SFOT in July

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I went over to SFOT a few times this month so I figured I would just write one report for all of it. I'll just break the park down piece by piece
  • Batman-It's a Batman, I enjoy them, this one can be a bit rough but not too bad.
  • Freeze-couldn't ride it, restraints are way too small
  • Flashback-I know you won't believe me but this is actually a fairly enjoyable ride, not as rough as it was in the past, great ride ops here
  • Judge-The seats are a bit narrow, so it wasn't as fun as it could have been, but I still love the setting for this ride, great ride ops here as well
  • Titan-I dont think this ride recieves enough credit, I thought it was outstanding, great drop, nice air,and of course that powerful second half.The MCBRs didn't seem as tight as they used to be also,and(gasp!)the ride ops here were wonderful
  • Texas Giant-It's a shame what has become of this ride(but the ride ops were still nice!)
  • Shockwave-amazing as always, my personal #1 steel.
  • La Vibora-this ride is fun if you have friends with you, and two of them try to squeeze into 1 seat, classic photo op.
  • Runaway Mountain-this is the best kept secret in Texas, outstanding, one of the best indoors out there.
  • didn't do the mine train or the kiddies

Just a few extra notes, the bathrooms here were ALWAYS clean,the staff was superb at every atraction, and if you ever get a chance you should go see the coobrila show, it is incredible. This park has come a long ways in the past few years, and should be the standard for all SF parks to try and meet, I don't have a bad thing to say about it.

Sounds like Six Flags is making leaps and bounds in the 'friendly employee' department! I agree, too bad about Giant. I remember when it first opened, watching the trains fall apart ;)

Is the "magic carpet" ending still good at least?

Acoustic Viscosity's avatar
The magic carpet ending was nothing special a week ago when I visited. Only the upper bowl section of the ride (pre-helix) was delivering any exciting forces. I like to think the Giant could ride something like Voyage if there weren't any trims and the tracking was better. It must have been a fantastic ride when it was brand new.

AV Matt
Long live the Big Bad Wolf

This park needs another coaster. I think it defiantly deserves it. I have been to this park 5 or 6 times this season, and a new coaster would defiantly be good for not having a new coaster since Titan.

Bolliger/Mabillard for President in '08 NOT Dinn/Summers

Acoustic Viscosity's avatar
Their lineup is pretty stellar the way it is. I'd rather they save the money and make Texas Giant great again.

AV Matt
Long live the Big Bad Wolf

Heck yeah! Work with what you have! The Shockwave is still one of the top steel coasters, I think anyway. Put a tunnel on it or something. For god's sake, give a GOOD paintjob, that can last. It's been so many HIDEOUS colors over the years...

The Texas Giant needs serious upgrades and TLC. The structure was damn flimzy from the get go. Talk to GCI or the guy who built Viper at Great America about sure-ing up that structure, and fix the track. And get a new set (or 3) of PTCs - maybe the new articulated ones?

Or geez.. add another 2000 feet to Titan! That ride has so much steam. Wasted on helices. Add some hills.. or something.

It's ashame that Six Flags has let lame cookie cutter rides come in (batman superman, etc etc.) and let things they could have worked with (Shockwave at Great America) go. That ride could have been re-worked like Steel Phantom, and been great. *** Edited 8/1/2007 2:48:58 AM UTC by J7G3***

I agree, It wouldn't hurt my feelings at all if they just took Giant out for an entire season, or even two, to bring it back to what it used to be.
^ I totally agree, I think the only people who ride it are the people who havent ridden it before or just want to give it another chance.

Bolliger/Mabillard for President in '08 NOT Dinn/Summers

Acoustic Viscosity's avatar
When I was there on a hot Saturday a couple of weekends ago, the line for Giant was only 30 minutes while Batman was predicted to be 2+ hours.

AV Matt
Long live the Big Bad Wolf

I wouldn't mind if they destroyed Giant. I don't think that park needs anymore coasters for awhile. They just need some refreshly painted rides again (Shockwave, La Vibrobra, Batman).
I agree that there is still some work to do, but they do need a new coaster, and I'm usually not the type to think a coaster every year is neccessary, 6 years is a pretty long drought, they need one, even if it isn't huge.

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