, or C. An unlocked Gau pin messes things up. Reclining in the station is a delicate process. Reclining on the lift is a feat of reliability.

Jes's Roller Coasters DJ Jes MCS
Six Flags Worlds Of Adventure 2002 Ride-Ops Crew (Have Fun Trying To Find Me!)

Good TR.

Im the #1 Canobie Lake Park Fan!!!These are my top 3 coasters:
1. S:RoS @ SFNE 2. Yankee Cannonball 3. Cyclone/B:TDK

Jess, should that be the other way around? That is, are you trying to say that reclining in the station is MORE reliable than on the lift? That would at least make some sense as to why Batwing has resorted to the in station "Bow Down".


--who thinks that the FDs are an engineering flop, but "T" loved Batwing

Yes, reclining in the stations works most of the time, but it's still not very reliable some days.

Jes's Roller Coasters DJ Jes MCS Please, Feel Free To Call Me Jes!
Six Flags Worlds Of Adventure 2002 Ride-Ops Crew

Yeah, it is probably better to have it in the station to ensure it goes down without a problem.

I guess Q-Bot is a good thing, if not a little pricey for my pockets...

"Well, I'm sure I'd feel much worse if I weren't under such heavy sedation." - David St. Hubbins, Spinal Tap

Q-Bot was half price when I went (not sure why), so $10 for the day was a deal.

Personaly I'd pay $20, especially if I have a season pass to another Six Flags park (and therefore didn't pay to get in) and am only going to be there once a year.

I have the same feelings toward SFWOA that you do. It is a beautiful park with almost unlimited potential. I really am perplexed as to why I read so many negative opinions of the park. SFWOA has an almost haunting feel to it, like a large state fair. And I envy anyone that can go ride those wonderful coasters at will.

I'm starting to feel like, after the park's disaterous first season, people "look" for stuff to moan about. Why do I feel that way? Because the people that down the park on a regular basis never show up in threads when the park gets good marks like this one.

Good TR, glad you had a fun trip!

"Escuse me, can you tell me where the heck the Mystery Lodge is"?

kpjb's avatar

Am I in some kind of bizarro CB world? A WoA TR with 10 responses, none of them negative?

I honestly think that people indeed do look for things to criticize at this park, whereas at other parks they'd overlook the same things.

The park has a well rounded set of coasters, nice themeing, and plenty of shade. I've been going there for many-a-year, and only found unwarranted discourteous employees once.

Glad you had a good time and decided not to prejudge the place before you arrived.

I'm not saying that the company has its act together in any way, I'm not saying that the park doesn't have vast room for improvement. I just think that if you go to a place that has this many good coasters and still find a reason to complain, you have to reexamine your purpose for visiting parks in the first place. I go to ride. WoA, although I'd still like to see it improve, always satisfies.

(Now if they'd just guage the track on RWB, all in the world of adventure would be aligned.)

"When I was growing up, we were taught something called manners. You'd understand that if you weren't such an idiot." - Jack Handey

Great TR and Great to see all of the positive comments!

I was at SFWoA the past 2 days and I noticed some more improvements.

I know some people mention not seeing sweeps anywhere, both days I have seen sweeps ALL around. They are doing a great job.

And trash cans, WOW, they have added A LOT of trash cans. Especially near Serial Thriller and BKF.

Both days I had a wonderful time and the employees were all Very Nice. And the crowd, pretty much non-existant, I Love "School Daze"... :)

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