SFNE 7/7/04 (First HH Visit EVER)

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Well i wanted to get to the park early and i got there @ 9:30. We waited about 25 minutes to get into the park. We finally get in and get a Gold Q-Bot.

It was me, my two best friends, and one of their girlfriends.

So we pay $75 for 4 people and we're off into the EMPTY park. Was very odd to say the least. Superman ALL DAY had a wait of no more then 5 minutes except after 6 when it broke down and they took out the red train and everyone was leaving Hurricane Harbor and going to the rides.

Anyway the park today was great, sweepers everywere, nice staff, clean restaraunts, bathrooms were being mopped and cleaned alot. i give the park a 9.5/10 today, very nicely run in my opinion.

Food - Of course ate @ my favorite place Big Ben's and got a awsome sandwich, and it was actually quite hot! food easily gets a 9/10.

Closed rides: TiMe WaRp (STILL), Twister, Double Trouble (But i saw a mechanic unscrewing something on the side thats ALWAYS CLOSED), AND FROM what I saw thats all that was closed, Rodeo opened around noon, and i didnt see any ride breakdowns.

Scrambler has reopened, so has the classic Wave Swinger which I rode and was good, but i like Canobies better.

Coaster Capacity/notes: Mind Eraser opened around 11ish and only operating w/ Teal Train
Cyclone had one train op all day
Thunderbolts red train has 1/2 the seats removed and laying on top of the train itself, but I'm glad to see its in the station now...
Superman was running two trains till it broke down around 6ish when the red got stuck on the lift, it was removed...Ran flawless up untill that point though, B:DK had both trains operating with the usual stacking.

Now I'm going to start off chronologically which rides we went on first etc etc.

First ride of the day was Thunderbolt, The line was a 4 minute wait and i said lets get a quick ride, without Q-bot mind you and it was running great, FRONT ROW, not much air in the front but great SMOOTH ride. We rode it twice and the second time was the middle and it gave great airtime!! Something about this ride has vastly improved as it is a great ride now. 9/10

We then go to S:RoS! Total rides: 6
Great ride ops and there were 2 on each side checking restraints and going very quickly might i add, the other train was stacked no more then 20 seconds. At one point As soon as the red hit the brakes the blue was off, so there doing a great job, but still stapling like hell. Line was SHORT, in the station all day till 6ish when it broke down and they removed the red train. 9.5/10

After our S:RoS Fix we decide lets go hit Blizzard River and cyclone...

We stop @ Flashback and it ended up being the only ride on it of the day, wasnt as bad as last time...7/10

Then was Cyclone, Again NO LINE and we didnt use Q-bots and rode in the very back, then later the front. Both were equally rough if you can believe it. Trims were ON and it was quite painful, I hate to say it but they need to do something with that ride. I'm glad the annoying screech wasnt present today. Ride gets a dismal 6/10, And it could use paint, and some of the blue boards have been replaced with unpainted wood...blah...

We find out Blizzard River opens @ 12 so we didnt ride it @ the that time. We did however ride it twice later in the day. Very fun, Second ride got me soaked as I got hit by the two waterfalls in a row. Kinda sucked, I was wet from 6 till i got home actually which was @ like 10...

We decided to hit Crack Axle Canyon, I love the themeing by the way. Bumper Cars had no line as it was early and it was fun but somewhat short cycle. Then we go to Tomohawk which was great and HOUDINI, which was also fun. Then we ate...

After eating we decide lets go to Hurricane Harbor, so we go to my car and get everything and we're off to HH, my first time. I'm not 100% on names but this is what i did...

After spending 25 minutes looking for my friggen locker, i got ready. First off the waterpark is absolutly BEAUTIFUL. Only bad thing is on hooks lagoon which is the first thing i went to and waited for the bucket, the bucket says island kingdom on it.
Anyway...We went on the blue slide, which was between the two blue ones, quite intense and scary, Then I went on Shark Attack? The purple slide. Lots of waterfalls. Then we went to the blue/orange striped slide and we all went together, quite fun but short. Tornado's line was huge so we skipped unfortuanatly, and we also went on a kiddie blue enclosed slide which was pretty good, also went on the lazy river that i never even knew existed, and then finally we went in the Wave Pool. Pretty good 2 1/2 hours spent, much better then i would of thought. After HH we hit B:DK...

Only ride of the day, middle, pretty good but always stacking and, gets boring...7/10...

We didnt ride a lot of coasters (Mind Eraser, Great Chase, Poison Ivy) or a lot of bigger rides (SCREAM, chaos, Collosus, nightwing, Poland Springs Plunge)

We went on Buzzsaw which of course was good and Ship Wreck Falls, not a fan of the seat belts, but not THAT inconvienient.

I'm pretty sure that covers everything and the weather was perfect, a great day @ a great park, and a greatly themed water park aswell. Thanks for reading...M/M

#1 Canobie Lake Park Fan!!! M/M's top 10 coasters: 1. S:RoS @ SFNE 2. Boulder Dash 3. Montu 4. Yankee Cannonball 5. Kumba 6. Gwazi 7. Mind Eraser 8. Thunderbolt (SFNE) 9. Cyclone (SFNE) 10. B:DK

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