SFSTL 2006 Map

The 2006 park map has now been posted at SFSTL.net. You might notice a few changes from last year.


Note: To enlarge map, click in the center of it.

*** Edited 2/13/2006 1:21:14 AM UTC by Bossstl***


I'll be interested to see the WoF map for this year. Doesn't it usually come out this time of year?

Nice job guys (SFStL.NET)

Jive, Yes it does.

That drop ride makes the park look better. Now if they add hyper where those antique cars are, I'd definitely make a trip down there.
The 2006 Worlds of Fun map looks a lot different from past years. Not just the addition of Patriot but, the whole map in general. (Ahhhh the benefits of working at Price Chopper)

Is it me or did they open up that area near Ice Mountain Splash to make a loop? I didn't walk that way in October.

*** Edited 2/13/2006 5:48:28 AM UTC by Neuski***

Sawblade5's avatar
Why would they build a hyper to replace the antique cars that got expanded for this year. Those are one of the 3 things I noticed that different for this year along with the new tower ride and the redone kids area.

Chris Knight

Word has it on the street, the park is trying to get another, more updated map made before the season. So the one that we posted may not be the one you get opening day. Also Heard rumblings that there MAY be an annoncment on Wensday or Thursday.

Also there might be a retheme in the mix too, been strange reports that the tower maybe rethemed to Superman.

Here's the 2006 WoF map. There are quite a few changes.


The official WoF website has also gone through some major changes this morning.


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