SFNE April 20th

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Well, I've been waiting for this day since I first heard about the new coaster..Can't beleive it went by so fast..anyway on with the day:

We arrive at the park [Me, Friends] notice we are staring right into B:TDK..this coaster sure is small..but its very pretty and quite intense. Anyway, we get inside the park..and head to..SROS, This coaster is a drug, We all needed it first thing...we started down to the stairs to find a line that hasnt even been allowed in the que area yet..why?? also..after 20 mins..they just start testing the trains...why.at thispoint..we werent even waiting in line anymore..we were in the niclely themed B:TDK line, we also noticed that only one train on SROS was running [I already knew] Well..thats ok..I mean..its not like they had ALL DAMN OFF SEASON!

anyway.Batman's theming is no IOA..but it will do for SF. Now after 1 hour of waiting..they FINALLY decided that maybe one train isnt a good idea...so they put on train 2, WTF took them so long? then after they did that..they test both trains over and over...while that damn Batman music plays over and over and over again. It's not like they had all morning..so..its ok. The ride was fast..intense..the zero G roll was terrific! Loads of airtime. Rode 2 times, front and back. The front was quite rough..the back was alot smoother. overall I give it a 9. After this we headed toCyclone..to find second trim brake in place....UGHHHH...but at least some was re tracked..didnt notice any improvent, still bone jarring..and a "b**ch slap from the devil a my friend says [lmao] Its still a good ride but SF dosnt seem like they will ever leave this thing alone..

After this we grabbed a bite to eat and the Good VS. Evil Caffe had a cheeseburger and Pepsi ect. after this we hit Thunderbolt [the line for SROS was ungodly] After a 15 min wait we got onboard, This coaster...was the smoothest coaster Ive ever been on..I mean Ive ridden it many times before...but this year it seemed to be floating above the track minus the loud screching noises.I was shocked it was as smooth as SROS..no joke!

We decided to Skip Mind Eraser..No need o a headache on a day like this..after this we got int the Season pass photo line..*shudders* OMG this line was unbeleiveable..and SLOW It took about 2 hours to get to the place..the most boring 2 hours at a park ever! Then it started to rain..ohh joyy!! cold bored and wet! after the Photo we went to scream. The line was pretty short due to people leaving because of the rain. Nice ride..great veiw..and really intense. next was another ride On Batman this time front and a 20 min wait..very rough! gahh...nothing like the back! I wa not impressed with my font seat ride much except for the nice flying effect. after this We got some Pizza/Pasta then heade over to SROS for ourlast rides..line wasnt too bad it was at least an hour wait..and during this hour wait it seemed a few teens about my age or little older about 17 decided to play truth or Dare..well..things got a bit crazy..before you know it you got someone standing before the line on a trash barrel mooning the crowd! These guy's GF's didnt seem to want to follow in their Footsteps.. :(

Oh well...at least they stripped down a bit and danced around in there nice tight ..Oh wait this is about SROS..ohh yeah My mind kind of wandered there ..anyway we got around the back seat..and we were off...It was AWESOME..There is nothing like this fine coaster at night! UNBELEIVEABLE!..rode 2 times.

well that was my day..I'll be going again in 2 weeks..maybe I wont get mooned this time..

*** This post was edited by sfne guy on 4/22/2002. ***

I should also add that every single ride I went on sombody smoked in line..so annoying..there should be employs watching out for that.

*** This post was edited by sfne guy on 4/22/2002. ***

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