SFoT evacuated after fights break out

Welcome to Six Flags "Fight Fest", and no, I didn't come up with that one. Just ask anybody who was at SFA the second to the last day of the year last season like I was.
And all the innocent people who have their day end based on stupidity.

-Eric: Major Parks: SFNE(homepark), SFA,SFGADV,CP,BGE,BGA,Kennywood,and Sea World: Track record 65 different coasters ridden #1 is Millennium Force #2 is El Toro and than there are all the others

that was the shortest news article I have ever read.
You should've seen it last night I-Fan as there were a couple of fights(specifically over at Wild one) that broke out after a whole bunch of line jumpers got busted.
SAme thing happen at SFGADV tonight at Jackson. Just saw it on the news. I will post link when it comes up.!! MAD CRAZY!!!


BullGuy's avatar
Halloween always brings out the best in everyone.

Never Has Gravity Been So Uplifting.

Makes me glad that most parks have metal detectors nowadays...even though it pretty sad that that's what this world has come to.

Just a note...nothing like that at DP (as a freind put it to me, we only have morons in the summer).

I actually felt safer at a park like Busch or Cedar Point that didn't have metal detectors. I don't know why but I never feel safe at a SF park.


I know this has nothing to do with theme parks, but saturday night multiple fights broke out @ a local mall. Swarms of police officers were called and they had the K9's! It happened right at mall closing and they shut the theater down. Was saturday a full moon? LOL
I've never felt unsafe at any park ever. Then again I am a complete badass. Zing!

By the way, Halloween riots are great.

Down is the new up.
It's odd that at SFOG the re-entry gate doesn't have a metal detector. So that means a person can enter the park, get a hand stamp, go back out to the car to get a pipe bomb and bring it back in the park through the non metal detected re-entry gate. That's how easy it would be. I know because that's what I did (minus the pipe bomb of course). SFOG should take note of that if they really want to increase security.

It's pretty sad people can't go to an amusement park and not have a fight break out. Isn't that what you're trying to escape? Come on what's wrong with people today?

I survived a Japanese typhoon and the Togo flat ride of death!!!!!!
I'm suprised SFoT even has metal detectors! Everybody in Texas has a gun anyway, so what's the point?

Let'em take care of themselves and have a old-west style shoot-out. Maybe, just maybe, they'll take a few of those "innocent bystanders" out while they're at it :)

rOLLocOASt said:
I'm suprised SFoT even has metal detectors! Everybody in Texas has a gun anyway, so what's the point?

Yup, they sure do. And they are all displayed proudly in the back of their pick-up trucks on gun racks! :)

Seriously, this is crazy, all this in one weekend. I dont blame it on a full moon or halloween, thats just downright weird that all this happened at the same time.

And the weird thing about all of this that I almost got into a fight at the grocery store over a line jumper this week

To those people that tell me that "You Ohio State fans think your better than everyone." It's because we are. :)
I would like to take a moment out and say that even tho none of the news articles (also found at http://www.dfw.com/mld/dfw/news/local/states/texas/arlington/10062713.htm?1c and http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/ssistory.mpl/metropolitan/2876648 ) specifically come right out and say it, eye witness accounts say the fights were gang related.
Here is the link with Video!



Some people here would have you believe that fights ONLY happen at Six Flags parks! It's total BS!

Fights happen everywhere! Bars, Gyms, Grocery Store parking lots, unfortunately the media seems to report ANYTHING that happens at an amusement park, and they refuse to cover IMPORTANT things.

Like Coreo said, there was a fight at a local mall.

Halloween is a notorious time for treats, and tricks, and mischief! Mischief can include practical jokes that go wrong.

Last night while strolling thru SFA a kid knocked a cup of water out of his friends hand, it splattered on my grgoup of friends. I said "way to go a--hole" and continued on. THAT could have escalated into a fight! Would that have been six flags fault? no, It would have been mine for calling him names, and escalating what was simply a brief moment of rough play between two friends.

SFOT was closed a few mins early, not a whole night, nor 1/2 the day. I am sure the guests experienced little to no inconvenience by the closure, in fact I would assume many of the attendees were probably making their way to the gates already!

I also heard on this morning's news about the "near-riot" conditions that closed down SFGADV, but I can't seem to find anything on it in the web. If anyone finds an article or anything, please post it.

That would be odd if the same phenomenon occurred at two different parks at opposite ends of the country in the same weekend...


people put on masks and it makes them as brave as H@ll... it can also make them stupid. I don't blame 6Flags, (whatta first!)it could happen anywhere...

Great Lakes Brewery Patron...


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