SFNE 5/31- Tornadoes, Hail, and Crowds-OH MY!!!

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WELL! Having SFNE as my home park has taught me to put up with *ANYTHING* after this. Got to the park at 3:30 despite the weather forecast. Crowds were INSANE-mainly due to the school music competitions held there today. Got in line for Batman...broke down and was fixed as I left, AWWW!!!! Then I went to SROS, too long of a wait. Got on Flashback after a 20 min. wait and got kicked off after a severe storm warning had been issued. Went to SROS to get in the line outside the entrance for when they would open the ride back up. As the storms got closer, we hudled under the S:RoS sign to get out of the rain. Wasn't too bad, until they told us THE TERRIBLE news!!! ANOTHER storm was headed in and would be there in 10 mins. so they couldn't open the ride. We go to Poison Ivy and got stuck!!! What a bummer. Then the storm hit. Well, I geuss the following really shows how crazy some of us are. Myself, my friends, and 20 or so college kids, and a few School band kids were hudled in the entrance to S:RoS screaming/singing '100 Bottles of Beer on the Wall!" over and over to pass time. The ride ops. loved it and it kept them entertained. They even told us to seek shelter cause a tornado warning had been issued and a tornado had been sighted not too far away. We still stayed. We sang and sang until half the people left. Then we just ran around in huge garbage bags (punched holes in them as they acted like ponchos) that the clean-up staff gave us for protection from the rain. We danced and played in the *POURING* rain while it hailed and while very strong gusts of wind blew. By now it was 7:30 and as we made our way to the entrance, the sun came out. WOULDN'T YA KNOW IT!!!! Eh, oh well. You win some, you lose some. Having attended B:TDK Media Day and SFNE being my home park, I have ridden B:TDK and S:RoS, and the other rides, enough to not care too much about a day like today. Sure was an interesting visit. Probably the worst in terms of rides, but one of the most fun -no doubt! Amazing how parks can be fun even if rides aren't a priority.

Make it to SFNE for S:Ros and BDK!!!!

*** This post was edited by CoasterGuy on 5/31/2002. ***

P.S. I'll be back tomorrow!!! (I'll be in my Boulder Dash shirt if anyone wants to say Hi to me!)

Make it to SFNE for S:Ros and BDK!!!!

Man first Kennywood gets hit by a tornado and now SFNE, I sure hope not to have a tornado hit while I'm at SFA on june 8th.

LOL!!! that was hillarious!! why cant intresting things happen to me? but of course, kings dominion would have the park evacuated immediatly with the security guards screaming not to run.

glad to hear that you all didnt get hurt by the storm. but running around in garbage bags singing "100 bottles of beer on the wall!"?? LOL....funny stuff here in the coaster world!

Yes, Coasterdude-we were desperate to have some type of entertainment. What a great time though. I really didn't think it was possible to have fun during a tornado-class thunderstorm at an amusement park. But what are ya going to do, you know? I mean yes, no rides, but I had fun, and isn't that the whole point of going to an amusement park?

Make it to SFNE for S:Ros and BDK!!!!

Well, I went again today. What an awesome visit. 2 laps on S:RoS, 7 (yes, seven) on BDK, and 1 ride on all the other major coasters (not including T-Bolt, Poison Ivy, or Rolling Thunder-Kiddie coaster). Kind of crowded, but hey, who cares. That's June for ya. Got on a few flats, too. Overall, a great visit.

Make it to SFNE for S:Ros and BDK!!!!

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