SFOT's Titan getting a new paint scheme

I didn't think this was necessarily newsworthy, but Titan at SFOT is getting painted red, white, and blue and one of the local stations did a nice feature on the painting process with some nifty drone shots.

Bakeman31092's avatar

Titan -> Trumpan?

sirloindude's avatar

I just hope the red, white, and blue is going to be enough to distract the government away from the fact that it has a trans-fer track.

13 Boomerang, 9 SLC, and 8 B-TR clones


Schwarzkopf76's avatar

I wonder what color the trains will be. Has Shock Wave had a decent paint scheme since 1990?

Wow, a red, white, and blue Titan at SFOT! That's a bold choice! The drone shots sound cool, I'd love to see those. Reminds me of the thrill of soaring high, like in Snow Rider 3D! Except there, you're snowboarding down a mountain. Hope the paint job lives up to the excitement of the ride! Should definitely draw crowds.

Shockwave has been sporting its current color scheme for at least 20 years and, while it might have gotten a refresh at some point, it looks terrible right now. The current green track/blue supports paint is better than the white/pink of the mid 90's, but both are terrible compared to its classic dark blue look that you see in historic photos.

Six Flags really loves blue and silver/grey/white coasters. Wonder if they get a bulk paint discount

Counting down the days until I'm back at Cedar Point, the one and only place to be.

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