SFoT: the Review (3-10)

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The park a charm to it that I could grow to love. The atmosphere made the park and even though the park is a relatively large park, it didn't feel "too big". I'll explain as I review the rides. (using the traditional 1- to 5+ system)




3 rides - 1 front, 2 back

This ride is pretty intense. Missy (my other half) and I went here first thing and were on the very first train out of the station for the day (back seat of course). The layout itself is very similiar to Goliath (which I rode in August), but I would have to sway my vote to Titan for just overall appearance (though I love Goliath's themeing). The only thing I dislike about "G" hypers is the lack of hills. Hypers were meant to have hills and when it comes to both Goliath and Titan you have a HUGE first drop, and turn, another drop and then lots of high G turns. The ride would be SO MUCH better if it had more hills and fewer turns. It was good ride though, and barely edged out Goliath in my favorites list.




3 rides - 1 back (ouch), 1 front, 1 middle

This one large piece of lumber. At one time this was the #1 coaster in the world, and I can see why. The way the track twists into itself so many times make it hard to follow the course, or at least memorize it. The drop immediately after the midcourse brakes is quite surprising if you are unaware that it is coming (like the first time we rode it) and the magic carpet finale is a lot of fun. Not the best woodie I have ever ridden (Ghostrider still holds that spot), but high up in the rankings.




2 rides

A very unique ride that I was excited to ride. I had ridden Disaster Transport (Avalanche Run) at Cedar Point and was a little disappointed with how they ran it, so I was looking for this style of coaster to redeem itself, and it did big time. Lots of fun, and the only complaint I have is the fact that they have way too many brakes on the course, however it was still a lot of fun...and besides where else can you go bobsleding in a "spanish" atmosphere (still trying to figure that one out)




1 ride

To me this seemed like a novel idea. Put a Galaxy style coaster inside a "mountain" (a poorly themed one I might add). The ride itself is not bad, reminded me of a low budget Space Mountain. The course is quite predictable, but watch out for one of the turns it goes the opposite direction that you are expecting, other than that - pass if the line is long.




1 ride

To Yawn or not to Yawn, was never a question on this ride. I do realize that the ride is old, but does it have to be this boring? I was very disappointed with this ride, and was expecting the loops to be a "little" intense.




2 rides

Very impressed with the original mine train. The themeing was quite fun and some of the layout was quite surprising. The "saloon" ending was quite unexpected (which prompted the re-ride). It was fun and cute and is what River King always wanted to be and couldn't.




2 rides

I just had to ride it! For a "kiddie" coaster it was so much fun. You get quite a pop of "airtime" on one of the hills. I do reccommend this ride for anyone who is a kid at heart.




2 rides - 1 front, 1 back

This ride has a unique location (near a lake out by the parking lot), which adds to it's charm. Reminded me a lot of Screamin' Eagle, only it was re-rideable (meaning smooth). The mainteance crew mus take pride in this ride because I was never "hurt" once on this ride like I have been on other Six Flags woodies in my past trips. Way to go!




2 rides - 2 front

Like all the others, only yellow track. I did enjoy how this one when below ground level into concrete trenches which really added to the excitment. However, I was quite disappointed with the lack of themeing in the loading station. In fact it appeared to look like an after thought. Maybe I'm just spoiled by SFStL's with the huge Batman logo as soon as you come it, but to put it bluntly, SFoT's Batman's themeing sucked. The ride was good though.



0 rides

CLOSED for "mainteance reasons" - How about it's closed due to the fact they are changing the trains to lap bars?




1 ride

OUCH! I was hurt so bad on this ride. I felt sick and my back has never hurt so bad coming off a ride. I think I will never ride another Boomerang as long as I live. I just dislike them. They are liek weeds and all we need is another one to "pop" up somewhere.




1 ride

Ok so I borrowed a kid to ride this one, but it was a very fun "rollerskater" coaster. The themeing is what made the ride and I thank the mom who let me ride with her kid (the mom didn't want to, so I volunteered.) :)




A very neat observation ride that takes you up an elevator to a viewing platform. A must for those "overhead" shots.


A Itamin 1st generation drop ride that I think are by far scarier than the newer versions. (Never heard Missy scream so loud).


A parachute tower drop ride. They are fun, but they don't last long enough.


