SFStL/ SFOMA pics needed

I am looking for pictures of rides/ attractions that are no longer at the park or have changed over the years. I am considering putting up a history/ park info site and any pictures of by gone days would be helpfull.

Thanks in advance,


Just a couple of G-Force junkies!

Did you try RCDB.COM? That's the most obvious place to start.
Well doing a quick search I found 2 sitres which aren't the most helpful, but they are somewhat.

First there is www.themeparkbrochures.com which has a map from 1995 but it has a couple of brochures from the 70's.

Also there is a incomplete timeline of the park on http://timelines.home.insightbb.com/sfsl_years.htm

There used to actually be a pretty good SFSL site with some pictures of Jet Scream and I think Rail Blazer, but i cannot find those anymore.

Welcome one and all, y'all come have a ball! Things a bear-y fine, ridin' on the old Knott's bear-y line!
I appreciate those links. Unfortunately I know of all the obvious site and sources. I should have been more specific. I am looking for older stuff people may have in their photo album at home, not things already online. Unfortunately, most things online I can replicate currently, or I already have.

Just a couple of G-Force junkies!

I got a newspaper clipping when Jetscream opened back in 81 (or 80, whenever it was). StL Post-Dispatch. It's a brief article with a picture.

Plus a got a postcard souvenier dealie (10-12 pictures) from SF Mid_America from the 70's.


Also there was a web site with many photo's of the construction and opening of Six Flags Mid-America. It was pretty cool. Unfortunately I can't remeber the site.

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