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Got to the park at 9:45 and everyone was already in the park. My friend needed his pass to be processed and he wited only 20 minutes!!! We then went straight to BDK and they had it closed for maintenance. They were doing something on the brake run. We rode Mind Eraser twice, and I have to say that this ride has gotten smoother over the winter. We then checked out S:RoS, which seemes to be breaking down every minute. We went out to Cyclone and Flashback and got walk-ons on both. It was as if we had the park to ourselves up there! Got a few rides on that awesome flat ride, Time Warp. We then went to check out BDK and they were testing it. A large line had formed outside the area, however they announced they had no clue when it would open. After 5 minutes, my friend and I, as well as 20 others were the only people in line, and wouldn't you know it, they opened it. After riding that, we got in a line for SROS, and waited a mere hour (one train, I was surprised) for it. After munching on a chicken salad for lunch, we hit up Thunderbolt, got on a few flats, rode BDK two more times (this time with 2 trains), as well as SROS two more times. All in all, rode almost every flat ride there, 1 ride on Cyclone, T-Bolt, Flashback, 3 BDK, 3 SROS. Sunny, beautiful weather and low crowds. A picture perfect day at SFNE!
Sounds sweet, glad you had fun. The Superman 2nd train should be on the tracks in 1-2 months, they ordered one from Intamin and it hasn't arrived yet

Why ride rough coasters when you can ride smooth ones?
1.Medusa-SFGAdv 1.Batman:The Chiller 1.Mo

coasterguy, what were you wearing? maybe i saw you around.

"Take me with you. I want to climb the 208' of Superman, hurl through five inversions on Batman, and freefall 20 stories on Scream. I don't throw up....I can entertain in long lines!!"

Great tr... I also went there on today. Yes once they get two trains on Superman life will be much better. But what really bothered me was they only had one train running on Batman for half the day. They finally put the second one on at 3. Six Flags operations sometimes baffles me with their stupidity. Oh well, it was still a fun day.
I was wearing a gray t-shirt with yellow sleeves and khaki pants. ALSO! Some info. on SROS. I saw the trains there. The red cars are all there next to the warehouse.

Make it to SFNE for S:Ros and BDK!!!!

SFNE is awesome this year, the atmosphere is as good as I can remember. The addition of Batman has really made this feel like a big time park. If they ever get that second train up on S:ROS, I think this will be the best year in the park history, both in attendence and the also the way people feel about the park.
I was surprised that until 3pm, Mind Eraser was the only coaster running 2 trains. After that, only BDK and Mind Eraser had 2 train operation. Thunderbolt's second train should be used, but only if the loading crew is fast enough to handle that. Also, it would be nice to have Cyclone run 2 trains, despite the short lines. I believe once every coaster there that has the ability to run 2 train operation, actually does use 2 trains frequently, lines will move very, very quickly. It would also be nice to have all 3 Scream! towers running, however one seems to always be closed for maintenance.

Make it to SFNE for S:Ros and BDK!!!!

Well, the trains have been there for a while, I believe a friend told me mid-February. It baffles me why they haven't put it on yet. Erik from TPNE has said that it won't be on 'til Memorial Day when they start daily operation. I think I noticed something on the brake run that didn't look too good on last Sunday when I visited. I was standing in line and noticed a farely small gap where the track disconnects to slide over to the train storage shed. The road wheels were handling it fine, but I could feel a little bump in that spot when I rode it.Maybe thats what they were fixing??

SFNE drops the "floor" on SFNE for 2002! Visit my new site, www.geocities.com/sfneguide for some great pics of SFNE and lots of other info.!!!

So SFNE's Mind eraser was smooth as well?I was rather surprised to find SFA's Mind eraser to be relatively smooth and shocked to find S:ROS to be on the rough side.I sure hope we can get a clone of B:TDK at SFA real soon.
Why all of a sudden everyone wants clones? That's what makes coasters unique and actually helps us get up to the other parks. With BKF it encourges us "coaster enthusiasts" to travel a little distance to ride that particular coaster. If a boomerange coaster were to appear new at a particular park we would'nt be all that excited to go ride it. Take superman: Ultimate Flight at SFOG. People are traveling from all over to get down and ride it, plus it has me encourged to drive down from Pennslyvania to Atlanta to ride it. Now, if that was a boomerang or SLC clone would I be that excited to go to Atlanta? No, I wouldn't.
Coaster Ken, only one person said they would like a clone, how did you figure everyone wants one? If a coaster is good, whats wrong with cloning it? Its cheaper and you are sure to get as good of a ride as the pre-existing one.
You were lucky. We chose last week to go on Sunday. We couldn't even go due to the rain (yes, we called the park, and a rather annoyed lady told me that the park was open, but none of the outdoor rides were running). Oh well, i'll have to wait one more weekend.

BTW - does anyone know the deal with the 2nd train on Superman? Are they going to fix it, or won't they due to the accident last year? If that ride has to run on one train for the summer, it would totally kill the capacity. I've waited up to 3 hours for that ride with one train.

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