SFNE Fable: How the heroes saved 9/15

Associated parks:

It was a crummy , drizzle type of day in the suburbs of Boston. Everyone of its inhibitants seemed dour and depressed. They all needed a way to relieve their stress.

So they looked for relief from a man cloaked in a sheet who is infamous for airtime galore. Come one and come all, you airtime whores, for the fun was found in a place called Six flags New England.

For in this glorious realm of thrills, the man capable of gigantic bounds is always easily found due to the screams heard from miles around.

But the man of super strength was not alone, he had a partner in crime, one that will probably be cloned. This venerable Dark Knight gives the super fellow a mighty hand in catching the villains, given his propensity for a command in smooth swooping agility. His aerial acrobatics were crafted by the B&M masters assuring the SFNE followers that they will never by a disaster.

And on this day, even the service was roughly okay. For not one nasty comment or even the sight of vomit was existant in the park. So has the cloudy day became even darker, and the patrons proceded towards the exit. The two heroes were put to rest for their best was still to come, for the ghouls and goblins of FrightFest would soon give them quite a test!!!

But thou knight is not a mighty one. B:DK's legacy, of which grew short, has fallen below the power of thou Medusa. Thy power of floorless is rare amongst the villagers, but thy power is to little use when thy power is short and graceful.

Lake Compounce-So Fresh and So Clean Clean

Hey what you speak of is the honest truth, yet short and graceful is nothing to be ashamed of in any realm:) It is all about the experience.
What are you talking about...this is by far the...strangest TR i've ever read...

Im the #1 Canobie Lake Park Fan!!!These are my top 3 coasters:
1. S:RoS @ SFNE 2. Yankee Cannonball 3. Cyclone/B:TDK

...and yet really interesting to read.

Top 5 Steel: #1 Millenium Force #2 Phantom's Revenge #3 Ice Dragon #4 Incredible Hulk #5 Wild Thing
Top 5 Wood #1 Viper #2 Thunderbolt #3 Timberwolf #4 Outlaw #5 Screaming Eagle

You people are weird. I wanted to read a TR and not this garbage.


Six Flags New England World


Im the #1 Canobie Lake Park Fan!!!These are my top 3 coasters:
1. S:RoS @ SFNE 2. Yankee Cannonball 3. Cyclone/B:TDK

How is it garbage? Just because it's "different", doesn't mean it's garbage. He just wrote it in a different way, and let his imagination fly. So what if it doesnt rate the coasters or go into much detail.

I lost my hat on Poison Ivy. How pathetic.

Hey thanks for the compliment, Superman:Kid of Steel, thats exactly what I was trying to do: add something original instead of the rather mundane listing of rides and events of the day. Most people already know about the rides at SFNE, it just becomes redoudant after a while when all the reports are the same. sometimes telling a exaggerrated story and using your imagination isn't for everyone but hopefully some people will get a kick out of it.

That is the most original trip report I have ever read. It is great to read something new and different than the same old I rode this and this and this. Thank you for mixing things up a little and hopefully starting a trend.

"Enjoy your voyage to the sun on the wings of Apollos Chariot"

Here here! Thanks for that refreshing tale. I don't usually read TR's, but the title of this one caught my attention. Nice work.
-Matt in Iow***

*** This post was edited by Matt Scott on 9/23/2002. ***

SFNE Dude said:

You people are weird. I wanted to read a TR and not this garbage.


Six Flags New England World

You need to get out more. There is more to life than bashing a pretty cool TR

Kick The Sky's avatar
Awesome trip report! Nice to know we have some literary types around here! :)

Bob Hansen

A proud CoasterBuzz Member

Operation Wicked Twister - Goal: Lose 50 lbs by next season to ride it! (updates soon)

boblogone's avatar
This trip report brought to you by SFMD (Six Flags Marketing Department). Remember, often the advertising trailers are better than the films. Fortunatley that is not the case with S:RoS.

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