Well, after living only 2 hours away for 30 years, I thought it would be about time that I go check this park out for the first time. After reading so many reviews of this park on this site, I kept my expectations very low.
Brian and I arrived at the park around noon (well, I should say the parking lot) as it seemed like it took about 30 minutes for us to park our car. After paying the ridiculous amount to park ($7), 5 lanes of traffic filtered into one lane leading to the parking area (I almost expected to see PennDOT construction barrels, as I felt like I was back on the Parkway East in Pittsburgh!)
After finally getting to our spot, we walked to the entrance gates (bypassing the ticket windows, since we had our free AOL tickets) They only had 2 gates open, with about 50 - 60 people trying to get in (Not even in the park, and I have yet to have even an inkling of a positive impresion!)
After entering, we needed to eat first. I was having a craving for "amusement park" food, but was disappointed to look around and see Pizza Huts, Subways, Mr. Hero's (If I had known this, I would have just ate somewhere on the turnpike) So we ate at the Mr. Hero's near Villain. ($8 for a
tiny burger, fries & drink - man, I
should have ate on the turnpike!)
Rather than doing a play by play, I'll just discuss this ride by ride...
The Villain: Man, this is a great coaster!!! Smooth, comfortable, fast and fun!! This one now ranks as my #1 woodie!! I just wish that the structure itself was made entirely of wood. I just could not get used to seeing a wood coaster, with steel supports. Outside of seeing the trains constantly stacked (2 train operation, mind you) I had no complaints about this coaster! If I could build a coaster in my backyard, this would be it!!
