SFNO Buyout rumor??

I agree that SFNO desperately needs a water park. I date back to Pontchartrain Beach days, and the pattern there was simple. The pool and beach during the day with maybe a round of miniature golf. (We didn't have fancy waterparks back then.) Then, in the evening the amusement park would pick up.

New Orleans like Houston and Dallas is probably just cool enough to not qualify as a year around park area. The winter there tends to be damp and chilly.

Since Busch sponsers almost everything in St Louis, I would think selling the St. Louis park to Busch would be the most logical choice, but didn't Busch say something about not wanting anything to do with the new amusement parks in the future?

Down is the new up.
Six Flags got the park for a steal. Throw in the convinent second-hand B:TR that went on the market and the whole ride exchange thing going on and you're looking at a park that's cost Six Flags nothing short of a bargain.

I'd expect a seasonal park of its size, with around the million mark for attendance to be making a fairly reasonable profit. Logic would tell me to hold onto it for a few years and at least milk it for all it's worth. If they're still in the trouble that they are a few years down the track, then maybe look at selling it if, but even then they'd probably get at least ten times what they paid for the place (before they went about Flagging it).

While I can certainly see Six Flags willing to sell any of its second tier parks at the right price I can't see Cedar Fair looking to buy in while it still is another season or two away from integrating Geauga Lake into its park family.

Six Flags was the chain that went on a buying spree and all it got was a bottom-heavy balance sheet.

Pete's avatar
During the Cedar Fair conference call today, they said that if a good opportunity came along, they have the funding and management team in place to buy another park.

I'd rather be in my boat with a drink on the rocks, than in the drink with a boat on the rocks.

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