SFNE 7/30

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I went to SFNE today and it was my least favorite visit but still a great time. Only slept 1 1/2 hours but i was full of energy all day

Got to the park @ 945 and got tickets and waited on main street near the Gazebo for the park to open. The cartoon dance was...diffrent...anyways park opened @ 1005 and everyone started to run for superman but two officers were waiting were the wheel chair entrance to DC comics is and people grouped there...The cops or security guided the huge crowd to Superman...another line infront of the building because we werent allowed in rite away. Finally we're let in the que and I waited around 15 mins for the back seat on Superman

10/10 Probably my best ride on it...It was flying and around midday car 5 was closed off due to excess speed and the ride was stuck on the lift for a good 15 mins while i was in line...But of course waited out and rode in car 8...another great ride but last seat is best. Never had so much airtime...i was speechless..

After Superman I usually go to B:DK/ME but this time I went to the North End. Rode Shipwreck falls..no line...getting pretty wet @ 1030 is pretty cool...8/10 Nothing beats Canobies Boston Tea Party which gets you soaked...Anyways...Then I rode the GREAT CHASE for the first time ever...3 min. wait...6/10 Nice coaster for what its supposed to be...a mini family coaster but I think it should of cycled twice...and the girl operating the ride called me fat...anyway...

Then rode Flashback which was a walk on...nice ride as usual 7/10...Rode in very last row...Then headed to TimeWarp which was closed All day...Still never rode it...I'm a little upset...Then headed to Cyclone which had no more then 20 people in line all in station...I was very suprised...Later on the rides line was huge so I only rode once. I rode in the last seat and wow...CRAZY INTENSE ROUGH woodie...Just how I like it....But only 1 part was bad when i smashed my hand against the train I think i had my hands up and they were forced down and I hit something and have a bump on my hand...7.5/10...Most people including the one who I rode with wouldnt like the coaster because it will murderlize you...After that headed to Crack Axle Canyon...rode the bumper cars for the first time...3 times and no line. GREAT THEMING...then went to Houdini's escape...first time ever and nice fun ride 8/10...Then Tomahawk one of my favorite flats 8/10 and then headed to check out the ThunderBolt line...packed and was packed all day as was scream so didnt ride either unfortuanatly...Went to Eat @ Good & Evil...then after that went to Kontiki which is a chance flying bobs...7/10...then Collosus...the 150 foot Ferris wheel which finally opened earlier this month after being closed two years...Then went to B:DK which I only got to ride once today cause the line was enourmous...35 min wait...when last time I went it was a walk on - 5 min wait... 7/10 Nice ride but not intense whatsoever...Then rode chaos...7/10..when the ride was over me and my friend couldnt get out...the restraints got stuck and we had to wait for maintenence...I asked the ride op does this occur often and he said probably every other day and sometimes the car stoped and stays stuck upside down...Freaky...Mind Eraser was next but didnt ride it because the line was as big as i've ever seen it and well...For anyone who thinks this coaster will be removed has another thing coming...it has one of the bigest lines in the park and was running two trains...VERY POPULAR with the GP...uh...then went back to superman and line was an hour so didnt ride it...till later when it broke down while in line...so then when the day was coming to an end after my superman ride we went to TWISTER 8/10 then BUZZSaw 10/10 my favorite flat and then Double Trouble...still only one side is working 6/10...and then Buzzsaw for my last ride of the day...Overall 8/10

good day but it was sooooo crowded...i've never seen it this packed...and it was a WEDNESDAY! Food 8/10 Cheeseburger was kinda small but Dippin Dots and ice cream cone were great...staff 6/10 kind of slow on many rides and one called me overweight in a way...but in essense it isnt even true...Anyways thanks for reading...

#1 Canobie Lake Park Fan!!! My top 7 coasters:
1. S:RoS @ SFNE 2. Montu 3. Yankee Cannonball 4. Kumba 5. Gwazi 6. Cyclone (SFNE) 7. B:DK

Don't you have to be under 54" to ride Great Chase?

Top 3
1-S:RoS @ SFNE
2-Boulder Dash
3-Yankee Cannonball

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