SFNE recreation posted on Roller Coaster Pro

Hey XFan here again, remmy when I told u guys about my SFNE recreatoin posted on RCTStation, well it is now posted on Roller Coaster Pro, check it out, on the headline:

SFNE's Superman's the best!

*** This post was edited by XFan on 3/12/2002. ***

I had seen your one once before, good job. I liked it quite a bit.

Jon-Give me a dollar-Visit my bands website-http//www.geocities.com/wildcardska/home.html

could you email SF New England to me, because the download is not working on the site, it is giving me SF over texas.


Check your Email, Flying Dutchman

SFNE's Superman's the best!

XFan, can I post your recreation on my new site. Full credit will be given to you.

SFNE drops the "floor" on SFNE for 2002! Visit my new site, www.geocities.com/sfneguide for some great pics of SFNE and lots of other info.!!!

Sure, check your email.

SFNE's Superman's the best!

OK, I've posted it. If you want the description changed in any way just e-mail me or respond in this post.

SFNE drops the "floor" on SFNE for 2002! Visit my new site, www.geocities.com/sfneguide for some great pics of SFNE and lots of other info.!!!

You could put my name next to "XFan". Thanks
My name is Chris Brucker.
SFNE's Superman's the best!
Is that the one with double paths?

Cedar Point gets "twisted for 2002"
Great Escape gets "screwed for 2002"

Its paths are a lot wider than that, but they aren't peep friendly (beast train v2.3 was not used).

formally known as Flying DutchMan, Alpengiust is the best!

I'll get right on that XFan. It'll be up tomorrow:)

SFNE drops the "floor" on SFNE for 2002! Visit my new site, www.geocities.com/sfneguide for some great pics of SFNE and lots of other info.!!!

Thanks, SFNE Freak

SFNE's Superman's the best! check out my new photo in my info page.

My SFNE recreation is now posted on Coasternet, with 10 screenshots.

SFNE's Superman's the best! check out my new photo in my info page.

Someone needs to update Cyclone and the North End but thee rest was pretty good.
What kind of changes on Cyclone, I can fix it.

SFNE's Superman's the best! check out my new photo in my info page.

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