Batman: Knight Flight: This was next on our list. The line had streched onto the midway, as they had not opened the queue氀椀渀攀猀⸀ 吀栀攀 琀栀攀洀攀椀渀最 昀漀爀 琀栀攀 攀渀琀爀愀渀挀攀 栀愀搀 瀀漀琀攀渀琀椀愀氀Ⰰ 椀琀✀猀 樀甀猀琀 琀漀漀 戀愀搀 琀栀愀琀 琀栀攀 氀愀渀搀猀挀愀瀀椀渀最 眀愀猀 瘀攀爀礀 瀀漀漀爀 ⠀搀攀愀搀 琀爀攀攀猀 ☀ 猀栀爀甀戀猀Ⰰ 琀爀愀猀栀 椀渀 琀栀攀 洀愀爀猀栀 愀爀攀愀Ⰰ 攀琀挀⸀⸀⸀⤀ 䤀 欀攀瀀琀 渀漀琀椀挀椀渀最 琀栀爀漀甀最栀漀甀琀 漀甀爀 眀愀椀琀Ⰰ 琀栀愀琀 琀栀攀礀 眀攀爀攀 㰀椀㸀挀漀渀琀愀渀琀氀礀㰀⼀椀㸀 猀琀愀挀欀椀渀最 琀爀愀椀渀猀 ⠀愀最愀椀渀Ⰰ 漀渀氀礀 ㈀ 琀爀愀椀渀 漀瀀攀爀愀琀椀漀渀⸀⤀ 圀攀 洀愀搀攀 漀甀爀 眀愀礀 琀漀 琀栀攀 氀漀愀搀椀渀最 瀀氀愀琀昀漀爀洀Ⰰ 愀渀搀 眀愀猀 最爀攀攀琀攀搀 戀礀 琀漀琀愀氀 挀栀愀漀猀⸀ 吀栀攀礀 爀攀愀氀氀礀 渀攀攀搀 愀搀搀椀琀椀漀渀愀氀 爀椀搀攀 漀瀀✀猀 琀漀 挀漀渀琀爀漀氀 琀栀攀 渀甀洀戀攀爀 漀昀 瀀攀漀瀀氀攀 漀渀 琀栀攀 瀀氀愀琀昀漀爀洀℀ 圀攀 洀愀搀攀 漀甀爀 眀愀礀 琀漀 琀栀攀 ㌀爀搀 爀漀眀Ⰰ 愀猀 琀栀攀 最愀琀攀猀 挀氀漀猀攀搀 椀渀 昀爀漀渀琀 漀昀 甀猀Ⰰ 䤀 渀漀琀椀挀攀搀 琀栀愀琀 琀栀攀礀 漀渀氀礀 昀椀氀氀攀搀 ⼀㈀ 漀昀 琀栀攀 琀爀愀椀渀⸀ 䄀昀琀攀爀 猀椀琀琀椀渀最 琀栀攀爀攀 昀漀爀 㔀 洀椀渀甀琀攀猀 ⠀琀栀攀 琀爀愀椀渀⤀ 琀栀攀 漀瀀 搀攀挀椀搀攀搀 琀漀 漀瀀攀渀 琀栀攀 最愀琀攀猀 愀最愀椀渀 琀漀 昀椀氀氀 琀栀攀 爀攀猀琀 漀昀 琀栀攀 琀爀愀椀渀⸀ 䤀 渀漀琀椀挀攀搀 琀栀愀琀 琀栀攀爀攀 眀攀爀攀 ㈀ 攀洀瀀琀礀 猀攀愀琀猀 椀渀 琀栀攀 瘀攀爀礀 昀爀漀渀琀Ⰰ 眀栀椀挀栀 琀栀攀 最爀漀甀瀀 眀愀椀琀椀渀最 昀漀爀 椀琀 搀椀搀渀✀琀 眀愀渀琀 琀漀 搀椀瘀椀搀攀 甀瀀Ⰰ 猀漀 眀攀 栀漀瀀瀀攀搀 漀渀 ⠀氀甀挀欀礀 甀猀℀℀⤀ 吀栀攀 爀椀搀攀 椀猀 樀甀猀琀 眀栀愀琀 䤀 栀愀搀 攀砀瀀攀挀琀攀搀 愀 䈀☀䴀 琀漀 戀攀㨀 猀洀漀漀琀栀 昀椀爀猀琀 栀愀氀昀Ⰰ 愀渀搀 琀椀最栀琀 栀攀愀搀戀愀渀最椀渀最 椀渀瘀攀爀猀椀漀渀猀 漀渀 琀栀攀 猀攀挀漀渀搀 栀愀氀昀Ⰰ 樀甀猀琀 氀椀欀攀 䴀愀渀琀椀猀⸀ 㰀戀爀㸀 㰀戀爀㸀㰀戀㸀刀愀最椀渀最 圀漀氀昀 䈀漀戀✀猀㨀㰀⼀戀㸀 㰀戀爀㸀吀栀攀 漀渀氀礀 琀栀椀渀最 䤀 挀漀甀氀搀 猀愀礀 愀戀漀甀琀 琀栀椀猀 琀栀椀渀最Ⰰ 椀猀 椀琀 琀愀欀攀猀 琀栀攀 ⌀㌀ 瀀漀猀椀琀椀漀渀 漀昀 洀礀 洀漀猀琀 栀愀琀攀搀 挀漀愀猀琀攀爀猀 ⠀愀昀琀攀爀 匀琀攀攀氀 倀栀愀渀琀漀洀 愀渀搀 琀栀攀 愀昀漀爀攀洀攀渀琀椀漀渀攀搀 匀攀爀椀愀氀 吀栀爀椀氀氀攀爀⤀℀℀ 䈀爀椀愀渀 栀愀搀 琀漀氀搀 洀攀 琀栀愀琀 栀攀 眀愀猀 漀渀 琀栀椀猀 琀栀椀渀最 洀愀渀礀 礀攀愀爀猀 愀最漀 眀栀攀渀 椀琀 眀愀猀 渀攀眀Ⰰ 愀渀搀 琀栀漀甀最栀琀 椀琀 眀愀猀 愀 最爀攀愀琀 爀椀搀攀⸀ 䔀瘀攀渀 栀攀 眀愀猀 搀椀猀愀瀀瀀漀椀渀琀攀搀 琀漀 猀攀攀 琀栀愀琀 椀琀 眀愀猀 攀砀琀爀攀洀攀洀氀礀 爀漀甀最栀Ⰰ 愀渀搀 渀漀琀 