Chance Yo-Yo ride that is pretty fun if you have time.


Rocking boat ride in Spain section that is pretty much like any other boat ride.


A very relaxing ride that takes you past some crazy anamatronics.


Like Castaway Kid's used to be, a fun boat ride past anamatronic Looney Tune characters. Quite entertaining, and fun for the entire family. Note: don't sit in the front if you don't want you butt wet, there is a mild drop in the middle of the ride.




The park has a pretty good selection of coasters, the only thing missing is a good looper. Shockwave just doesn't cut it, and well the supporting cast doesn't either. Woodies are well covered and flat rides are O.K. at best. There are a few areas where there is little to do (France section and between the Tower section and where the Mine trains are). The problem the park will see in the forseeable future is the lack of space to expand. It is land locked by the interstate on one side, a street on another, and then parking lots on the other two. The only way I can see around this is to either remove rides or sacrafice parking spaces....it will be interesting to see what they do.

Well that's all on this park. SFAW, SFFT and SWT reviews are on their way (when ever I have a chance to write them up).

S W :) :) S H
Do you bleed blue? BLUES HOCKEY 2002

Great review! Glad to see someone else thinks the theming on Runaway Mountain stinks. The tagline for the ride when it opened was "The coaster that dares the darkness". After everyone got a look at the theming on the big box with a coaster inside, many people joked that it was "The warehouse that dares the darkness".
I find the black out inducing loops on Shockwave VERY intense.

I agree with you Buzzo. However, if someone were to ride only in the very front or very back, they would never get a full g dose in the loops.

There is one row a little bit front of the middle that I only discovered by accident when SFOT had their Coasterthon this past Sept. In that row, if you have your hands up for the loops, the g's will pin you down as your coming off the top of the first loop and you simply can't straighten back up until you come out of the 2nd loop...I've never experienced anything like that on any other coaster.

Well IMHO I was very "underwhelmed" by Shockwave, but of course I may have been expecting a little more from it. I have ridden over 140+ coasters so I may be spoiled a bit. :)

S W :) :) S H

You should still be impressed by the powerful positve AND negative G's delivered. What seat did you ride in?

.:| Brandon Rodriguez |:.

I agree Brandon, Shockwave nearly rendered me unconcious when I rode in the back last year. The front seat, on the other hand, can seem tame by comparison. Ride the back for great intensity.


I'm pretty sure it was 4th row right.

S W :) :) S H

Oh man how can you say Shockwave wasn't that good. It is an awesome ride. Ride the back it is whole different ball game


I have to agree with Swoosh on Shockwave. I have ridden it only two times, and unfortunately it has broken down on the lift both times. The first time after a 30 minute wait it seemed like a great ride, but maybe it was just because I had been sitting in the train hoping to finish the course for a half hour. The last time the problem was very short lived and we were on our way in less than 5 minutes. The ride just seemed so plain and boring, the last time there I didn't even ride it. I figured no great thrill and I might go three for three and get stuck again.
Well compared to all the coaster that I have ridden, Shockwave wouldn't even break the top 50. I don't get down to SFoT very often (this was my 1st time) so I don't think I will ever get a back seat ride on it (too bad)....I would imagine with SFoT's lack of space becoming an issue very soon, this could be one of two coasters that may be on the chopping block. (the other being La Vibora). Just MHO though, but someday they (SFoT) will run out of space.
The Shockwave is one of the best rides in that park. I would rather them remove Judge Roy Scream than Shockwave.
See here's the thing that gets me. JRS is one of the smoothest woodies at a Six Flags park that I have ridden. I really enjoyed that coaster, but the rider turnout was really low? Why? Is it because of where it is placed? I love the lake setting, but maybe it just isn't advertised where it is enough. Hmmm
I think location has a lot to do with the lack of popularity for JRS. There are really no signs directing you that way from the main paths. Also although it is very smooth, it isn't the most thrilling, and a lot of people view it as a family coaster. We always try to ride it, but if I only have enough time to ride one woodie in this park I'm headed for the Giant.
Well I understand the reasoning, it just seems a shame. With virtually the same layout of Screamin' Eagle at SFStL, well minus the hill top setting, I thought it was a great ride. However compared to da Giant, I can see how people would view it as a family coaster.

S W :) :) S H
Do you bleed blue? BLUES HOCKEY 2002

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