瘀攀爀礀 眀攀氀氀 琀愀欀攀渀 挀愀爀攀 漀昀⸀ 㰀戀爀㸀 㰀戀爀㸀㰀戀㸀匀攀爀椀愀氀 吀栀爀椀氀氀攀爀㨀㰀⼀戀㸀 㰀戀爀㸀䤀 眀愀猀 攀砀瀀攀挀琀椀渀最 猀漀洀攀琀栀椀渀最 琀漀 琀栀攀 攀昀昀攀挀琀 漀昀 刀愀瀀琀漀爀Ⰰ 戀甀琀 洀愀渀Ⰰ 琀栀椀猀 琀栀椀渀最 爀攀愀氀氀礀 挀栀攀眀猀 礀漀甀 甀瀀Ⰰ 愀渀搀 猀瀀椀琀猀 礀漀甀 漀甀琀℀℀ 吀栀椀猀 眀愀猀 琀栀攀 猀攀挀漀渀搀 琀椀洀攀 椀渀 愀 眀攀攀欀 琀栀愀琀 䤀 栀愀搀 眀愀氀欀攀搀 漀昀昀 愀 挀漀愀猀琀攀爀 眀椀琀栀 愀渀 攀渀漀爀洀漀甀猀 栀攀愀搀愀挀栀攀Ⰰ 戀愀挀欀愀挀栀攀Ⰰ 愀渀搀 渀愀甀猀攀愀 ⠀匀琀攀攀氀 倀栀愀渀琀漀洀 眀愀猀 氀愀猀琀 眀攀攀欀⤀ 䤀昀 椀琀 眀愀猀渀✀琀 昀漀爀 琀栀攀 漀瘀攀爀猀椀稀攀搀 伀吀匀刀✀猀Ⰰ 琀栀攀 爀椀搀攀 眀漀甀氀搀 栀愀瘀攀 戀攀攀渀 洀愀爀最椀渀愀氀 愀琀 戀攀猀琀⸀ 吀栀攀 伀吀匀刀✀猀 瀀爀愀挀琀椀挀愀氀氀礀 爀甀椀渀攀搀 洀礀 攀渀琀椀爀攀 搀愀礀℀ 㰀戀爀㸀 㰀戀爀㸀㰀戀㸀匀甀瀀攀爀洀愀渀㨀 唀氀琀椀洀愀琀攀 䔀猀挀愀瀀攀㨀㰀⼀戀㸀 㰀戀爀㸀吀栀椀猀 琀栀椀渀最 眀愀猀 昀甀渀℀ 吀栀椀猀 眀愀猀 洀礀 昀椀爀猀琀 攀瘀攀爀 䰀䤀䴀 挀漀愀猀琀攀爀⸀ 䤀琀 猀漀爀琀 漀昀 戀爀漀甀最栀琀 戀愀挀欀 洀攀洀漀爀椀攀猀 漀昀 琀栀攀 搀攀昀甀渀挀琀 䰀愀猀攀爀 䰀漀漀瀀 愀琀 䬀攀渀渀礀眀漀漀搀 ⠀猀椀洀椀氀愀爀 ∀椀洀瀀甀氀猀攀∀ 挀oncept.) Knowing that this is an Intamin, I knew that we would not be disappointed. Only complaint was (again) lack of crowd control on the loading platform.
Big Dipper: Closed...
Double Loop, Mind Eraser & Road Runner Exp.: Decided to skip these rides..
The park in general: SFO is a park that
could potentially be a really good park. If only they could train their staff to be friendly, and not stack trains, this would greatly improve the SFO experience. By and large, this park is not equipped to handle the capacity of crowds they accomodate. The midways are far too narrow, a general "flow" of the park seems to be lacking as well. The food service is much less than stellar, as I would recommend visitors to eat outside of the park.
The Villain is the
only thing that would bring me back to the park in the future. Like Jeff stated earlier
"...I constantly ask myself why three great rides have to be in such an evil place." I must agree with you 100%!
Pittsburgh, PA